Puzzles and Dragons


Molten Core Raider
Do you have anything that could HP boost a mono dark team? That's what I use to reliably run Two Heroes. Luci-cannon on Highlander makes the boss fight an easy grind.

Anyone in group B? Facebook is telling me that lucky group B folks are currently experiencing 24 hour Pengdra Village. Anyone confirm?
Yes, but I'm too busy to take advantage of it.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Does anyone know if the KitKat Android thing is over? Found a couple of packages in my pantry and when I tried to input the code it just loops around to the front page.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Does anyone know if the KitKat Android thing is over? Found a couple of packages in my pantry and when I tried to input the code it just loops around to the front page.
You mean the Nexus 7 contest? The codes are good until the end of this month.

NoScript/Ghostery issue, maybe?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
It was like special android packages of KitKat that had a code you would put in on android.com/kitkat and win like $5 of Google play money. I got like $10 from it. The KitKats were 3/$1 at walgreens.

Ah official rules do say end of this month..https://www.hersheys.com/kitkat/android/Promotion/Rules

Maybe it is a no script thing, thought I tried water Fox, ie, and chrome. I want more $ $ bils

Blah every time I try to log on it says you've already entered today!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Some of this guy's videos are impressive. He takes unleveled unevo'd underpowered teams/leads in with a high power helper and does descends. Here he's doing twinlits with unevolved Zeus and a bunch of unevolved helpers.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ao, Int, and/or anyone else with a high level D/D Hades: Can you put him up around 5PM EDT if you see this?

I need to do two runs of the Ephemeris dungeon back to back (first one will level me) to get Nebradisk fodder, and I'd prefer to go in with 80% dark resist rather than 50% + Luci.


I have a short trip coming to the US and apparently my iPad can make videos now... what sort of PAD video do you guys want to see?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Ao, Int, and/or anyone else with a high level D/D Hades: Can you put him up around 5PM EDT if you see this?

I need to do two runs of the Ephemeris dungeon back to back (first one will level me) to get Nebradisk fodder, and I'd prefer to go in with 80% dark resist rather than 50% + Luci.
Will do, if Valk is up I am probably doing a quick Satan but will change asap.

Also Busty'd my other Hades so have a D/L one now too. Debating using my other Yomi for a D/D one or Awakenings.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have a short trip coming to the US and apparently my iPad can make videos now... what sort of PAD video do you guys want to see?
Been clamoring for some Anubis videos for like 8 months=P But that was before we discovered Paprika. Personally I'd like to see Kirin or U&Y doing descends if that's an option.


Debating using my other Yomi for a D/D one or Awakenings.
Awakenings are super easy with twinlit dungeon coming around...

Pulling another Yomi would cost you AT LEAST 5 stones... You would be better off spending those 5 stones on twinlit stam/continues for tamadra. Don't feed for awakening!


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah yeah, I know you're right =) Kind of irrelevant as I just checked and actually have two extra Yomi though


<WoW Guild Officer>
Awakenings are super easy with twinlit dungeon coming around...

Pulling another Yomi would cost you AT LEAST 5 stones... You would be better off spending those 5 stones on twinlit stam/continues for tamadra. Don't feed for awakening!
Unless you're like me and have 3 Yomis. Because fuck you REM RNG.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Finally got my Satan(YAY KIRIN!), but as always I managed to do something super retarded first.

See, last night I was planning out my team and when I decided I needed a heartmaker to stall I put Sirin in place of my Siegfried/Golem spot. And since this made my HP real low I swapped Luci in my Valk spot, not like I was gonna be breaking hearts anyways. So I step in and start fighting. Takes me 4 combos to realize why Kirin wasn't triggering, Valk was my green...

Pretty much smooth sailing once I plugged Valk back in though. Stalling wasn't too bad, and the only longish cooldown in the squad was Yomi at 20 and I managed to get her up with 3 turns left on Hades. 2 mini gravities on Satan plus 3(I think) Kirin combos and he was dead with a turn left before delay wore off. Yay me.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I've got to clean out some box space so going to list some monsters and see if anyone can come up with a reason to hang on to them. Mostly it'd be for low cost / technical / special circumstances...

BAO Catwoman multiples
BAOFirefly (I have no Hino to care about skill ups, and have Angling in case)
Rowdy Red Samurai (already have two max skill Titan)
Mid Fire Ninja
Low Fire Ninja
BAO Grundy (have other resolve options, but only one Grundy... May as well keep)
Neneko (have no blue ninja for the skill ups and only a couple of these)
Low Water Ninja
Fafnir (this one is a plus egg which I think is more valuable than the card itself)
Dragonettes (again plus eggs that may be worth more to feed)
Mid Wood Ninja
Low Wood Ninjas
GC Crab
ECO Tinies
AB Yellow Bird Chuck (keep for other Call skill ups?)
Shugen Demon, Shouken
Low Light Ninja
ECO Dumpty
Shugen Demon, Jyaki

Probably can feed / sell / delete most without trouble. But last time I sold things that would have been helpful on Tengu and the other conditional.

There really is no reason for me to like this stupid game as much as I do. And the sad thing is I like the inventory management, skill up, evolving, REM stuff more than the actual puzzle part.
Managed to snag 2 Satans, both fairly easy 0 stone Robin/Robin teams with the highest HP/ATK I could muster. Not sure I'll ever use him, but it's nice to have.

I also have loads of junk in my box that I'll likely never use, but keep just in case I need to make some completely fucked up team for some strange conditional dungeon that doesn't exist.


Keep this... junk the rest:

BAO Catwoman - feed to self and hope for skillup, keep just in case
Rowdy Red Samurai - Keep and skillup when bored
BAO Grundy - 50% Resolve with orb change... keep.
Fafnir - never know if they will get looked at again...
Dragonettes - not sure what card this is.. similar to fafnir
GC Crab - dunno
AB Yellow Bird Chuck - keep... nice skill and zombie stats...
Some general things about keeping stuff in your box...

If it came from REM, keep it.
Strange skill, Keep it.
Low Team cost, keep it.
Low rarity, keep it.
Rare Color/Skill combo, keep it.

The current conditionals are 4 star, 5 star, 10cost, 12 cost, and color...

I would not be surprised to see HP, Lvl, and type dungeons in the future.


Silver Squire
A year late to the party, just started the other day, is the info in the OP regarding starter REM still relevant a year later?

On my Nexus 7 I have an Isis+1 and doing pretty good with that group. on my IOS i've been rerolling trying to get something better. Best I got so far was Megalodran. Wondering if I should have kept him :/


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Nah don't keep the Mega. Isis really isn't that bad a starter and is about to get upgraded (but a pretty big investment for a starter player to get her to 4x) so I'd say stay with it if you are having fun and are willing to save up your stones and roll during Godfests. About the only thing you could 'reliably' be going for with the Floral Carnival right now is Bastet or Kushinade.