Puzzles and Dragons


Golden Squire
Is the heal component on BOdins 50X attack new? Only started noticing it recently. Pretty amazing sub for double luci now so you don't need to cooldown between the lol-cannons (and massively better than most of the other options for an instant heal sub)


Is the heal component on BOdins 50X attack new? Only started noticing it recently. Pretty amazing sub for double luci now so you don't need to cooldown between the lol-cannons (and massively better than most of the other options for an instant heal sub)
Yeah, both Odin's got that with 6.3 patch. It's pretty nice.

On another note, I think I won this collab. Got My Melody and pudding dog in 3 rolls, got the invade monster, got my stone. Ready for the next event plz.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Is the heal component on BOdins 50X attack new? Only started noticing it recently. Pretty amazing sub for double luci now so you don't need to cooldown between the lol-cannons (and massively better than most of the other options for an instant heal sub)
Came with the last update. Lots of monsters came with additions to their skills.
After taking on most descend dungeons using Robin for 0-1 stones, I somehow spent 4 stones on my first non Dios Zeus. Either bad luck with the board, or my matching was just off. Probably could have done it cheaper with a simple mono dark team.
Oh well. That's one more Descend complete.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I wasted 100 STA yesterday on Hera Is (I think it was yesterday? Anyways....) with my U&Y team, and then earlier in the week 50 STA on regular Hera with Horus. Decided to just call it quits for the day after those
Need to burn off this STA that is sitting at full though.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Twice in a row got all 3 chimera of the first on a 1 timer on Zeus--100 stamina gone. However, I did zero stone with no issues at all earlier today.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My attempt was the reverse. Had plenty of time to kill Chimeras (all 2's) and the masks (6/2/6), but instead my 6-combo that was just supposed to kill the mystic turned into a fucking cascade of death and they all melted. Getting really annoyed with my Haku team at this point, and I think maybe that Zeus attempt was the final straw.

I have well over a million dark xp fodder sitting in my box right now with no idea what to use it on. I think I'll take my duke vampire lord to level 50 or so and ultimate evolve him to D/B because he's useful for Horus teams, but I'm not willing to give him all of that xp when I've failed utterly (0 for 25-ish) at getting even a single skill up. I'm almost tempted to say fuck it to the xp bonus and feed it to some of my light monsters that are lucky to see 100k xp in a week as it stands now. Kirin, Valkyrie, and Verche need about 4 million xp between them to become respectable. :/


<WoW Guild Officer>
My attempt was the reverse. Had plenty of time to kill Chimeras (all 2's) and the masks (6/2/6), but instead my 6-combo that was just supposed to kill the mystic turned into a fucking cascade of death and they all melted. Getting really annoyed with my Haku team at this point, and I think maybe that Zeus attempt was the final straw.

I have well over a million dark xp fodder sitting in my box right now with no idea what to use it on. I think I'll take my duke vampire lord to level 50 or so and ultimate evolve him to D/B because he's useful for Horus teams, but I'm not willing to give him all of that xp when I've failed utterly (0 for 25-ish) at getting even a single skill up. I'm almost tempted to say fuck it to the xp bonus and feed it to some of my light monsters that are lucky to see 100k xp in a week as it stands now. Kirin, Valkyrie, and Verche need about 4 million xp between them to become respectable. :/
Honestly, not a bad plan. Dark XP is the easiest to get, Light is the hardest. Dropping superkings on light isn't such a big loss if your dark roster is sufficient. I'm not sure what the deal with your spike team is... you're killing to quick?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I can never manage to stall for Gravity without killing everything with skyfalls much sooner than I want to.

And there's the other frustration that happens because there's only a 76% chance of having a Haku combo available on a fresh board. Horus is 96%, by comparison.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Don't put too much faith in those fresh board numbers, people recite them like they're concrete activation numbers but that's retarded. You only start with a "fresh" board once per dungeon(or more I guess if using Mastering). In reality you are setting the board up to have what you want as often as possible while you stall when possible.

The Kirin number is 68%. If she was actually only usable 2/3rds of the time she wouldn't be so stupidly popular. It might be 68% on the first turn of dungeons, but from there on it changes based on players. You aren't sitting there dealing with a random board every turn.

You're not wrong if you want to use Horus, but if you think he's going to be a simple straight damage upgrade you are going to be sorely disappointed. You're going to be looking to do 6 combos with him same as Haku, but damage is not going to be focused on dark like it is with Haku. Sniping and stalling is going to suck, and his active is going to make you sad after having 2x guaranteed activations for so long.

But, again, the main point is to not put too much stock in those fresh board numbers. Someone ran a bunch of random iterations and came up with them fairly recently and suddenly people are treating them like gospel. The reality is that you are probably not managing the board as effectively as you could. Ra's number is 61%, but if you watchthis freakand his robot-like board control you'd never know that.


Golden Squire
Not saying I disagree with you Grimm, you raise some good points, but it certainly feels more stable playing Horus or Bast than the leads that require specific color combinations. I am a long time Bast player but have been playing around with some of the others lately (as 16X just does not feel like enough sometimes.. including todays light dragon on legend... 16x just barely gets through his armor) and the difference is definitely there. Now maybe if you are a person who can routinely do 8 combos it is not as bad.. but when you are averaging 5-6 and you need 4 specific colors to activate (and hence they are likely your first combos you bang out), it is pretty hard to not deplete your activate colors.

Just my $0.02


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'd think part of the trick is adding in those non-active colors to make sure you're clearing as many orbs as possible. One of the things that helped me was realizing that EVERY orb on the board the leaves makes it easier to get a combo next time. It may sound trivial, but until you start matching that way, you won't notice how big a deal it is.


Golden Squire
Oh I totally agree and 'get it', point I was driving to though is that with Horus, for example, since you can change up which colors you combo with to match what is available, only doing a 5 match nets you 100%, 100% of the time. With U&Y, if you do a 5 match, you do your light, dark, green, blue and one other. Repeat that pattern a couple of times and there are simply no more light or dark or green or blue because you are not clearing the 'non-critical' colors as fast as those. Long and short of it is, if you are not a person who clears at least your 'base' trigger colors AND 2 others consistently every time, you will run yourself into a corner.

I have come to accept my average clears are not high enough to work with some leaders but I think lots of people read 'oh I just need to match 4 and I get 25x' without realizing you really need to be matching 6 or more to sustain that pace for more than a couple floors.. which most people can't do.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Mostly, after using Horus for the last 6 months or so, I've gravitated away from eventhinkingabout making sure I match four colors and focusing on increasing my combo amount as high as possible. A couple of reasons in order of importance:

- Clearing more orbs off the board increases the odds that I'll have a four color combo available next time. Too many times I focused on just the four color match which inevitably eliminated one color completely from the next round. Tunnel vision kind of screws you.
- Pairing up with more Bastets on my friend list still lets me hit the multiplier
- Because at this point I subconsciously organize the board in my head for four colors anyways

But overall Horus and Bastet are easier to manage because you have more options to do your combos and aren't limited to the colors needed from Baku, U&Y, and Kirin. I really don't like running with orb changers at this point and build my Horus team around the weakness of the boss mob mostly. That's just my amateur opinion though.

On another note, since I'm not really interested in material farming, pengdra farming, and there is no event now; I am mainly focusing on plus egg farming. Does anyone have a stable KoG farming build? I don't really like any of the 60 min or 120 min ones listed on P&D. Haven't tried Goemon build because I've never used him. Most recently been trying to Haku build, but see above for why it isn't my favorite. Maybe I can do a Horus build that is like Horus / DQ Hera / War Deity Yomi / Viper / Hera-Is / Horus. That is only two primary Dark, but a delay, two gravities, and extended orb time with Yomi (+ ctw). But unlike Haku team there is no Dumpty for extra burst.

Oh, and I only have 1 Haku friend on my list (Vorph) that doesn't have him up anymore since he switched to Horus!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I try to leave Haku up all the time still, I just forget sometimes (ok, a lot of times) before I close the game.


Fast KoG Farming using Goemon...

Goemon Lead + Helper
Goemon (yes as a sub)

HP Requirement: 14254 - 17800
This HP allows you to take at least 15 turns to get to round 8 and have enough HP to get hit by Tiamat ONCE and be in Goemon HP range. Tiamat hits for 14254 every 2 turns. Meaning you show up at full HP and 15 turns... take one turn to shore up HP and he hits you... Another turn after hit to make a non healing combo... and 3 goemons are ready to go... Orb change everything to red... activate your freyr. Kill Tiamat. Activate Goemon number 2, kill Devil Dragon, Activate Goemon number 3, activate Horus/Hera-Ur kill Zeus.

It is possible that you may get some skyfall heart drop and then you are screwed. The chances of this happening are very low. To account for this possibility... You would need 25487 or a bit more HP and enough RCV to heal to full during echidna's delay. You would also need to watch your HP entering round 8 to make sure you are within range to activate goemon either before or after tiamats hit.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Thanks, I'll give that a try. It is only 17 STA but might as well get some Goemon practice in since like I said never used him.

The Horus team worked well enough, but I'd rather replace Yomi with something D/G like a Tiamat or the new CDD busty when it is released.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not saying I disagree with you Grimm, you raise some good points, but it certainly feels more stable playing Horus or Bast than the leads that require specific color combinations.
Oh absolutely, don't mistake what I'm saying. I'm just arguing that switching from Kirin to Horus isn't going to be some simple straight damage boost just because fresh board numbers say he's reliable to activate. You will be doing less damage, and if you can't activate Kirin when necessary the problem isn't so much her as it is you. Sounds a lot harsher than I mean it to=P I'm not some Japanese PAD mutant doing 7+ combos per round, but I can generally get the board set up to trigger her when needed without getting myself dead. Generally. The trade off from Horus' easier activation/sniping/stalling(all true=P) is a much bigger burst for the boss wave. With the boss knocked down 36% before you make a move and a team that's basically operating as a mono-light team you asplode the bosses way more betterer than Horus. And usually that is the whole goal of these spike teams. Horus isn't doing you much good if you get one shot with the boss left at 40% HP after your big combo. Those gravities are pretty handy.

This is all for R/R Horus, R/L can hang a lot better if you are doing a good job of board churning. Though he still won't quite have the 1 turn burst of Kirin just because his active is kind of shitty paired with his leader skill.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm not switching from Kirin to Horus though; I'm switching from Haku to Horus/Bastet, Horus/Kirin, or Kirin/Kirin. Maybe Horus/Horus more once the ultimates finally go live, but at the moment I don't see much point in choosing a second Horus over Bastet (general farming) or Kirin (descends), except that I don't have that many non-Haku friends and I run out of leaders.

Kirin/Kirin is a new thing, just dumped the remainder of the dark xp I was talking about above on her after getting my vamp to Lv.50 and D/B evo'ed. Mystic Light Dragon will be the first test, though I think it should be easy with dark already removed.

Edit: Yeah, too easy without dark to gauge whether I'm actually any good at Kirin. I used unevolved Valkyrie, one-evo Cu Chu/Sieg, and my Echidna, and legend was a joke.