Puzzles and Dragons


Cleared Technical Paradise of the Holy Beasts on Challenge Mode with help from Intrinsic (Echidna).

Team was:
Anubis (Max lvl +212 Eggs 3/4 Awoken)
Echidna (Max Skill + ResistDark) (10 turn Delay)
Green Odin (Max LVL/Skill/Awoken+297) (12 turn 85k Light nuke + 8k heal)
Dark Meta (Max LVL/Skill/Awoken+297) (10 turn D+L enhance)
QC Persephone (Max LVL/Skill/Awoken+297) (9 turn L+H->Dark)
Kushinada (Max LVL/Skill/Awoken+297) (8turn 75%def)

Averaged 8 combos per turn. Highest combo was 14 on Kirin.

Round 1: Used all 5 turns to get skills ready just in case.
Round 2: Took her to about 12HP before using Echidna, then stalled until 1 turn delay.
Round 3: Killed her in 3 turns
Round 4: Kept her above 71% until Echidna/Kushi ready, then exploded her from 71+ to dead in 2 turns.
Round 5: Straight burn since echidna/kushi was up.
Round 6: Yawn. Stalled. Setup Board to get ready for Kirin darkness...
Round 7:Intrinsic's Echidna Awakening countered Kirin so my board setup wasnt needed... Killed in 2 turns.
Round 8: Kushi first turn, echidna second turn, no sweat.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
That's crazy man, congrats. My poor little non-hyper max Echidna. She's useful in so many places it'd probably be worth investing some +eggs in her eventually.


Previously, I had put all my RCV eggs on Amaterasu Ohkami... as she was the bees knees back in the day...

My current thoughts on +egg choices are...

If you have a popular leader... +297 and if possible max skill will get you the most pal points...

If you still struggle on grinding regular dungeons... then keep feeding +eggs to your grind leader. Otherwise you can start feeding your most frequently used sub and go from there...

US +eggs Top3 for me
1. Anubis 212 (going to 297)
2. Horus 199 (Finished at 99hp 99atk 1rcv)
3. Amaterasu 100 (Finished at 0hp 1atk 99rcv)

JP +eggs Top3 for me
1. Horus 254 (99HP 99ATK 56RCV)
2. Green Odin 206 (85HP 82ATK 39RCV)
3. Amaterasu 100 (Finished at 0HP 1ATK 99RCV)

As sad as it is... I will probably feed my Max Skill/Awoken Green Odin on JP side to Anubis if I ever pull him there. I will probably also leave Horus at his current egg total on JP and US as his R/L busty has shit RCV and a couple more aint gonna fix that.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
My Horus is almost done at 199 and I think my Amaterasu is at 71 (unevolved). Was actually thinking about feeding her (have an extra) to whatever I decide to actually 297. Which was going to be a decent sub (like an Echidna) since my other leads are not my favorites and more situational. Unless it is like Shiva or Anubis. Not sure I'd 297 Artemis, but I do love my green team. I'll have to take a look at my box and figure out.


Looking at your box... and that you like your green team... why not give Bastet +eggs? People love her as a daily grinder AND she fits on your green team...

As my difficult content strategy has shifted to blow it the fuck up with anubis... what I am looking for in subs is very different from what it used to be. Max HP and some recovery (to deal with preemptive hits etc). Sub 10turn cooldown skills... that are useful...

With that being said... good subs for me:
Blodin- HP, RCV, awakenings, dual color...
Blazanami- HP low turn defense dual color... farmable
Mastering- HP orb shuffle can get an extra cooldown... farmable
Godin- HP, RCV, awakenings, dual color
Kushinada- decent hp, RCV, low cooldown 75% defense.

Honorable Mentions:
Brochi (Busty Viper Orochi)- HP... and if can stall long enough... delay dual color, funny name...
Dark Samurai Noba - HP, some RCV, farmable
Goemon - HP farmable
The new busty golems might be ok too... 5000+HP, 15turn 50% defense for 3 turns. Just lacking some RCV... and all have Light sub color (Green>Blue>Red).


Molten Core Raider
My kids were playing on the iPAD and I just noticed they sold/deleted my Horus, Hera-UR, Leilan, and Minerva...That will teach me to let them play on Daddy's iPAD!


Lord Nagafen Raider
As great as my +200 egg bastet is for my pal point total, I've been thinking of switching to physical Isis with the buff, with bubbly, the burst is just as powerful as the itzanagi or freyja I normally use, and I can run either heavy blue with bodin for a quicker dungeons and bind immunity with double Isis or duo with Kirin for descends. Only problem is that with Bastet I'll get on average 25-30 uses a day, whenever I switch to another god like my max skilled Parvati I'll get like 3 uses at most, even with over 130 friends.

Isis has a lot of sentimental value to me, she was my original tutorial roll.


My kids were playing on the iPAD and I just noticed they sold/deleted my Horus, Hera-UR, Leilan, and Minerva...That will teach me to let them play on Daddy's iPAD!
Make sure to add your good monsters to favorites list every once in a while so they cant easily do that...


Trakanon Raider
Luci's ultimate evo went live, the +damage is a bit more noticeable than I expected for clear speed, and definitely makes breaking armor on devils and demons substantially simpler. 0ne day I'll pull a spike lead of any kind. I would imagine the only possible downside is blue binds, the evo doesn't take much in the way of materials either.


<WoW Guild Officer>
man, trifruit is such a random dungeon now. Either it's easy as fuck or I get orb trolled 100% in stage 1 or 2. I've been doing the shiva team with an AmatO in with max bind resist so I can easily clear bind from the tama. Only the blue fruit causes issues.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I did maybe four clears yesterday with Shiva team (Shiva, Freyr, Goemon, Echidna, Chiyome, friend Shiva) and you either sleep walk to bind round with Tama our go in to round 1/ 2 with like no fire orbs. Want to put Leilan in for Goemon because he has no skill ups. And Echidna is mostly worthless. Eventually maybe use maybe Awoken Ares, Rider, or max awoken strawberry dragon some I can't pull Ronia or Rodin.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Shiva, Ronia, Titan, Freyr, AmatO, Friend-Shiva is what I'm running. I rely so heavily on AmatO's bind removal... I want to drop Titan, but his ability is up on round 1 so I can make it through round 1 & 2 pretty easily with it.


I have the same problem with my Shiva team of R.sonia, Echidna, Gigas, king Baddie. Half my runs yesterday were duds because of orb trolling, otherwise it's a snooze-fest. More frustrating is when I try twinlits. The best team I have for it (Kirin, Shiva, Orochi, Bastet, Izanagi) either totally destroys the first wave due to skyfalls or I start with a dead board. I have better luck running Izanagi leading with a gravity sub but no one seems to run Zeus on fridays.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Are you using a Bastet friend leader? I find her a waaaay better Twinlit partner for Kirin than another Kirin. First wave you just want to trigger Bastet and not Kirin. Skyfall can still bone you but not so easily.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
God I hate these dungeons, my helper Zeus got a 20 turn bind on him, took forever. Got ra uvoed. Only Lilith and hera left for twinlits.


<Silver Donator>
Who is the owner of the Puzzle and Dragon friendslist on googledocs? Gives notice that it can no longer be accessed because it's been moved to the wastebin...


Are you using a Bastet friend leader? I find her a waaaay better Twinlit partner for Kirin than another Kirin. First wave you just want to trigger Bastet and not Kirin. Skyfall can still bone you but not so easily.
That seems like the obvious answer. I even remember a few weeks back I was going on about how bastet is the best lead to pair with other leads too.


<Gold Donor>
God damnit - bought 30 stones this afternoon and they haven't shown up in my account yet. Already hit my fucking bank account but no stones - submitted tickets to both Itunes and Gung-Ho... nothing. Meh. Wanted to try to snag a Luci or sonia... Now it won't let me buy new stones either for some reason. HRNGGG