Recommend a dating site


I've gotten several phone numbers but then it stops after that. I send one text, and nothing. What is the art of the text that I am missing?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
You shouldn't text a photo of your dick as the first text. Pro tip.

*Edit* Why text when you can call? Whenever I've gotten a number from one of these sites I just go ahead and call, you know, like a man.


Got something right about marriage
You shouldn't text a photo of your dick as the first text. Pro tip.

*Edit* Why text when you can call? Whenever I've gotten a number from one of these sites I just go ahead and call, you know, like a man.
Haha what? A phone call is more manly than a text? How do you know what their schedule is like and what they are doing at the moment you call? Chances are they aren't even going to answer the phone when a number they don't know comes up on caller id so why bother?

I can't imagine why nobody has texted you back unless you are saying/doing some weird ass shit. I don't think I've ever had someone not return a text and all I usually say is "Hey it's Bill, what's goin on?". I don't bother saying what site I'm from because if they can't figure out it's the guy they just gave their number to they are too stupid to waste time on.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Haha what? A phone call is more manly than a text? How do you know what their schedule is like and what they are doing at the moment you call? Chances are they aren't even going to answer the phone when a number they don't know comes up on caller id so why bother?

I can't imagine why nobody has texted you back unless you are saying/doing some weird ass shit. I don't think I've ever had someone not return a text and all I usually say is "Hey it's Bill, what's goin on?". I don't bother saying what site I'm from because if they can't figure out it's the guy they just gave their number to they are too stupid to waste time on.
That's a fair point. There is a time and place for text messages I suppose. I still prefer calling when at all possible, though. I've never had a problem when calling, but after getting a number I've always followed it up with something like "Great, I'll give you a call tomorrow after work" or something like that so it's never unexpected. I know lots of guys who rely on text messages because they're too pussy to call and have a direct conversation.


Trakanon Raider
You shouldn't text a photo of your dick as the first text. Pro tip.

*Edit* Why text when you can call? Whenever I've gotten a number from one of these sites I just go ahead and call, you know, like a man.
I used to agree with you, but my brief experience in the online dating world indicated that bitches love smilies.


Well it goes well enough to get their number. Then I text hey this is so and so from such and such, now you have my number too.


Trakanon Raider
That's a fair point. There is a time and place for text messages I suppose. I still prefer calling when at all possible, though. I've never had a problem when calling, but after getting a number I've always followed it up with something like "Great, I'll give you a call tomorrow after work" or something like that so it's never unexpected. I know lots of guys who rely on text messages because they're too pussy to call and have a direct conversation.
Talking on the phone is for chatty birches to gossip, texts are the way to go cause you can just carry on with your life without much interruption.

Well it goes well enough to get their number. Then I text hey this is so and so from such and such, now you have my number too.
You should have something to reply to in that message like how is your day going or something light and simple. Girls are retarded and rarely initiate unless they are mad dtf.


Got something right about marriage
You should have something to reply to in that message like how is your day going or something light and simple. Girls are retarded and rarely initiate unless they are mad dtf.
This is a lot more true than you might think warhead. Always ask them a simple question to engage them in conversation.


2 Minutes Hate
I met my wife 2nd hand through FOH.

Reading FOH one day and someone links a lulzy story from OKCupid's forums about a fat woman bad mouthing some guy. While I was on OKCupid, I decided to look at the available talent in my area.

Now I'm a dad.


Makes sense, most girls come right to me in person that are DTF. I guess i have that pervert look. LOL Learning the ways on trying to make someone DTF through words. Whole different story.


Silver Squire
I've gotten several phone numbers but then it stops after that. I send one text, and nothing. What is the art of the text that I am missing?
I'd go with this line, you're such a dork giving your # to strangers <name>. I'm an ax murderer.

If no response, I add them to the dead number collection from bars/club. Every 3 weeks mass text these numbers, such a slut. One of 'em will bite to go drinking.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I've gotten several phone numbers but then it stops after that. I send one text, and nothing. What is the art of the text that I am missing?
The art of texting is to come off as interested but not desperate or overly aggressive. Simply saying: "You have my number too" is just scientific. Duh, you texted her back, of course she has your number. Say something funny, pretend to be interested in what she is doing, send a picture of your dick; anything but state the obvious. You have to crack the ice, opening a line of communication is just that. You have to set the hook if you want results.

I've got killer wit and big ass arms. I end up having to do every little work. But then again, my "type" tends to attract women of the slut demograhic. I can't say I have much to complain about. Then again, I am not trying to find Ms. Right, just Ms. Right Now.


I once took a Statistical Methods class where the prof was this hilarious little Chinese guy who would talk endlessly, in broken english, about how awesome applying Statistics to everyday life was. One of his favorite topics was dating websites because they basically allowed you to Moneyball your way into a nearly never ending line of poon.

Well there's the only real problem with online dating sites. You post your pictures on the internet and now they are fair game for everyone, everywhere
Yeah, this has always been why I've hesitated. Don't even facebook. That and people thinking you're a desperate loser that can't find relationships the normal way. I guess that's silly, though, and I should probably just give dating websites a shot as they're more efficient than standard bar hopping while trying to maximize the number of phone numbers you get/give. Either way you're playing a numbers game, dating websites just allow you to reach more people easier.


Got something right about marriage
Yeah, this has always been why I've hesitated. Don't even facebook. That and people thinking you're a desperate loser that can't find relationships the normal way. I guess that's silly, though, and I should probably just give dating websites a shot as they're more efficient than standard bar hopping while trying to maximize the number of phone numbers you get/give. Either way you're playing a numbers game, dating websites just allow you to reach more people easier.
The only people who think that are the desperate losers who are afraid of failing at online dating. If they fail at something that even "social retards" can succeed at... well then what does that make them?


Trakanon Raider
The only people who think that are the desperate losers who are afraid of failing at online dating. If they fail at something that even "social retards" can succeed at... well then what does that make them?
True story, as I was replying to this thread about how it's a tsunami of poon, I got a message from a random girl from OKC.

Seriously though, just go out and do your normal life events but keep an online dating profile and just have a never ending supply of ladies. For as many girls as you run through(Though you doubtfully will get laid by all), there are just as many that sign up. It's like speed dating for the 2010's.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Consensus among my single friends is also OK Cupid. That and POF. If you hit a dry spell either lower your standards or, if you have a few bucks, pay to date a hot girl to get back on track.

One dude in particular has not only bagged but dated a few people from the sites like whatsyourprice. To hear him tell it he doesnt spend any more than he normally would dating, but I cant imagine doing this as a poor college kid. Which is apparently what a lot of the girls there are.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Consensus among my single friends is also OK Cupid. That and POF. If you hit a dry spell either lower your standards or, if you have a few bucks, pay to date a hot girl to get back on track.

One dude in particular has not only bagged but dated a few people from the sites like whatsyourprice. To hear him tell it he doesnt spend any more than he normally would dating, but I cant imagine doing this as a poor college kid. Which is apparently what a lot of the girls there are.
Lol I never even heard of the site So how does that work, guys bid Ebay style on a chance to date some hot chick? I don't know, but I would feel kind of desperate and embarrassed meeting some chick I paid for the opportunity to date. Is this site filled with escorts or something?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Based on the two chicks he's dated they're college girls looking to pay tuition but yeah I'm sure there are pros on the site.