Recommend a dating site

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
There are porn stars in Texas?
I asked the same thing lol.. In fact my question was "how do you do that in Texas, don't you have bible beaters chaining themselves to the film studio door, abortion protestor style?"

Apparently all the filming is done in either LA, Vegas, Miami, and sometimes NYC. Basically she travels a lot, but is one of those Texans that loves Texas (shoots guns on weekends, has a 4 wheeler in the country, etc) and doesn't want to move away. She lived in LA for a few years but says she hated it.


<Silver Donator>
Think I'll try these pickup lines next time:

My love for you is like diarrhea. I just cant hold it in.

Is your name Homework? Cause I'm not doing you, but I definitely should be.


<Silver Donator>
Seriously though, the third date got my dick wet with the new girl. I think we might have potential as a couple. The first (flaky) one comes over tonight. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with her.


<Silver Donator>
So the flaky one comes over to my place last night. We have some wine before going to dinner. We get back home, have more drinks, and the next thing I know, she is hitting the snooze button my alarm clock this morning. I now have two women wanting to start a serious relationship with me. What's a bro to do?


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
This is how you Tinder, some people take this shit way too serious.


Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
So the flaky one comes over to my place last night. We have some wine before going to dinner. We get back home, have more drinks, and the next thing I know, she is hitting the snooze button my alarm clock this morning. I now have two women wanting to start a serious relationship with me. What's a bro to do?
Way to go man. I hear you on the inner turmoil/conflict of having to juggle two girls that are interested in you, and the inevitable choice and subsequent culling you have to make at some point. I guess technically it should be a "good" problem to have, but for me it creates stress/anxiety.


<Silver Donator>
Way to go man. I hear you on the inner turmoil/conflict of having to juggle two girls that are interested in you, and the inevitable choice and subsequent culling you have to make at some point. I guess technically it should be a "good" problem to have, but for me it creates stress/anxiety.
What I dread the most is the culling part. I like them both. It will probably hurt me as much as the one I have to end it with.


Musty Nester
You just invite them both over for a 3 way. The one who shows up is the one you keep. If they both show up then hey, free 3 way. If neither of them show up then it is better to have loved and lost.


You just invite them both over for a 3 way. The one who shows up is the one you keep. If they both show up then hey, free 3 way. If neither of them show up then it is better to have loved and lost.
This. Of course you could just date/bang/3-way both of them until it's no longer fun. In fact, I'd be trying to spin as many plates as possible.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I'm so jealous of Frenzied's new arrangement.
Well, I'm afraid to report that itmaynow be over soon after it started. If it is, at least I got to sleep with her, so it definitely is not a total loss.

Went on a date with her Sunday, and since it was already late and I had to work the next day, we went to a divey bar near my house and just had some drinks and some good bar food. She told me she'd be travelling around the US doing shows and training girls Tuesday through the 21st, so I wouldn't be seeing her for a little while, to which she put on a sad pouty face. Came back to my place, shared a bottle of wine (busted open a bottle of 2006 Silver Oak for her), and started making out on the couch. I excused myself for a minute to bust out my sacred yet rarely used "Emergency Performance Kit" (aka the Rape Kit) comprised of half a Hydrocodone and a Viagra, and then we transitioned to the bedroom for the most mind blowing sex of my life. I've probably slept with at least 50 women in my lifetime, and none of them even came close to this chicks skill. It wasn't some porn-like performance, and was actually quite tender, but the sheer prowess and rhythm she exhibited was unmatched. She made it incredibly easy and phenomenal at the same time. Usually I get a bit antsy when women get on top (bad dick bending incident when I was younger), but she fucking rode me like a championship bull rider. Besides her mad skills, her body was incredible-- easily the hottest woman I've ever touched. Fantastic tits with pierced nipples (not really my thing, but it works on her), not an ounce of fat anywhere, and an ass that just blows the mind (and has actually won awards lol). She had total laser hair removal from head to toe, and had amazingly soft skin. Despite my thought that since she's a porn star she'd have a loose goose, it was actually quite the opposite, and she had full control of her pussy in any case. Watching her from behind simply lying down on the bed literally dropped my IQ by at least 50 points, and I would probably do anything she asked of me while in that viewing position. It should be the image every guy sees before he dies. Anyways, made her come twice, finished myself, then rolled over and went to bed as it was already 2am and I had to get up at 7:30. Spent most of the night tossing and turning, as she was a touchy sleeper, while I sleep extremely light and can't fall asleep while being touched.

Woke up super tired as well as semi-hungover and rushed to get ready for work. As a result, the morning was kind of awkward and I had very little time to pay attention to her. I jumped into the shower and my bed was made when I got out, which was certainly a nice touch on her part. Apologized that things were so time constrained and I lamented how much I would have looked forward to making her breakfast if I had more time. Kissed her goodbye, told her I'd give her a call after work, and walked out the door with her.

Sent her a text at around 2pm that afternoon saying I was thinking of her, and again stating how much I would have liked cooking her breakfast and spending more time with her in the morning. I don't get any response (which isn't crazy unusual for her), and then call her after work at 7pm and leave a message. At around 9:30 I get a text saying "sorry I missed your call, been a hectic day before I leave town. Going to bed now for my early drive to Houston. Goodnight". I reply with a simple "goodnight, have a safe drive tomorrow" as her previous txt message seemed unusually benign and reserved and I didn't want to seem overly flattering or desperate.. Haven't heard from her since that txt on Monday.. I've been around the block enough to know this all generally isn't a good sign, but she is a porn star and not your average girl, so who knows.. Been fighting myself over whether to call her back again.. Her body is like fucking crack, and she's super cool to boot.. No idea what went wrong that night/morning, but this wouldn't be the first time in my life that I got the cold shoulder after a girl spends the night.. Only hint I ever got for a reason from historical experience was that I didn't snuggle/talk after sex, and hence she felt like a slut.. No idea if that's the case with this one.. Anyways, if I don't hear back from her by end of week, I'll reveal who she is..

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
You got the taste and now you need to be put down. Like Old Yeller. There is no saving you.
All I can say is that women should take practical lessons from porn stars. No shit I would pay serious money to have future girlfriends possess this skillset. I may indeed need to be put down.