Recommend a dating site


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<Bronze Donator>
If she's a millionaire i might give her a chance to prove herself.


Trump's Staff
Just venting a bit here, but ugh I can't believe some of the profiles chicks these days will put up on dating sites.

About Me: "I'm a single mom with two kids, I don't believe in premarital sex. I am old fashioned in relationships and like to be spoiled. I believe a real man knows his woman can pay for it but won't let her. I want a lifestyle where my daughter and I can be free to get our nails done every week and plan on getting us there. I love clothing, shopping, and getting my nails done. Show me that there are still some good guys in the world, because I can never seem to meet them."

First Date: "Take me horseback riding!"

The worst part is, if I were to criticize this, it makes me the asshole.


Life's a Dream
She doesn't believe in premarital sex, yet is a single mother of 2 kids. So she's either a liar or been divorced once or twice in the past. PASS


Got something right about marriage
You should appreciate profiles like that. She isn't trying to trick and capture her sugar daddy, she's being completely honest that she wants a rich old dude to pay her way through life that she also doesn't have to sleep with.

Her poor daughter has no chance in life.


Musty Nester
There's no reason to criticize that profile though. There REALLY isn't.

The one you criticize is the woman who wants that but pretends otherwise. She might be able to find a rich old man who is lonely enough to take her deal. More power to her, I guess. It sounds fucking miserable to me. She sounds fucking miserable to me. So that's a wonderful profile!


Registered Hutt
I was checking craiglist for rent to see if there was some diamond in the rough I could score, but it looks like a lot of guys are using rooms to rent as a dating service. Some 70 year old wants a 50 year old woman to be his roommate, says she could end up with the house if everything "works out right". Some dude didn't even take pics of his house or the room, all the pics are of him, talks about his qualities as a roommate, and only wants a female tenant. It just keeps going with a bunch of sad, poorly spelled, thinly veiled attempts to parlay their free space for a fuckbuddy. That shit is fuckin scary man. I'm glad I've got a dick sometimes.


<Silver Donator>
I'm still seeing the last woman I met on Match. Things are going very well. We each met the other's families during this past holiday week and it went well. I finally met her daughter who just turned 21. She said this to me: "I'm glad you were born. I love you." I may or may not have had a couple tears in my eyes after that statement. Yay for me so far.


Potato del Grande
Yeah... that statement seems weird to me unless it was immediately following you saying "I wish I was never born" or someone else saying they wished you were never born...


Silver Baronet of the Realm
High five Gnome! I'm still with the gal I met two months ago on OK Cupid. Met her kids last weekend, she met my son 3 weeks ago. We're going to have the kids meet meet each other in 2 weeks. Things are just going really really well. It's effortless. And after a ten year relationship with a woman who liked to fuck once a week usually, to someone who wants the D all the time, it's a really nice change. She was actually worried, she later told me, because when I mentioned my ex and I usually only had sex once a week, she thought that my libido would be too low for her.

After a bunch of mediocre dates from the site, I said fuck it and put up a long ass "Why you won't like me" (I'm not religious, I dislike Republicans, I'm balding, I don't do the bar scene, I dislike dancing, etc etc). I did of course follow that up with why I'm awesome. I started to get a lot of gals hitting me up, all saying pretty much the same thing - I seemed real, and very different from most of what is put up. Plus you get some of the bigger incompatibility issues out front for a much better screening process. I felt I kinda almost came off as a dick, but it really worked. I guess it depends if you're just looking for tail or for something more. I was looking for something more.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You really shouldn't disqualify yourself at all in your profile. Its like going into a job interview and telling them a list of reasons to not hire you because "Some people just want a job but I want a career." Well first you need a job before you can make it your career.


Trakanon Raider
You really shouldn't disqualify yourself at all in your profile. Its like going into a job interview and telling them a list of reasons to not hire you because "Some people just want a job but I want a career." Well first you need a job before you can make it your career.
That's dumb logic, it's like saying don't ever turn down a job even if it's Mcdonalds cause it might be worth it in the end. Everyone has a base idea of what their SO should be and should start there as a minumum.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That's dumb logic, it's like saying don't ever turn down a job even if it's Mcdonalds cause it might be worth it in the end. Everyone has a base idea of what their SO should be and should start there as a minumum.
Actually it isn't. Just because McD calls you up that doesn't mean you have to interview. But you don't want to alienate a good company simply because you're trying to save yourself the trouble of saying "No Thank You" to McD.

But to put it in a completely non-analogous scene you shouldn't disqualify yourself in your online dating profile because it shows you are one of a handful of things: insecure, not confident, unwilling to change, hard headed ... the list goes on. It just isn't smart to paint yourself in any negative light when the odds are already stacked against you being a male online trying to seek a female. I had both profiles from the complete "Here is what I like and here is what I don't like" to "Here are 3 sentences about me" and the latter worked far, far better. I think you'll findmostpeople actually dislike the bar scene and clubbing but when you present yourself as someone who hates things instead of only presenting the things you like you paint yourself poorly.


Trakanon Raider
It all depends on what kind of person you are. I prefer alternative girls and have zero interest in a girl who thinks a good time is heading out to chili's for a drink and half off appetizers. I had great luck with my profile weeding out the people I had zero in common with and had a pretty good reply rate from girls I messaged. It takes different strokes and all that.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think it probably depends on how you phrase it. If you present it as "These are the things wrong with me" then you'll come off as insecure. However, if you phrase it like "This is me, I like myself, and if you don't then don't bother contacting me." you'll come off as much more confident.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This is what I put. I threw a few gimmies in there, because, why not. You may not want to do something like this, but I found it to help me better meet the women I WANTED to meet. Not the plastic, superficial ones. So now (for the moment?) I'm with a great gal, who is everything I'm looking for, and wants to take care of ME. If I fucked up, I'm quite happy with my fuck up. Also, some of this stuff, if you're wondering "why did you mention that?" it's because it likely came up during a previous date/lunch.

"Let's just start off with why you wouldn't like me and save you the time of reading the rest. The biggest - I'm super boring. Unless I just absolutely love spending time with you, I'm really really boring to be around. If we really click? The Bay Area is our playground!

If you live a whirlwind life, you probably wouldn't be happy with me. Also, if you're a Republican, if God is important in your life, or you think adults who play video games now and again are losers, keep on going. If your page reads like a want ad from a romance novel, I'm not your Prince Charming. (This is not to say I'm not awesome - because I am /wink - but some people seem to have damn near impossible standards to live up to). Two things I notice are amazingly common on profiles are everyone loves to go dancing/clubbing and everyone wants to be a world traveler. I don't go clubbing and this white boy can't dance - though I'm willing to learn for the right woman. And while a week in Ireland or a cruise up to Alaska sounds nice, I don't have a burning desire to visit the 4 corners of the globe.

I'm a real guy looking for a real woman. Like the rest of us humans, you burp and fart. You may not shave your legs every day (or at all), and would rather go play in the dirt than put makeup on. You also probably think high heels are a torture device. And you'd be right.

I'm looking for a partner in crime, not a puppy. This means I want an equal relationship where your opinion is as valid and important as mine. I shouldn't be the one making all the decisions, and you're welcome to pay for dinner as often as I do. I'm not here to "take care of you". I am, however, here to pick you up when you fall, cheer you on as you try, hold you when you hurt, and love you to the best of my ability. Assuming we make it far enough for me to fall in love with you /grin

Also I'm:
Not a social butterfly
Can't get excited about clothes shopping
Divorced, with a toddler son that lives with his mom
I have a (relatively) new job, and a very new place
Can sometimes be clueless with women and you don't mind taking charge sometimes - besides, everyone wants to feel wanted (assertive/aggressive is a plus)
In the process of getting back in shape
Hate driving in the city, but you can /wink
My "resting face" makes me look upset or mad, unfortunately
Have zero interest in going to Burning Man

If you're still reading you're either a glutton for punishment, or might actually be a cool person.

I'm also:
<good stuff>"