Recommend a dating site


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just open with lyrics from obscure metal songs and ad lib the rest. Act all dark and disturbed and mysterious for a few days. Then be like "hey you want to go get some frozen yogurt with sprinkles?"


Golden Squire
Cool, 6 more months in the gym and ill post a pic like that. LOL
Until then, you should be working on your message game. Haha. Honestly though, the fact that I have a son screws my chances with a lot of women on first impression. If they can get by that one caveat, I 10/10 meet up with the women that I'm interested in.


Got something right about marriage
Wombat, you and I have very different styles. I don't think I would ever demand a cell phone pic from someone. To me that just screams creepy douchebag (not saying that's what you are, but I think that's a little strange man).

You really kind of have to figure out what works for you warhead. I could give you my template, but it probably doesn't fit your personality so while you might get some responses, the follow ups would probably leave them saying "is this the same guy?".

Online dating will get you laid, it's like fish in a barrel. Literally. However, if you go on there looking for that you're gonna get mostly hood rat trash like Wombat was talking about. I met quite a few successful, normal, attractive women on POF. There are simply more people on a free site.... because it's free, so you have to put in a little more effort in your searches. But to say POF is "White trash central" is ridiculous from my experience. Although, it's probably not fair to judge because these sites are all most likely vastly different based on where you live. OKCupid has by far the best website and profile setup, the categories just make more sense and it's laid out very nicely. But I met a ton of VERY boring women on OKC. I can't say why, they were just way more boring as a whole.

You're gonna have to just put some effort in and see what works for you. I will say this, if you are honestly looking for something serious do not message or set up dates with a ton of women. There were weeks where I had dates with 4 different women in a week, and while that seemed awesome at the time it was completely insincere and had 0 chance of every growing into something worthwhile. They had careers, I have a career, and dating 4 women at once means you can only see them MAYBE once a week. And then you just find yourself holding out to see which person you like the most is available and trying to juggle 2nd 3rd and 4th place into the other time slots. It's great if you just want some company, it isn't sustainable though.


Molten Core Raider
I always require a picture with a random object. I don't have time for nonsense or dudes faking it.


Golden Squire
That's what skype or google hangout is for, if you're afraid of meeting up. But to think there is a guy behind every single person you talk to, you're not gonna get shit.


I always require a picture with a random object. I don't have time for nonsense or dudes faking it.
When a chick ends up being a cam whore im like "send me a pic with you holding a paper and write [insert] here". One person actually wrote it in paint. I was like dude bro, get out of the basement.


Golden Squire
I've never encountered a guy. Make an OK Cupid profile. Go to the subreddit OkCupid, read the wiki on making your profile good. Read how to write messages.


If you need help, PM me your profile and I will tell you what to fix.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
its so sad that there is actually a subreddit on how to make a profile. i cant believe there are dudes so socially incompetent.

what do they think will happen if they do land a date because of their profile? that they'll stop stammering in front of women and stop acting like total weirdo nerds?


Trakanon Raider
its so sad that there is actually a subreddit on how to make a profile. i cant believe there are dudes so socially incompetent.

what do they think will happen if they do land a date because of their profile? that they'll stop stammering in front of women and stop acting like total weirdo nerds?
Seriously, if you can't make a dating profile without having to copy other people, you should go back to playing the new EQ PVP server.


Golden Squire
Well, I wouldn't say it's about copying other people, but sometimes you may write something down and not realize it's probably not the best thing to write.

Is it wrong to read Stephen King's book on being a writer, and learn from it, if you already written a novel?

Honestly, you bitches are a joke.


Molten Core Raider
Well, I wouldn't say it's about copying other people, but sometimes you may write something down and not realize it's probably not the best thing to write.

Is it wrong to read Stephen King's book on being a writer, and learn from it, if you already written a novel?

Honestly, you bitches are a joke.
this thread is a fucking joke, can i ask an honest question you are in shape, dont look like charles manson, clearly you can communicate with women, why the fuck are you on these websites? quality of life here cannot be better than actually stepping foot outside and meeting someone.

I completely get why warhead is on these sites, just look at the fucking guy but anyone that isnt down right ugly as fuck, completely socially awkward and isnt teetering on weighing 300pounds, will probably be better off meeting women the way we have been since you know forever?


Trakanon Raider
this thread is a fucking joke, can i ask an honest question you are in shape, dont look like charles manson, clearly you can communicate with women, why the fuck are you on these websites? quality of life here cannot be better than actually stepping foot outside and meeting someone.

I completely get why warhead is on these sites, just look at the fucking guy but anyone that isnt down right ugly as fuck, completely socially awkward and isnt teetering on weighing 300pounds, will probably be better off meeting women the way we have been since you know forever?
That's where you are wrong, I have my Okcupid and just leave it there and will get drunk/bored at work and check out who's on it, maybe message some girls or just girls will start the conversation with me. I put almost zero effort into it. Plus, all the girls on there are insanely easy.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
this thread is a fucking joke, can i ask an honest question you are in shape, dont look like charles manson, clearly you can communicate with women, why the fuck are you on these websites? quality of life here cannot be better than actually stepping foot outside and meeting someone.

I completely get why warhead is on these sites, just look at the fucking guy but anyone that isnt down right ugly as fuck, completely socially awkward and isnt teetering on weighing 300pounds, will probably be better off meeting women the way we have been since you know forever?
being good looking, in good shape and having normal social skills I can readily answer this.

you get a lot less opportunities in RL because you dont know right off the bat who is looking and who isnt, thus you waste time separating wheat from chaff

secondly, you have to go look for them. whereas in online dating - they are ALL looking, and they are all brought to you already. this makes it for a much more efficient, hassle free experience.

especially if you're just looking to fuck.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
its so sad that there is actually a subreddit on how to make a profile. i cant believe there are dudes so socially incompetent.

what do they think will happen if they do land a date because of their profile? that they'll stop stammering in front of women and stop acting like total weirdo nerds?
From my perspective there's a huge cross-section of people who can be very eloquent and confident on the internet but are complete buffoons irl. The inverse of this is also true.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
So every generalization has exceptions?

that's pretty profound.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
this thread is a fucking joke, can i ask an honest question you are in shape, dont look like charles manson, clearly you can communicate with women, why the fuck are you on these websites? quality of life here cannot be better than actually stepping foot outside and meeting someone.

I completely get why warhead is on these sites, just look at the fucking guy but anyone that isnt down right ugly as fuck, completely socially awkward and isnt teetering on weighing 300pounds, will probably be better off meeting women the way we have been since you know forever?
You're on an MMO gaming forum asking why people here are min/maxing?