Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge


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<Bronze Donator>
Phazael you don't understand what an alpha is. Someone like that wouldn't feel the need to fulfill that kind of request to prove himself. That's the entire point of being alpha. The beta is the guy that feels the need to validate himself. You can get a beta to do damn near anything to prove himself worthy, that's why they are looked at with such disdain.

Now, if you were trying for the past 40 pages to bait him into showing a pic only to reply "hah you felt the need to validate yourself, beta scum" Well, too bad, I just called the gig; but it's been long enough, it's not like he was going to post it anyway. Move on.


Got something right about marriage
Phazael you don't understand what an alpha is. Someone like that wouldn't feel the need to fulfill that kind of request to prove himself. That's the entire point of being alpha. The beta is the guy that feels the need to validate himself. You can get a beta to do damn near anything to prove himself worthy, that's why they are looked at with such disdain.

Now, if you were trying for the past 40 pages to bait him into showing a pic only to reply "hah you felt the need to validate yourself, beta scum" Well, too bad, I just called the gig; but it's been long enough, it's not like he was going to post it anyway. Move on.
That was very well put.


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<Bronze Donator>
With that said, beta or alpha or whatever the fuck, someone bringing out such passionate disdain from multiple posters could get some real creepy shit by posting his picture in screenshot.


Got something right about marriage
With that said, beta or alpha or whatever the fuck, someone bringing out such passionate disdain from multiple posters could get some real creepy shit by posting his picture in screenshot.
Never post your picture on rerolled if it exists somewhere else on the internet. There are far too many miserable people here. And misery loves company.


Lord Nagafen Raider
"Hey I can post a picture of my good looking friend or some rando from Russia too". See how that works? You guys are fucking stupid with this whole "I MUST SEE WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE" shit. You'll never be satisfied and it doesn't matter either way. Dumar is a moron or troll regardless of what he looks like. You're actually proving his point and acting like the type of women he and Antarius are describing by even requiring him to post a picture before you take him seriously. People treat human beings they find attractive with a different set of rules than people they find ugly.
What if our point is being proven... because it's true? And there are other behaviors you can change that will make people treat you better as well... would you not want to tap into that?


What the fuck have I read on these last few pages?

What is with this obsession over RL pics? I've been on this forum since 2001 and was banned by the asshole Black Hand himself: do you really think I'm going to fall for some bravado bullshit? How new are you, Phazael & Turkey? Come now, we expect more from the people here.

Ineversaid I was an alpha. I never talked about myself (or anyone personally) unless someone asked. Again for the millionth time, I'm 5'7", cardio-level fit, good income, good car, and live in major metro area. I'm not a meathead who hits the clubs every weekend. I get scores of dates from RL networking and OKC, and I base my observations on women through the RP analysis lens. The only thing actually relevant, however, is that I'm quite perspicacious, which many of you seem to lack severely.

A few people keep wanting to personalize this to defend womanly honor or whatever ridiculous chivalrous fiction that's implanted in their heads. It's white knighting exemplified.

With that behind us hopefully, we can get back to the discussion.


Khane, be honest you're the black man in your avatar and are just jealous of a fat white man stealing all those fine fat white bitches.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Well back before the internet existed, sure ignore them. Issue is that (as with many other socially dis functional groups) now these idiots can reinforce each other and create an army of little Norman bates clones. Stupid needs to be stomped out, like weeds. And whoever said they are the other polar extreme from modern feminists was spot on. The whole rp thing was ok when it was just about building confidence. It has long since evolved into this woman hating circle jerk of self fulfilling prophecies, just like feminism has.

PS Dumar, we are still waiting for how your mom magically defied whoredom when all other woman even in the same decade didn't. And what about your grand mom?


Got something right about marriage
What if our point is being proven... because it's true? And there are other behaviors you can change that will make people treat you better as well... would you not want to tap into that?
You'll never find me arguing the points I made in the post you quoted. People (both men and women) DO treat attractive, healthy individuals differently. This is unequivocally true. It's a fact of life. The difference is that I've understood human nature since I was a teenager and never questioned my self worth or pitied myself to the point that I no longer trust an entire gender. Keep feeling sorry for yourself Antarius. Whether it's 6 months or 6 years from now you'll have another revelation about how you've been wrong all along and find a new religion to latch onto. You will live your life in a cycle of misery and elation in constant conflict. Never understanding who you are and what you want. Constantly looking to others for the answers.


Got something right about marriage
Khane, be honest you're the black man in your avatar and are just jealous of a fat white man stealing all those fine fat white bitches.
Funny story. Tuco gave me this avatar because of a style comment I made in the men's fashion thread. Turns out my avatar is actually a woman. A transexual woman who has so much swagger you'd never question it. I roll with it out of respect.

But goddamn, why all da fine white hoes givin those beautiful booties to tha brothas? Even white boys got ta shout ya know?


To address Cad, Khane, Zzyy, et al, here's today's bombshell that will leave a mark worse than bad, lingering radiation.

The Science of Sex: 4 Harsh Truths about Dating and Mating

Click and read through the link instead of below to see all the peer-reviewed scholarship that supports RP truths. Gentlemen, the prosecution rests, and the verdict is guilty.

To make the best decisions, we cannot delude ourselves.

I've posted many studies offering hope and inspiration but to be honest and fair, we also need to look at facts about people many like to deny.

And that's where the science of sex comes in.

If you wish to retain illusions that the realm of sex and relationships is pure as the driven snow or that outside of physical dimensions there are no fundamental differences between men and women, turn back now as I am about to open a large can of peer-reviewed whoop-ass.

Naive romantics, I warn you one last time:


So what are some harsh truths that the science of sex has shown us?

1) Those things we say we hate actually make us more attracted to people.

When someone plays hot-cold, keeps you guessing, makes you constantly uncertain?

Yeah, that makes you even more attracted:

Participants in the uncertain condition were most attracted to the men - even more attracted than were participants who were told that the men liked them a lot. Uncertain participants reported thinking about the men the most, and this increased their attraction toward the men. [Psychological Science]

Playing hard to get? It works.

Had it up to here with narcissists? No, we haven't because they really are more attractive.

You know what we like about them the most?

The worst parts - their entitlement and exploitativeness:

.narcissism leads to popularity at first sight. Second, the aspects of narcissism that are most maladaptive in the long run (exploitativeness/entitlement) proved to be most attractive at zero acquaintance. [Journal of Personality and Social Psychology]

2) Yes, guys are pretty shallow.

The stereotypes are true: men want sex more than women and, yeah, guys are more likely to hit on girls with big boobs.

(Most of us didn't need scientific studies for that but, hey, I'm thorough.)

Studies show that often the main reason men kiss is to progress toward sex. The main reason men cuddle after sex is. to get more sex:

.females were more likely to engage in post-coital behaviors related to bonding with both short- and long-term partners, whereas males were more likely to engage in ones that were extrinsically rewarding or increased the likelihood of further coital acts. [Journal of Sex Research]

What determines how much a guy spends on an engagement ring? The younger the woman, the more he spends:

The total spent on rings was positively correlated to the annual incomes of both men and women but negatively correlated to women's ages. [The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature]

Research shows, if men didn't need to impress women, they probably wouldn't leave the couch:

The results show that if there were no returns to career choices in the marriage market, men would tend to work less, study less, and choose blue-collar jobs over white-collar jobs. [Journal of Human Capital]

Statistics show men are about as likely to cheat on their wives as they are to experience a flight delay.

Not dark enough for you?

Guys are more likely to cheat when their wives are pregnant:

Controlling for marital dissatisfaction and demographic variables, infidelity was predicted by greater neuroticism and lower religiosity; wives' pregnancy also increased the risk of infidelity for husbands. [Journal of Family Psychology]

3) Women can be quite dastardly too.

The science of sex tells us that the romantic comedies lie. Sex is an area where nice guys do finish last:

In one survey of men, Trapnell and Meston (1996) found that nice guys who were modest, agreeable, and unselfish were disadvantaged in sexual relationships. Men who were manipulative, arrogant, calculating, and sly were more sexually active and had a greater variety of sexual experiences and a greater number of sex partners. [Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy]

Women are very often attracted to bad boys like James Bond. In fact, research shows young women sometimes prefer out-and-out jerks:

In the end, young women may continue to claim that they find certain qualities in a "good guy" nice guy as highly desirable and that they want to be in a committed relationship with one man as their ultimate goal, but, at the same time, they seem content to spend "the meantime and in-between-time" going out with fun/sexy guys who may or may not turn into "jerks." [Sex Roles]

Happy guys, it seems, can be a turn-off:

.happiness was the most attractive female emotion expression, and one of the least attractive in males. [Emotion]

What do studies say can make a man more attractive? Among other things, a flashy car and throwing money around. Yes, that works.

Women find married men more attractive than single men:

.a group of women again rated photographs of men for attractiveness. The photos were accompanied by short descriptions, and when the men were described as "married," women's ratings of them went up. [Connected]

And they find sexist men more appealing than non-sexist men, too. Wow.

4) Little of the above will be changing anytime soon.

This is the science of sex, not the culture of it. Most, if not all, of these things are true around the world.

In a study of over 1000 participants in three dozen cultures it was consistently found that men are focused on looks and women on status:

Several standard sex differences replicated across cultures, including women's greater valuation of social status and men's greater valuation of physical attractiveness. [Personality and Individual Differences]

But we grow out of it, right? Nope.

Our tastes do not mature as we get older:

Findings suggest that although emerging adults believe that their peers' mating desires change systematically over time, emerging adults' self-reported mating desires vary little with age. [Evolutionary Psychology]

In fact, when men and women are in nursing homes, the guys are still looking for hot younger women and the ladies are still interested in men of high status:

Across the life span, men sought physical attractiveness and offered status-related information more than women; women were more selective than men and sought status more than men. [Psychology and Aging]


Unelected Mod
The thing that Dumar posted about "getting the best" out of a woman is spot on the money. It's not that anal sex is that great, it's that the fact that she's completely submitting herself to you sexually, you can do whatever you want to her, she is "yours" is what makes it such a huge turn-on. Some of my earlier relationships, where I was a classic beta provider, I "dealt with" poor or no blowjobs, no anal, reserved in bed... Shit went away when I swallowed the red pill.
A relationship where you have complete control is not a normal relationship. It is you taking advantage of ignorant and/or insecure 22 year olds.

Also, the whole "swallowed the red pill" saying is just so "cultish". You guys should really try and stay away from that.


Got something right about marriage
To address Cad, Khane, Zzyy, et al, here's today's bombshell that will leave a mark worse than bad, lingering radiation.

The Science of Sex: 4 Harsh Truths about Dating and Mating

Click and read through the link instead of below to see all the peer-reviewed scholarship that supports RP truths. Gentlemen, the prosecution rests, and the verdict is guilty.
Dumar, you'll never be able to argue with me in any meaningful fashion because you don't understand men like me. A lot of what you've seen I've also seen. A lot of what you hold as true I've known to be true. The difference is I don't accept it as a truth for the entirety of humanity because I've broadened my experiences beyond the shallow, tiny corner of life you choose to confine yourself to. You're condemning yourself to the kid's table through your own illusions.


To address Cad, Khane, Zzyy, et al, here's today's bombshell that will leave a mark worse than bad, lingering radiation.

The Science of Sex: 4 Harsh Truths about Dating and Mating

Click and read through the link instead of below to see all the peer-reviewed scholarship that supports RP truths. Gentlemen, the prosecution rests, and the verdict is guilty.
Dumar you are still missing the point. Take off the blinders. This is all shit we have known about since our dicks were getting hard. You're still missing the point that is more to life than just selfish indulgence.