Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge


Molten Core Raider
I read a few entries that Dumar linked from that dood he worships. He specifically acknowledges that certain women are very unlikely to be interested in the TRPer approach and his advice is to identify that and move the fuck on ASAP. Good general advice for flirting and dating in general, but doesn't this blatantly indicate that women are people and people like different things?

This is from that Roissy redpillguy that Dumar likes.

Your goal is to identify which 18-21 year olds are amenable to being seduced by you. Since a majority will balk at the idea, you should learn to quickly identify and NEXT! them.
Shocking, isn't it. How do you TRPers reconcile that with the "all women are the same" // "all women are sluts" // "trp works on every woman, every time, every place"


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I read a few entries that Dumar linked from that dood he worships. He specifically acknowledges that certain women are very unlikely to be interested in the TRPer approach and his advice is to identify that and move the fuck on ASAP. Good general advice for flirting and dating in general, but doesn't this blatantly indicate that women are people and people like different things?

Shocking, isn't it.
Those are clearly not women. It's showing you how to identify replicants.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
A couple of points that these retards don't get. I'll try to keep my sentences small and use no greater than two syllable words so they don't get confused.

1> Psychology studies showing that "mating preferences change during a woman's cycle" in no way mean they are CONTROLLED by those preferences.How they respond to a study designed to study their attraction and how they will act on and decide their future based on that attraction are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

2> Its ok to want to hook up with different women and have a casual sex type of lifestyle. You don't need to make it seem like you are forced into this by slutty or hypergamous women. If its what you want, its ok!

3> There is more to a woman than looks, even if looks are a basic threshold issue for most men. Talk to any man that has dated/married beautiful women, at any age. No matter how pretty they are, they can be annoying as fuck, shallow, only interested in your money, clingy, or any number of undesirable personality traits. The best women will have a good balance of looks and endearing personality. If you marry an uggo who is a goddamn stand up comic and motivational powerhouse, you will be unhappy. If you marry a perfect 10 who nags you into the fucking ground and fucks your best friend, you will be unhappy. Need to find a balance of traits (and things in common so that you can have a life together!) if you want to be happy. You guys act like looks are all that matter and flat out, you're just wrong. If you're only concerned about sex, the best looking ones often aren't the best in bed either.

You guys think we're arguing that RP won't help you get laid. If thats all you want, thats about all it gives you. We're trying to tell you thats just the tip of the iceberg, and you're missing out. It's like just doing the kickoff at a football game and then leaving. Sure, the kickoff is exciting. But you're missing the whole fucking game.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I would marry an uggo if she was asuccessfulstand-up comic.


Molten Core Raider
For me, physical attraction is hugely correlated to physical fitness. "ugly" people who work out and take care of themselves have a sense of vitality that is attractive to me. It's possible, but difficult, to find a woman who is in excellent shape with good muscle tone but whose other features are unredeemable. I read a study that said pretty much the same thing is true for most people, but they aren't consciously aware of it. Fitness is the strongest weighted aspect of physical beauty, yet most people just plain fucking fail at it. And some of those failures seek solace in TRP!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Guys we lost. There was a picture of Brad Pitt posted were he wasn't lookig at Angelina Jolie. Clear evidence that you must think of women as subhuman animal whores. Thanks for showing us all the light Himeo.

And of course Antarius is getting closer to rationalizing rape.

Fucking idiots.
How could you possibly convince them that a guy that married a twice divorced, 39 year old woman, who has multiple kids that aren't his isn't alpha as fuck?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
For me, physical attraction is hugely correlated to physical fitness. "ugly" people who work out and take care of themselves have a sense of vitality that is attractive to me. It's possible, but difficult, to find a woman who is in excellent shape with good muscle tone but whose other features are unredeemable. I read a study that said pretty much the same thing is true for most people, but they aren't consciously aware of it. Fitness is the strongest weighted aspect of physical beauty, yet most people just plain fucking fail at it. And some of those failures seek solace in TRP!


Molten Core Raider

I know you guys are working on losing weight right now. That's the same as the guy who did meth the last ten years being clean a few months. You've accomplished a lot but its a marathon not a sprint.

This is why many of us are thinking these women are just straight trash. When overweight Ant (with his high paying job that he's mentioned numerous times) is banging young women, what are they getting out of the deal? Its possible that he's making it rain and doesn't want to advertise that, but I know that's not essential. What type of early 20s woman goes out to a club/bar looking to meet a mid 30s wealthy man? This is a rhetorical question. This is me doing my best to explain to you TRPers that you're simply not going to meet quality women because you've already selected them out. The quality woman disregard you in seconds, and your TRP Blogger Godshave already recognized that and their advise is to move the fuck on because your pathetic negging and holding frame is not going to persuade them in the slightest.No. You need more damaged goods.


Tranny Chaser
There was a spot with Chyna where she had a couple small surgeries done and looked good but she went too far.

Also she has had sex with X-Pac. Gah.


Molten Core Raider
This is what really clues me in -- you guys have all the stats you need right in front of you, by social scientists, anecdotes... everything. How many TRPers are in shape? I don't mean, "not morbidly obese". I mean, a few hours a week in a gym picking up some decently heavy shit and eating healthy most of the time. This is what a man does to be happy, to live a long healthy live, to show the world he can accomplish simple yet challenging tasks. It doesn't really matter that fat-as-fuck Phazael doesn't have to do that; he's already found a mate, hes out of the sexual marketplace. But right now you guys are competing and you act like your only weapon is finding damaged goods (then saying they all are) and relying on cash.

I guess spitting game at 20 year old women helps a lot, they can't tell the difference between wealth and cash.

Being healthy makes people happier, being stronger makes people happier (studies show but I'm not gonna go dig them up to prove it to you). Happy is objectively better. I know the TRP shit says join a gym. I know some of y'all have acknowledged that, but which of you are living it? Did you read the TRP stuff that said ("Join a gym.") and gloss over it because that shit takes time and you'll get to that later, where'smore of that good ol' shit explaining again why women don't want you or will break your heart if you let them.

Himeo/Trollface/Dumar/Antarius/Lighting Lord Rule/Other TRPers here: are ANY of you strong or fast? Dumar seems to be in the lead re: physical fitness because he is allegedly "not fat". Are any of you actually physically inspiring? Or do you just call women shallow sluts for talking to the man with muscles, because muscles are so easy to have, that's why every man here has a physique like Jackie Treehorn, right?


Vyemm Raider
This is what really clues me in -- you guys have all the stats you need right in front of you, by social scientists, anecdotes... everything. How many TRPers are in shape? I don't mean, "not morbidly obese". I mean, a few hours a week in a gym picking up some decently heavy shit and eating healthy most of the time. This is what a man does to be happy, to live a long healthy live, to show the world he can accomplish simple yet challenging tasks. It doesn't really matter that fat-as-fuck Phazael doesn't have to do that; he's already found a mate, hes out of the sexual marketplace. But right now you guys are competing and you act like your only weapon is finding damaged goods (then saying they all are) and relying on cash.

I guess spitting game at 20 year old women helps a lot, they can't tell the difference between wealth and cash.

Being healthy makes people happier, being stronger makes people happier (studies show but I'm not gonna go dig them up to prove it to you). Happy is objectively better. I know the TRP shit says join a gym. I know some of y'all have acknowledged that, but which of you are living it? Did you read the TRP stuff that said ("Join a gym.") and gloss over it because that shit takes time and you'll get to that later, where'smore of that good ol' shit explaining again why women don't want you or will break your heart if you let them.

Himeo/Trollface/Dumar/Antarius/Lighting Lord Rule/Other TRPers here: are ANY of you strong or fast? Dumar seems to be in the lead re: physical fitness because he is allegedly "not fat". Are any of you actually physically inspiring? Or do you just call women shallow sluts for talking to the man with muscles, because muscles are so easy to have, that's why every man here has a physique like Jackie Treehorn, right?
Working on it. I've been dieting for more than a year and a half. I hit the gym 3x a week for about 90 minutes. 60 minutes cardio / 30 minutes weight lifting.

Still fat, no longer obese. I started pretty far in the hole but I've slowly climbed out.


Molten Core Raider
Working on it. I've been dieting for more than a year and a half. I hit the gym 3x a week for about 90 minutes. 60 minutes cardio / 30 minutes weight lifting.

Still fat, no longer obese. I started pretty far in the hole but I've slowly clawed my way out.
I know man, I've already given you your gold star. But the piece of data I'm trying to get at here is how many of you single TRPers are in good shape or in the [working on it category] like most of America.

Jive Turkey

I know man, I've already given you your gold star. But the piece of data I'm trying to get at here is how many of you single TRPers are in good shape or in the [working on it category] like most of America.
I think that's what they're missing when I ask what right they have to call people out on looks when they're so overweight. It's not that being in shape gives you the right; no normal, reasonable human being acts that way. You can make personal assessments of people to yourself of course, but going out of your way to comment on when women are 'old used up hags' is just shitbag behaviour. It's just more so when you're fat or ugly yourself


Vyemm Raider
Oh, you lost a bunch of weight? What are you going to do with all the extra skin? You should give it to antarius so he can practice making suits before he lures a size 14 into his van
I have some loose skin. I'm still in my 20's so that shit might go away eventually. Or it might never. Time will tell.