Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge


The truth about female desire: Its base, animalistic and ravenous -

Listen, you guys are trying to beatify women for some reason, or suggest that they are making a terrible choice by sleeping with me or that I'm manipulating them somehow... but jesus christ, it's really not that hard, women want to be fucked, hard, by random different dominant men. And they go out and do it... often. And then they lie about doing it, because they don't want the societal backlash.

And that's ok... But listen, if you're a guy reading this thread, just know that it's possible to get in on the action, and it's really not that hard... and that's the last I'm going to be posting in this thread... ever. I really don't like the fact you're harassing a woman just because I posted up her profile picture. Sorry, that's more than a little creepy, and not a good way for me to get repeat business, I don't like getting angry texts. Fuck you guys.
we are saying that people are different and not every woman is the same and that your fucking religion is common sense and comes naturally to people who aren't autistic as fuck.

Jive Turkey

The truth about female desire: Its base, animalistic and ravenous -

Listen, you guys are trying to beatify women for some reason, or suggest that they are making a terrible choice by sleeping with me or that I'm manipulating them somehow... but jesus christ, it's really not that hard, women want to be fucked, hard, by random different dominant men. And they go out and do it... often. And then they lie about doing it, because they don't want the societal backlash.

And that's ok... But listen, if you're a guy reading this thread, just know that it's possible to get in on the action, and it's really not that hard... and that's the last I'm going to be posting in this thread... ever. I really don't like the fact you're harassing a woman just because I posted up her profile picture. Sorry, that's more than a little creepy, and not a good way for me to get repeat business, I don't like getting angry texts. Fuck you guys.
Can you tell us about your whore mother first?


Listen, you guys are trying to beatify women for some reason, or suggest that they are making a terrible choice by sleeping with me or that I'm manipulating them somehow... but jesus christ, it's really not that hard, women want to be fucked, hard, by random different dominant men. And they go out and do it... often. And then they lie about doing it, because they don't want the societal backlash.

And that's ok... But listen, if you're a guy reading this thread, just know that it's possible to get in on the action, and it's really not that hard... and that's the last I'm going to be posting in this thread... ever. I really don't like the fact you're harassing a woman just because I posted up her profile picture. Sorry, that's more than a little creepy, and not a good way for me to get repeat business, I don't like getting angry texts. Fuck you guys.
You should start lying about all the sex you're having, it will help you avoid the societal backlash in the future.

Jive Turkey

that's more than a little creepy, and not a good way for me to get repeat business
There's something gloriously fucked about the juxtaposition of these two clauses. It's Antarius in a nutshell.

So did the two biggest neckbeards in this thread get run off when it seemed proof of their alpha maleness was about to get objectively called into question? Very satisfying. Very satisfying.


Oh look, not more than a sentence response from khalid, turkey, cad, zzyy, et al to my post linking 4-5 sources of scholarship outlining precisely the premises, each supporting the conclusion offered by RP-aware men. Except of course, the insults, calling it terrible, saying it's 'focused on sex' (did younot readthe first paragraph?), and asking for pictures for some reason. Color me absolutely surprised and just totally shocked!

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
You guys contacting that girl is precisely why I don't post anything personal on these forums. That said, Antarius brought it on himself by posting in the first place. You can't be surprised when the scorpion stings you, it is only following its nature.


So are you going to show us what a real Alpha Male looks like?
You guys contacting that girl is precisely why I don't post anything personal on these forums. That said, Antarius brought it on himself by posting in the first place. You can't be surprised when the scorpion stings you, it is only following its nature.
Answered right below you. This is fucking FoH, and I've been here since Noows. I don't want to be stalked and/or hassled. I told you the truth about myself, otherwise if I was going to lie, I would embellish. And it makes absolutely no difference regarding my argument even if I was the fattest fedora neckbeard on the planet.

Regarding the points I made in my previous post, all I hear are crickets.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You guys contacting that girl is precisely why I don't post anything personal on these forums. That said, Antarius brought it on himself by posting in the first place. You can't be surprised when the scorpion stings you, it is only following its nature.
Agreed. It's fucked up, but par for the course (sadly).

Jive Turkey

Answered right below you. This is fucking FoH, and I've been here since Noows. I don't want to be stalked and/or hassled. I told you the truth about myself, otherwise if I was going to lie, I would embellish. And it makes absolutely no difference regarding my argument even if I was the fattest fedora neckbeard on the planet.

Regarding the points I made in my previous post, all I hear are crickets.
Take a face shot with your computer and upload it somewhere. Literally no way to find out anything more from the picture. Fact is, you talk a big game, but are more than likely a hideous man. You brag about being an alpha but are clearly anything but


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
we are saying that people are different and not every woman is the same and that your fucking religion is common sense and comes naturally to people who aren't autistic as fuck.
This. This is the only valid response to the redpillbrigade.


I never once bragged about being an alpha. I never talked about myself unless someone specifically asked, and when they did, I told them the truth.

People are not different outside of being human beings, animals, no. Behavior is behavior, and that's what I described in my long post.

Jive Turkey

I never once bragged about being an alpha. I never talked about myself unless someone specifically asked, and when they did, I told them the truth.
What's that stupid saying you guys keep repeating over and over? alpha fux beta bux? So you're the beta then?


I bought into gender equalism before experience taught me otherwise. The RP for me was just an academic formalization of psychosocial behavior I had been privy to both in my and in friends' lives. I absolutely bought into society's narrative for relationships: all the Disney bs about wanting an 'equal partner' and etc.

What was new for me was women's sexual pluralism. I hadn't considered or thought much about that biological phenomenon before reading Tomassi.


I bought into gender equalism before experience taught me otherwise. The RP for me was just an academic formalization of psychosocial behavior I had been privy to both in my and in friends' lives. I absolutely bought into society's narrative for relationships: all the Disney bs about wanting an 'equal partner' and etc.

What was new for me was women's sexual pluralism. I hadn't considered or thought much about that biological phenomenon before reading Tomassi.
we are saying that people are different and not every woman is the same and that your fucking religion is common sense and comes naturally to people who aren't autistic as fuck.
To reiterate for Dumar.


Of course not every man or woman is theexactsame. The entirety of social science would be superfluous. Is there a super special unicorn woman who's a perfect 10, doesn't slut around, and is hoping to find 'the one' when she turns 21 instead? It'spossibleshe exists, but we're not talking about extreme outliers. We're talking about how human nature, how human limbic, evolutionary-driven agency affects individuals in the majority of situations. Take a random couple, and RP will predict much, MUCH more accurately their behaviors and the outcomes than any other methodology regarding relationships society can offer.

'All women are different' is simply a variation ofNAWALT, which was long ago observed and defined by RP scholarship.


2 Minutes Hate
I was always find it funny when Dumar pretends to be smart and rational. I much like his other schtick when he's raving about shitty MMORPGs.