Red Pill Thread 2.0: Neckbeard Revenge

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Sitting talking to a friend at the bar and a drunk 8 sits down next to me. We're minding our own business, she's loud and obnoxious. I'm taking up maximum space at the bar (actually have my feet up on the bar and leaning back on the bar stool) and giving her no attention. Catch her eye and she says "You're a typical douchebag player aren't you?"

Me: "That's Mr. Douchebag to you."

Her: "That's what I thought. You don't even deny it."

Me (with a smirk): "Nope. And you obviously have no manners. I know your type. Rich little daddy's girl who always got everything she ever wanted. You need to be disciplined."

Her (Contemptuously): "Oh really. Who's going to discipline me? You?

Me (Leaning in and whispering in her ear): "I'm out of your league sweetheart, but if you'd really like, I'd be happy to bend you over my knee and spank that pale little ass of yours until it leaves big red hand prints." Her mouth drops open.

I turn around and start talking to my friend again and feel a tap on my shoulder. Turn back to her and she says "Will you dance with me?"

I couldn't believe it.

The progression of male incredulity about female sexual nature:

Stage 1: "I don't believe it."

Stage 2: "I couldn't believe it!"

Stage 3: "I'm beginning to believe it."

Stage Player: "Wasn't it always obvious?"
Seen it happen in person at least 4 times, almost word for word too. Is that some sort of Ultra RedPillScript thats being used at bars?


Unelected Mod
Dumb anecdotal story
So going to a bar and acting like a scumbag sometimes works on drunk women? Yeah, no shit.

The problem is when you religiously assume that all women are the same and that therefore this works on all women.


Seen it happen in person at least 4 times, almost word for word too. Is that some sort of Ultra RedPillScript thats being used at bars?
No, not a script, an experience described. But it is a type of conversation strategy: see the link in my previous post.


The problem is when you religiously assume that all women are the same and that therefore this works on all women.
You're missing the point, yet again. I'll say it clearly: it's not that that one specific circumstance works oneverywoman; it's thatevery womanhas a type of circumstance that willwork on her.

That'sthe point. All women are sluts, it just varies by circumstance. RP then, is to be aware of that fact, and use it to your advantage - not let it work on you, to your disadvantage.


Every guy also probably has a particular circumstance that will work on him. If that is all you are saying, it is meaningless.
Uh, duh. But men and women are different, and they handle promiscuity differently due to differences in biology and psychology, and we cannot blindly ignore it. I don't like either - I wish they handled it the same, but it is as it is, as theresearch shows.

Women get used up with multiple partners; men can sleep around with little effect. It's unfortunate, but that's the marbles.


Unelected Mod
That study has nothing to do with whether women are all "sluts" or not, or whether they are all "used up" at 30. Please stop linking it over and over. It doesn't say what you think it says.


So going to a bar and acting like a scumbag sometimes works on drunk women? Yeah, no shit.

The problem is when you religiously assume that all women are the same and that therefore this works on all women.
And go one further and assume all women are absolute whores.


Unelected Mod
Actually, lets talk about that article. It's conclusion, at least from the headline from theDaily Mail, is that women who don't sleep much before marriage are happier than others.

So what could cause that? Well, how about societal pressures? Or maybe the fact that women who are having more sex before marriage are unhappier in the first place? All kinds of reasons. The study doesn't say WHY this is the case. Saying its all biological and that all women are sluts and used up is your own conclusions tacked onto a study that didn't even have those conclusions itself.

It is more RedPillcherrypicking and then even after cherrypicking studies that kinda support their viewpoint, then drawing overly broad and meaningless generalizations. All of which is why its more of a religion or at best a pseudoscience.


It was published at UVA, which is a great university. You would assume the study would control for factors like people with depression or some such.

The conclusions of the article absolutely support what RP says: there's a physical and emotional impact on sleeping with multiple partners in a LTR or marriage for women. If you don't want to call that 'used up', then feel free to call it whatever you like. I'll not use euphemisms because the truth might suck.


Unelected Mod
It was published at UVA, which is a great university. You would assume the study would control for factors like people with depression or some such.
Science 101: You don't get to take a study, tack on a conclusion it doesn't make, and say "see, this study proves it".

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Im sure it wouldnt be hard to conduct a study to prove all RP followers are fucking retarded basement dwelling aspies who cant hold a normal conversation with a woman.


How does it not say what, well, it says it's saying? There's an impact on women if they sleep around. That impact is something men should not put up with according to RP.


Unelected Mod
How does it not say what, well, it says it's saying? There's an impact on women if they sleep around. That impact is something men should not put up with according to RP.
You keep moving the goalposts around what you think RP is saying. First all women are the same in anything involving sex, then its just carnal sex. Then its simply about all women being susceptible to the same pickup lines. Then its about all women being whores. Then its about RP telling men not to settle for whores. Shit, wait, but didn't you just say all women are whores?

The only thing that matches all those things, is if RP is simply about hating women and just wanting to get your dick wet. Stop pretending it is anything other than that.


You keep moving the goalposts around what you think RP is saying. First all women are the same in anything involving sex, then its just carnal sex. Then its simply about all women being susceptible to the same pickup lines. Then its about all women being whores. Then its about RP telling men not to settle for whores. Shit, wait, but didn't you just say all women are whores?

The only thing that matches all those things, is if RP is simply about hating women and just wanting to get your dick wet. Stop pretending it is anything other than that.
Carnal sex and sex ... are the same. (Unless you're doing dishes in exchange.)All womenare susceptible toapickup line. Yes, all women are whores. And yes, you do not settle with them: you enjoy them when they're at their peak physically according to RP.

There's nothing but consistency coming from me. Not hating whatsoever, just describing them and reality as they are, as it is. I'm not sure what you're reading, or if you even are.


Unelected Mod
Why is that hating women?
Your whole philosophy is not "settling" with a woman that isn't physically attractive and below 30. You don't care if they are smart, active, share your hobbies, anything else. All they are useful for is getting your dick wet. You apparently aren't even interested in ever raising kids. Even if you tried, you think that the woman would most likely be simply waiting to cuckold you. You couldn't disregard or hate on women more if you tried. So yeah, its obviously a philosophy of hating and disregarding women for anything other than sex.

As I have said before, RP is the mirror image of the feminists that claim all men are rapists. Those feminists claim just as strongly that they aren't hating on men, they are just stating it like it is. It is all biological, all men are simply waiting for that time you are vulnerable to rape you. It is absurd, just like RP.


I love women and appreciate them for what they are - and accept them for what they are not. If there's any hate, it's from the ones who make up fantasies about them and their behavior. The hate defense is a very common one against RP-awareness though, so it's expected.

It would be great if a woman were all those things, sure. But those aren't the most important things, as I said: they're secondary and tertiary. Those things aren't important to a girl at 21 either; they're important to a woman of ~30. And there are biological underpinnings to that phenomenon that I already described to you.