

Vyemm Raider
So had my first real mass pvp fight last night in fear, solid 30v30 or so (our crew outleveled / geared them significantly so it was far from fair). My biggest takeaway from it was that playing melee in mass pvp is fucking HARD. You have to keep track of where the MA is, where the target is, and where your healers are which is natural for any pvp game. However Everquest definitely has some limitations with no targeting rings, low visibility range on targets name flashing, and lets be honest... fucking bard speed that makes it pretty difficult. While I imagine there is a learning curve for all classes it for sure seems like it is going to take me some time to get to a point where im something other than a completely useless Warrior in pvp.

Vitality sorry I bailed last night without setting you up! By the time we were done for the night I had completely forgotten. Won't be able to play again until Friday but I'll do my best to help out you (or anyone else) with what I can. Also I have toons ranging from 13-54 so I imagine I will be able to group with yall by then as well.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I was a troll SK at launch of red99 back when there was no exp bonuses and u lost exp in PvP deaths.

The grind was brutal in those days.

I then got a paladin to 50. He's still sitting in the CoM stables.

Basically I just want to make a caster and leave him between 25-35 and solo PvP in Kunark, Mistmoore and Unrest etc


Mackin on the bitches with my homies



Molten Core Raider
As someone who played an Enchanter to 55, be prepared to suck shit in pvp when caught out solo. You have a ton of tools to lock people down (stun / mez / etc) but you have very little in the form of DPS unless you happen to have a charm pet up and running. Yet, even then you are a single dispell away from said mob turning on you as well. Basically, you have tools to stun / mez and then flee basically. You have nothing to get actual pvp kills. At low levels, blind is your friend!

Enchanters are boss for group XP and group PVP though.
I was talking about PVE solo machines. Great choice for first character on a server to do some farming and build a dragon horde of plat for gear. In contrast to rolling a warrior or some such that really isn't going to get anything done unless your crew is online.


Got level 20 last night in unrest. Fungi tunic iksar monk tried to kill me. Can't touch my patchwork leather ass baby.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Think I might hit mistmoore today, not sure, I hear it's a twink pk battlefield.
It is. It fucking is.

god damn the group exp is fast these days, with that said, hear me out. Slow down a bit at this point. Levels 20-35 are hilarious PVP, esp. in Mistmoore and Unrest. Take a break from the grind to get some yellow text. Buy some pumice stones from the rearward zone in Felwithe (the one with the casters guildmasters) and get into some brawls.


Can get invis pots there too I think

Flex, I don't have the kit or crew to go toe to toe with most of the 20-35 pvpers right now babe. I joined Red because I want to play with the bros.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Bitch. The PvP range is +/-4 now, it used to be +/-8. (The good old days of a Gatorsmash maul double attack, simultaneous harm touch to the face instagib) You got dis. I got your back.

btw, just skulk around invis, look for a group fighting a mob, and start nuking either the low hp tank or the sitting healer for luls, do it through a wall and watch the panic. + more red points if you do it from a point someone cannot reach without lev.


I don't have the kind of plat to buy pumice and cloudy pots. Besides I have the spell cancel magic already.

The fuckin iksar (named Suicide) in unrest was bashing my skull in with double attacks for 60 each resisting every spell except for disease cloud.

I had to pop Invuln and cry for help to the druid near by lol. I'm such a pussy.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't have the kind of plat to buy pumice and cloudy pots. Besides I have the spell cancel magic already.

The fuckin iksar (named Suicide) in unrest was bashing my skull in with double attacks for 60 each resisting every spell except for disease cloud.

I had to pop Invuln and cry for help to the druid near by lol. I'm such a pussy.
If I recall, the deal with crystallized pumice is it has a lower cast time. Or maybe I'm wrong. But yeah, anyone with a Fungi, which seems to be an alarmingly high number of players, will push your shit in.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Twinks were pretty crazy on Rallos also. I remember being in front of Crushbone when this fucking rogue came in and killed like a dozen of these poor assholes. I ran for my life after realizing I wasn't really hurting him. It was brutal haha.