ReRolled Minecraft Server III


Once Bukkit releases a stable beta build of 1.6.1 I will post a launch date for the additional server. I'm still terraforming and getting economy items written. When I post a launch date I will also post the ruleset for this server as well.


What is that? Also, I went from a Hexxit world with better biomes and XL biomes and all kinds of new animals to Tekkin where the world sucks!


<Prior Amod>
I'm not very good at this =(

What's wrong with it? It's looking nice.

Stop being so down on yourself, you're doing a fantastic job.


Since I've been waiting for a stable version of 1.6.1 from Bukkit there has been a quite a few bug reports that are being resolved by Mojang. It may cause issues with getting a stable version of 1.6.1

Here's the bug list for just the vanilla game (which makes modded games even harder to fix >_< )

[MC-149] ? Powered pistons drop as items in creative
[MC-1545] ? Player's and Horses head while riding having strange behaviour when looking at the skin in the inventory
[MC-2025] ? Animals going out of fenced areas/suffocate in blocks when loading chunks
[MC-2840] ? Chat concurrency issues
[MC-2841] ? Packet flood degrades server peformance
[MC-5770] ? When putting a sign in front of water it keeps running
[MC-7486] ? Trapped Chest looks like Regular Chest in inventory / item frame
[MC-12962] ? Attacking wild Wolves with any kind of projectiles (Arrows, Snowballs, Potions) will cause any nearby tamed Wolves to attack their owner
[MC-13167] ? Reloading a world while player is in moving Minecart or riding a horse is glitchy in F5 mode
[MC-13632] ? Horses can be pushed into blocks and then take suffocation damage
[MC-13695] ? Ctrl+Click = Right Click on Mac not working
[MC-13949] ? Leads attached to mobs drop as items when right clicked in creative
[MC-14157] ? Numlock Enter not recognized as Return
[MC-14359] ? Direct Connect does not remember port
[MC-14415] ? rope part of the leash turns invisible in some angles
[MC-15024] ? Hay blocks can not be crafted back into wheat
[MC-15161] ? Gliding crosshair when on a saddled horse
[MC-15547] ? "Nether-Fortress-Only" Mobs no longer spawning in previously generated Fortresses
[MC-16170] ? Unarmored horses appear as wearing diamong armor
[MC-16222] ? Baby Zombies are far too fast
[MC-16267] ? Cannot change Horse Armor like Player Armor by clicking with another armor piece on slot
[MC-16761] ? Sprint does not happen straight away
[MC-17673] ? Distorted fonts when using a converted texturepack on startup
[MC-18365] ? Breaking sound and particles appear when placing water/lava into another source block
[MC-18627] ? The "clear" command is causing a player in creative mode to be unable to move items in their inventory.
[MC-18828] ? /clear command causes problems with animations of held items
[MC-18976] ? Health boost resets additional health every 30 seconds
[MC-19082] ? Signs placed on Fences don't have Text
[MC-19585] ? Trying to jump on an unsaddled Horse, then equipping it with a saddle makes the Horse jump automatically
[MC-19592] ? 1.5.2 clients show server 1.6.1 as 1.3 in Multiplayer screen
[MC-19599] ? Item Dupe
[MC-19605] ? the /playsound command does not work with @a when >1 player passes the query
[MC-20050] ? Minecraft 1.6.1 demo has crashed
[MC-21145] ? Demo crashes when unable to find 'name' of a bound mousebutton
[MC-21172] ? resourcepack crashes
[MC-21436] ? nested colors in json chat don't work
[MC-22315] ? Item Duplication by Mules/Donkeys
[MC-22401] ? Cannot pick block lead in creative.


Molten Core Raider
Here are some pics of my new set up. Playing Direwolf20's pack again while I wait for 1.6 to ever get finished.

First pic is my geothermals. I have 17 of them feeding into a MSFU and a MFE. You can see on the left side my rig to pull full lava cans from my nether pumping station and returning the empty ones back to be refilled. In the center is my iron tank.

2nd pic shows my 3 magmatic engines and my energy tesseract that runs my quarry in my mystcraft mining age.

A better shot of my magmatics.

I have just a small iron tank but the set up I have to fill it keeps it full all the time. It holds 576 buckets worth of lava.

This is my quick glance wall of the major things I try to keep on hand. I just got done setting up some new machines and expanding my ME system to other parts of my base so I am pretty low on every thing.


Molten Core Raider
So what does they all do?
I'll see if I can explain and post some more pics to help with it.

This is a picture of my set up in the nether. The machine on the left that has the 3(there are actually 4 but you barely can see the 4th one on the other side of the pump) redstone engines attached to it is a pump. It is pumping lava from a HUGE lava lake in the nether. It pumps it up and into the first machine in the middle there called a liquid transposer. What this transposer does is fill empty cans with lava then sends it, via the gold pipes you can see on the right, to that black chest. The black chest is called an ender chest. If you look you can see the top of the ender chest is white. If you look back at my first picture you will see one that is exactly like it. The reason for this is they share inventory. So anything you put in one you can then travel to the other one, even in another dimesion, and the items will be there. So the cans go in the chest and since they share the same inventory the one in my power room gets the full cans taken out and sent to another liquid tranposer. That transposer, the one in my power plant, takes and empties the cans of lava then pumps it into the iron tank, the tank with all the lava in it in the middle of the first picture in my last post.

Now in this pic you can see the other side of my setup. The machine to the right is a magmatic engine, just like the three in the 2nd picture in my last post, and they run off lava. The energy they produce is called Minecraft joules, or MJ for short. It is the power type used by the mod thermal expansion. In that mod there are machines like the pulverizer, which is a machine that takes your ores and grinds them down and makes 2 dusts for every ore and the dust can then be smelted and makes 1 ingot per dust so your are basically doubling your ingots for every ore using it.

In this pic you can see the pipe from my pump going down into the lava lake.

Now if you look back at my last post again and look at the first pic you will see on the right side the geothermal generators. What they do is take lava and produce energy units, EU for short, and mods like Industrial craft2, redpower, and computercraft use this type of energy. Machines that run on one type will not directly hook up to lines carrying the other type of energy. So you have to have a way to make both kinds or use on converters and all that jazz hehe.

Here is a picture of the pulverizer interface. As you can see some of these machines can look to be pretty complex but in reality they are almost all pretty simple to use, once you understand what they do.

IN this picture is my assembly table. The red things on the ceiling are lasers. It is used to make computer chips and things like that which are used to make the most advanced things in the game. The next pic is it in action.


To be continued next post....


<Prior Amod>
Finally got the first level of my tree done. Damn thing is taking forever and probably looks retarded but whatever. heh


I'm Amod too!
Here are some pics of my new set up. Playing Direwolf20's pack again while I wait for 1.6 to ever get finished.

First pic is my geothermals. I have 17 of them feeding into a MSFU and a MFE. You can see on the left side my rig to pull full lava cans from my nether pumping station and returning the empty ones back to be refilled. In the center is my iron tank.
Personally I prefer a Blaze farm that puts the rods into a solid fuel steam boiler. That way you don't have to move anything around like you do with a magma setup when you run out of pumpable lava underneath your pumping station.


Molten Core Raider
Personally I prefer a Blaze farm that puts the rods into a solid fuel steam boiler. That way you don't have to move anything around like you do with a magma setup when you run out of pumpable lava underneath your pumping station.
I personally do a biofuel setup with apples and saplings at that tier but this is just my 2nd tier step on this world and those2 are third tier. I do hobby steam first to get started then when I can finally get up enough gear and enchants I go to the nether and get my lava/magmatic/geothermal setup. then I do an ME system to handle all the items that are about to influx my base from my mystcraft quarry. Then I go biofuel and build everything up till I get a nuclear power plant going. Then from there I start making bases/portals/mystcraft dimensions until I get bored and go play another pac hehe

And I made a damn rookie mistake tonight.. *sighs* I took my miner age descriptive book with me into the nether instead of a linking book and died and of course it fell into the fucking lava so now I can't get to my damn quarry... Also lost my vajra, a mining laser, an advanced jetpack, an advanced lap pack, a portal gun, and a full set of power armor. So lost about 2 stacks and a half of diamonds in one death... such a damn waste. So yeah it was a complete kick in the teeth and it is going to take me a little while to recover from it since I was so low on resources from the ME system and getting my quarry set up. *shakes head* Why I didn't post any more pics. I was so disgusted I logged out and watched some youtube videos.


I'm Amod too!
For my last mid-tier I stole a page from Yogscast and then actually made it useful. I set up an automatic cow milking machine and fed the milk into a bank of biogas engines. I also had a steve's cart tree farm that I'd make charcoal for generators with. I've used the lava setup before but having to move the pumping station every few days eventually turned me off from using them. I tend to favor the type of stuff I don't have to maintain.