ReRolled Minecraft Server III


Molten Core Raider
Wasn't me this time!

And I agree 100% Vvoid. Fuck Greg and his fucking stupid ass mod. There is making things difficult then there is just making things fucking retarded. I mean some people like to slam their nuts with a hammer and if that's how they have fun more power to them but I don't so fuck him for trying to make me.


Is there anyway to create or view an overhead map of your entire single player map? I keep creating new worlds over and over looking for a decent one and I'd like to see the entire map before I delete a world.


You have to load the chunks first by exploring the world. If you rendered a fresh map without moving away from spawn you would only get a very small area.
The best way of seeing maps is by using seeds that have already been explored. Gohere


This is a bit off-topic but if you're playing Minecraft and you're interested in architecture like me you might give some thought to taking a class offered byedX.

edXgives anyone the opportunity to study awide range of subjectsonline by some of the most prestigious universities in the world, like MIT, Wellesly, UCBerkeley and so on.

There is a class called 4.605x A Global History of Architecture: Part 1 which begins on September 17th 2013 (You must register for these classes) Read theFAQ

Here's a short video about the architecture class.


I'm Amod too!
Wasn't me this time!

And I agree 100% Vvoid. Fuck Greg and his fucking stupid ass mod. There is making things difficult then there is just making things fucking retarded. I mean some people like to slam their nuts with a hammer and if that's how they have fun more power to them but I don't so fuck him for trying to make me.
What's even worse about Greg's Tech is thanks to the autocrafting in XyCraft or AE it's not even "hard" anymore. Just extra annoying.


You have to load the chunks first by exploring the world. If you rendered a fresh map without moving away from spawn you would only get a very small area.
The best way of seeing maps is by using seeds that have already been explored. Gohere
Found this:

Never realized just how big the worlds were.


Molten Core Raider
This is a bit off-topic but if you're playing Minecraft and you're interested in architecture like me you might give some thought to taking a class offered byedX.

edXgives anyone the opportunity to study awide range of subjectsonline by some of the most prestigious universities in the world, like MIT, Wellesly, UCBerkeley and so on.
Registered and signed up for the class. Thanks man! And looking at the course list and the schools participating.. OMFG it is awesome! The pursuit of knowledge has always been my first passion.


Registered and signed up for the class. Thanks man! And looking at the course list and the schools participating.. OMFG it is awesome! The pursuit of knowledge has always been my first passion.
Ever since this edX project was conceived I knew I was going to participate in it. I think education is best presented like that.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Intropy, how did you do the 3d printing before and what format did you need the minecraft map in to do it?


Shit Gamer
On my local machine, when I create worlds they get a whole folder under %APPDATA%\.minecraft\saves\, and then I open the .dat file with the world name. I assume I need the whole folder that contains the world.


Molten Core Raider
So I been thinking about my cobble situation a lot here lately. I have 4 quarries going now nonstop and the amount of cobblestone I have is just unreal. I'll include a pic of my item count wall so you can just see what I am talking about. I was sitting here thinking of what I want to do next and I was watching the cobble counter go up and it has been bugging me for days that in a previous build I had a use for cobble and I couldn't remember what it was. So I was sitting here and looking at the wall and thinking what hell I was doing with all the cobble and I noticed I didn't have an item on my wall I normally have and then it hit me like lightening.. UU matter! Of course! So now I am going to make me a huge recycling plant to get rid of all this damn cobble and dirt. Woot woot! hehe



Molten Core Raider
So I went down into my power plant to see where I was going to tie in my recycling room and I noticed how cluttered and crazy the room had become. I mean holy crap.. look at my first pics and look at it now LOL So here are some pics of the way it looks now. I HAVE to clean this place up and make it easier to access before I move on.




I'll post pics of what it looks like after I clean it up. With that being said I want to say if I am annoying you guys with all my pics just let me know. I like sharing with you guys and it gives me folks to talk to about it but if you all are tired of seeing what I am doing just let me know and I will stop, :)


Thanks for the rundown on TC Cam.

Can you actually get blocks using the "magic" from items? Like in EE when you turn diamonds into cobble and vice versa? I actually liked that in EE. I did not like the power flowers and free blocks devices though. But after a while I do like being able to turn some hard-earned diamonds into building blocks for my projects.


Molten Core Raider
Yes and they are indestructible as well except by the person who made them... not even a nuke hehe


Molten Core Raider
Ok here are the pics since, like in life *grins*, silence is consent!


Looks a lot better, imo. Been out with a couple friends so haven't gotten to my recycler build yet but I'll be doing it tonight so will post some pics of it when I get it done as well as an explanation for those of you who aren't familiar with what I am doing.


<Gold Donor>
You might want to consider moving your ME drive bays a bit further away from those engines, being that they have (an ever so slight) chance to explode.


I will be posting the live date for the new server/map later on this evening.

I will be listing server version, plugins/mods, map size commands and rules. This new server will not be easy mode. There will be no /back or /spawn commands. However, there will be spells that can bind you somewhere and gate spells that will help traveling but there will be a reagent cost to them. Map radius is small to start and will increase as time goes on.

The current server/map will remain active.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Can you actually get blocks using the "magic" from items? Like in EE when you turn diamonds into cobble and vice versa? I actually liked that in EE. I did not like the power flowers and free blocks devices though. But after a while I do like being able to turn some hard-earned diamonds into building blocks for my projects.
I think Cam may have misinterpreted your question a bit there. Thaumcraft doesn't have an "item conversion" system beyond the handful of metal transmutations and a cauldron recipe for gunpowder. Having said that, EE3 does still allow you to do this, it's just a bit more involved than it was with EE2, and not everything can be converted (yet).

Basically, with EE3, you just stick your minium stone and 1/2/4/8 of an item in a crafting grid and it will spit out an item of equivalent value. I'd use it a lot to get things like Clay (4 gravel), Ender Pearls (4 iron), and Grass Blocks (1 cobblestone). You can also still do the whole 1 Diamond -> 4 Gold -> 32 Iron (or the other way around) thing, which I find useful beyond a certain point... usually I'll have more diamonds than I need and start running low on some of the more common metals (though you can't get tin/copper with it yet). It's also incredibly handy to be able to cycle through dyed wools and some of the dyes (dandelion yellow -> light blue dye -> magenta dye, etc), and things like being able to convert sticks back into wood planks at 2:1. There's also a set of smelting recipes (minium stone + 1 coal + 7 smeltables = 7 smelted) that I find incredibly useful when I need some smelting done instantly.

The one item from EE2 that I truly miss is the condenser (NOT the whole power flower setup, just the condenser itself) - being able to convert your items is still nice, but I loved being able to put a target item into the condenser and just dumping whatever else into it to chip away at the cost of producing another one.


My buddy and I were thinking about this, and it's probably impossible. Wrath of the Titans. The Labyrinth Room. Dynamic mazes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've not seen Wrath of the Titans (I know - I'm ashamed) so I'm not 100% certain what you're going for, but with the Command Blocks you could basically have various maze segments and teleport players between them. With some redstone foolery you could randomize it to some extent, or have different triggers sending people to different places. There was an adventure map the Yogscast folks played a while back that was done in that style -Dungeon of Heroes.

I also decided to hop on the screenshot train with some of the stuff I was building on our DW20/FTB server a while back. It's been a few weeks since I've touched any of this stuff, and most of it was largely unfinished (Minecraft burnout, yay). I uploaded a couple dozen pictures over on imgur which can be viewedhere. I'll spoiler the rest of the pic descriptions for length.

Basically, when we started playing we set up shop in an NPC village. Eventually, we made a void age and started building new bases there, and I decided to completely tear down the existing village and start rebuilding it. The first several shots are of the void base I built. It was basically a large arrow-shaped hub building with 5 connected room behind it, each meant to house a different area of production/storage.

Exterior - Self explanatory. I used Aerial Faith Plates from the Portal Gun mod to launch players from the walkway you can see a tiny bit of on the left to the large marble area in the center. The Mystcraft portal dumps players back on the landing platform of the bridge.

Manual-use Machines - Again, self explanatory. A row of machines to use for one-off stuff. The Carpenters and Liquid Transposers towards the center are fed with assorted liquids via the Ender Tanks on top.

Steve's Carts Treefarm - Basically a plot of dirt with a cart track winding through it. There's a Steve's Carts wood-cutting cart in there somewhere, which cuts and harvests the trees. There's a Cargo Manager set up near the walkway in the foreground that restocks it with Charcoal and empties the wood, which is automatically converted to keep me stocked with a specified amount of Charcoal and Planks.

Top of Bee and Power Rooms - On top of the Bee room you can see the very tops of 16 alviaries and a couple TC golems (it's a mushroom biome, so there are constantly mooshrooms spawning on the grass - one golem kills them, the other grabs the drops and puts them in the tesseract). I was going to use this area for tree breeding as well but never got around to it (and it's not quite big enough). The top of the power room is all either HV solar arrays or Redpower2 solar panels.

Bee Room Interior - This is the inside working area of the bee room. 10 more production alviaries (bringing the total to 26) and the monstrosity in top-center is a breeding alviary, containing 5 frame housings, 3 mutator blocks, 9 heaters/fans, and 3 hygroregulators. The stuff in the top-right (clockwise) are a couple aviaries with high-fertility, short lifespan bees (liquid DNA fodder, complete with on/off switches!), a chest to put bee serums into (to have them refilled and re-purified), 3 inoculators (with status lights), recharged serum output, isolator (complete with vial recycler built into the wall), a chest to send bees to be liquified, and 2 indexers - one for rocky bees, and one for everything else.

Massfab Cluster - the underside of the group of HV solars on the roof of the power room. Basically, all 16 solars sit directly on top of a massfab, and the router at the end pulls out UU matter and ejects it to the tesseract. The system is set up with AE level indicators to stop retrieving UU at a count of 65k. This was originally paired with a similar array of recyclers pumping scrap into the system, but I kept running into issues with the routers putting scrap into the wrong place, and it wasn't really necessary beyond a certain point.

Power Room Walkway / Power Room Storage - A quick glance at the meat and potatoes of my power generation setup. On the roof, one HV solar array is connected to 2 separate strips of 5 electric engines, each with 2 bronze and 2 tin electron tubes. Each strip of engines can output about 80MJ/tick, which will fill a redstone power cell in about 430 seconds. Each strip has 5 redstone power cells in sequence feeding into energy tesseracts at the end. Basically, at any given point there are 96 completely full redstone power cells ready to be fed into the tesseracts, with an additional 24 partially filled (emptying one of those cells triggers that line of engines to start up and run for 432 seconds). It was incredibly expensive and tedious to build, but fuck it, I was bored and wanted overkill.

Liquid Storage Room - 8x5x6 (8x6x6 on the lava) XyCraft tanks (nearly) filled with molten redstone, molten ender, seed oil, honey, liquid dna, creosote, and lava.

Thaumcraft Room - 2 sets of crucibles/alembics to reduce dumping as much shit into the aura as possible. Automated with golems, of course. Not a whole lot going on here - I basically just transplanted my old TC lab here and haven't really touched it since. The research table and chests with assorted supplies are behind the camera.

Henequen Farm - A whole shitpile of stacked XyCraft soil blocks with henequen growing on the top layer. I used Golems to harvest/replant and shove the items into tesseracts. This was used to gather seed oil and string, but the golems are currently in the chest - it produces at a stupidly fast rate with that many of the soil blocks (4 layers).

AE Control and TC Elevator - The controller for my AE system and drive bays, and a TC elevator I built to get back up to the main area on top (using arcane levitators).

Automated Machines - Processing machines for my sorting system: Induction Furnaces, Compressors, Extractors, Macerators, and Pulverizers.

RP2 Sorting System - The tesseract at the top receives items from quarries and other machines. There's a diamond pipe to filter out dirt/cobble/gravel and immediately void-pipe it, followed by an apiarist's pipe to send all bees to the bee room, and then it dumps everything into an Ender Chest (colored to match the Ender Pouch I carry with me, so I can dump anything I need to into the system from wherever). From there, it uses a pair of RP2 Sorting Machines to pull items out of the Ender Chest and into the tube system. The chain of Sorting Machines after that will either color-code an item and send it to the respective tesseract for processing, or paint it black and send it on to the next Sorting Machine. The final sorting machine colors anything that makes it through the filtering process white and shoves it into an AE ME Interface for storage.

Crawl-space Wiring - I built this base with a particular design in mind. There is a 3-block crawl-space above and below the interior rooms to give me space to hide most of my wires and pipes, and the walls of the main building interior are actually 2 blocks smaller than the exterior, giving me room to do the same on the sides. This allowed me to easily run AE cabling to an access terminal in every room of the base (for easy access to my items), and run necessary power cables while keeping the visible parts of the room fairly clean.

Liquid Room Crawl-space - Below the XyCraft tanks in the liquid storage room I have Ender Tanks and Liquid Tesseracts plugged up so I can easily get access to those liquids wherever I need them. In the corner of the (Bottom) image is a line of Aqueous Accumulators producing water and putting it into an Ender Tank (mostly for the Carpenter upstairs, and the transposer in the next image). On the top crawl-space I have machines set up to produce the liquids in the tanks, along with AE wiring to supply items and Energy Tesseracts to provide power.

Bee Room Crawl-space - This area in the first picture is set up to centrifuge all of the bee products (left side), automatically fill and purify serums (middle), and sort/liquify bees (right side). The second picture is showing how the automation of the alviaries is set up - in groups of 4, they all have an autarchic gate pulling everything out, an apiarists pipe shoving the bees back in, and then an iron pipe moving whatever remains into an item tesseract, which pushes everything through the sorting system. The levers below the autarchic gates basically turn that specific alviary on or off.

Mining Age Quarry - We set up a flat world specifically for destroying with quarries. This is the latest area I was mining out. The quarry you see set up is max size (64x64), giving the total area pictured a size of 192x256 (the top-right corner hasn't been quarried out yet, obviously). There was an abandoned mineshaft under there - now there's just a few little outlying bits of it remaining along the top edge.

Rebuilt Village - These are just assorted shots of the NPC village I decided to rebuild. Never did get around to finishing it. Though I was pretty proud of the hidden enchanting table in the Library - the button on the bookshelf completely closes the floor up to hide it.