Blood Bowl League - Season 2.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Still missing apps --




And still need 1 fill in coach for D4, stunties -- goblins, underworld, ogres, halflings, and 1 fill in coach for D3 (all of the previous plus vampires, and maybe AV 7 teams).

Gav said he'd take D3, but I dunno, he may be on another road trip to Kentucky or something.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Gavinrad abused my stunty team last night so he's definitely around.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Everyone's in except D3, all parties have been given notice in IRC or PM. Lets get this shit moving, homeys.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Season 2 has started! You will have until Wednesday AM March 27th to play the first game (8 days).

Superhiro hasn't app'd yet. My fill in Underworld team is in his place till he decides if he's gonna keep playing Sim City or come back to where the men game!

Daezul also signed up for D4, so I dropped my fill in team from there to make room for him. All divisions have had their first game seeded according to ranking, 1 is paired with 8, 2 with 7, etc.

Differences from last season -- winning your division will net you 80k gold. 2nd place wins 40k. Both of those teams will move up a division for next season. Bottom 4 teams in D1 will drop to D2, only the bottom team in each of the D2 divisions will drop to D3.

There's a large number of fill-in teams currently, so if you want to join mid season, it's perfectly workable.

Match Day 1 -



SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Khalan/Orcacide, I'm available to play most evenings from 10:00pm EST. Shoot me a PM or find me in IRC. I can make other times work, just let me know.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Khalan/Orcacide, I'm available to play most evenings from 10:00pm EST. Shoot me a PM or find me in IRC. I can make other times work, just let me know.
Orcacide is my fill in team. You'll be playing Superhiro first as long as his plan is still to play.


Molten Core Raider
Adam, early Wednesday night (after 4pm CST?) would be perfect for me to sneak a game in. Have to pick some folks up at the airport around 7 or 8 that night so I'll be random afterwards. I'll idle on IRC when I'm available, and we can just do it later in the week if needed.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Because we've got some new guys, and because the TV differences are going to start to show up more heavily here, I figured I'd say a word about inducements for the less experienced with them.

The number one biggest bang for the buck inducement is the wizard in probably 90% of the cases. It's an almost guaranteed defensive score if you use it right. If you're up against a caging team and know you can hit 4+ of their players at one time with one fireball, that's an insane amount of damage you can throw out in one shot. There's no armor roll for it, it's straight up 50% chance to hit, and then every injury with MB.

That being said, there may be times when the wizard is not the proper move. Sometimes hiring a dirty player merc is the way to go. Like if I was facing an elf team with some high value catchers/dancers/etc, I might go that route. Hire lineman for that game and pay the extra 50k to get him a skill, and pick dirty player. He'll have loner, but he's an extra guy that you don't care if he gets sent off, and he can foul every turn until he gets ejected and do some serious damage to low AV teams. Extra rerolls are generally useless unless you built your team short with them, and I would take a bribe instead. That would at least allow you to foul with a bit more reckless abandon until you burn the bribe (if fouling isn't part of your game plan due to low numbers or whatever).

Some star players are good, but remember that they also eat up SPP's if you're using them to score. Eldril Sidewinder for the elf teams can be an amazing use of 200k with Hypnotic Gaze (the vampire skill).

Lastly, build up your rosters. 11 men aren't gonna cut it for long term league play. You need to be able to absorb injuries and still field 11 guys for the second half. My gut feeling is that most of the people who had the hardest time in Season 1 weren't doing this. Crippled guys? Don't cut them, put them on the LOS until they die or you have the money to replace them and still have a 14 man roster. More injured bodies is usually better than less healthy bodies. You don't wanna be outnumbered 11 to 7 at halftime and then get manhandled.


Dman let me know when you want your norse to beat up my elves again. As said previously a bit of foreknowledge is good for me being GMT, since I can usually make it at any time as long as I know in advance.


Trakanon Raider
Oblio and Daezed,
I have stuff to do Thursday and Friday nights...I can usually make any other night and weekends work.


Potato del Grande
I'd prefer to play late in the week as I've never actually played the game before so I have some learnin to do. So next Monday or Tuesday probably? Any hour is fine for me.