Blood Bowl League - Season 2.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Going along the same line, what is the long term plan for the league? Are we going to retire our current teams after a time and start over? I'd like to try elves at some point.
I think the long term plan is to keep going as is. I believe that most people are happy watching their team grow (even if there are setbacks) and are having a good time with the game. Sure, we're gonna lose a few people here and there, but we've got a pretty healthy community size for Blood Bowl, honestly.

The long term plan really revolves around what people are feeling. When it gets to the point where it's impossible or impractical for us to keep going, we'll make a change. You are certainly allowed to switch teams between seasons, and if you want to go to Elves next season, go right ahead. If I were you, I'd see if you can get a few MM games or something in the open league first before you're stuck with a team for a season though. The elves are fun with their bullshit plays, but managing injuries is a mini game in and of itself.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I think the long term plan is to keep going as is. I believe that most people are happy watching their team grow (even if there are setbacks) and are having a good time with the game. Sure, we're gonna lose a few people here and there, but we've got a pretty healthy community size for Blood Bowl, honestly.

The long term plan really revolves around what people are feeling. When it gets to the point where it's impossible or impractical for us to keep going, we'll make a change. You are certainly allowed to switch teams between seasons, and if you want to go to Elves next season, go right ahead. If I were you, I'd see if you can get a few MM games or something in the open league first before you're stuck with a team for a season though. The elves are fun with their bullshit plays, but managing injuries is a mini game in and of itself.
I'll certainly rejoin at some point in the future. I just need a cooldown period so I don't murder someone and/or drink myself to death.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Slytin, I don't know who you are but we need to do our D3 game. I'll be idling in IRC most of the evening so hit me up when you're around and we can knock it out.


On the subject of elves, I would avoid the Wood elves. They can do some amazing bullshit, but WDs eat all the SPP and AV7 on every player makes every block jump your blood pressure :p But the lack of tackle makes a moderately skilled elf team very good, as any of your players can get dodge. Everyone with blodge makes even av7 team durable.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Dark Elves are better in a bash centric environment, thanks to the higher AV and additional blitzers. The biggest problem with injury management on a Wood Elf team is that the linemen are pretty expensive to replace for what amounts to a skill less S3 derp who can happen to handle the ball in a pinch.
Need a validation on mine and Dazuel's game last night. I played like a freaking idiot and then took a niggle on my +str/MB wardancer, and he scored the go-ahead on turn 16 to beat me 1-0. Shows me I have a lot to learn about this game still.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
No sign of Slytin either here or in IRC, so we didn't get our D3 game in.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
No sign of Slytin either here or in IRC, so we didn't get our D3 game in.
Yeah, I just got outta game to check on shit.

Restless asked if I had seen Makkon too, I know he posted that he'd be out for the month of May, but didn't know if that meant ending the season early for him or what. So anyway, lemme know what's up Makkon, for real league and stunty. I didn't advance your day yet, so you can play Restless today if you want.

Same for you and Slytin. Haven't heard definitively from Adam, but I think Slytin's done too, so it's no big deal.

And sorry 'bout the rage, Cheese. I think it was the vamps that did you in. I could probably play them pretty successfully vs the AI, but against anyone who has even the slightest fucking idea of how to fuck with vamps, I'm not sure I'd stand much of a chance either. Non stop ragefest.

Oh, and if anyone else is gonna drop/change teams/etc, you've got about 24 hours to lemme know before I start building season 3 divisions. There probably won't be anyone moving down a division yet, because I've gotta condense people upwards to fill the drops. So everyone should be safe and not have to worry about that.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
And sorry 'bout the rage, Cheese. I think it was the vamps that did you in. I could probably play them pretty successfully vs the AI, but against anyone who has even the slightest fucking idea of how to fuck with vamps, I'm not sure I'd stand much of a chance either. Non stop ragefest.
Yeah, when I come back for Season 4 I'll just stick to my dwarfs. I really do enjoy playing them and I have fun with the game, but I need a full week of cooldown between matches in order not to hulk out.


I messaged restless today to try and set something up for tonight but I assume he is busy and didn't get it.

neither one of us messaged each other throughout the week and we didn't seem to run into each other on irc. I am up for the game, but it doesn't seem like its going to happen tonight.


Oh, and if anyone else is gonna drop/change teams/etc, you've got about 24 hours to lemme know before I start building season 3 divisions. There probably won't be anyone moving down a division yet, because I've gotta condense people upwards to fill the drops. So everyone should be safe and not have to worry about that.
Pretty positive I'll be switching to my goblin team for next season.


Golden Squire
This is how you lose games as an agi team.


Happened during an offensive possession. Green dots are me, and the lowest line = 1 (2 is the second line up, and so on). Horrendously bad luck over the span of 2 and a half turns.


Oh, and if anyone else is gonna drop/change teams/etc, you've got about 24 hours to lemme know before I start building season 3 divisions. There probably won't be anyone moving down a division yet, because I've gotta condense people upwards to fill the drops. So everyone should be safe and not have to worry about that.
If it isn't too late I'm going to switch to dark elves. Put me wherever you like.
My 'nets been down the last couple of days, isp is saying it won't be back til at least tomorrow which is irritating. Fingers crossed I can play tomorrow but resolve it however you want if that's too late


if the day hasn't been advanced yet we can try to play, drop a post when your internet is working and we can arrange a time


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I gave you guys a draw yesterday, and Slytin McCheese, in order for me to wrap up the seasons and start working on the sort.

Whatsamattau - feel free man. I don't think anyone's gonna be crying about less Chaos in the league.

So here's where we are at right now midway thru the sort process.


Some explanations here -

Oblio dropped, but was good enough to stay in D1. If/when he comes back, he'll stay in D1, which is why his team is where it is. Because of this, Djay (who technically missed the cut) will stay in D1.

McCheese dropped, and he would have dropped to D2, so he's sitting in a D2 slot right now to denote that. If/when he comes back, he'll get slotted into D2.

Makkon was good enough to get promoted with the Chaos Dwarves (which would have been fun), so he's sitting between D1 and D2 right now. Again, he'll get slotted into D1 when/if he comes back.

Same with Dokomo and Adam, no promotion/relegation there, so they stay put, and Slytin is a drop too. I haven't heard definitively from Adam about both he and Slytin, the last I heard was "probably gonna drop" for both of them. So that's why they're both out technically.

Ronne and Skids got bumped up from D3, and I moved Stupidmonkey up too, because I need to have room for the D4 guys. They have the best record amongst the main teams (Restless' underworld actually did well, but it was an alt team, so we're ignoring it). D2 isn't in it's final condition right now...I will sort by number of points, and then split them as evenly as I can, so we don't end up with the orcs and chaos all in the same division. Hopefully it means for the D2 guys that you're not playing the same 6 guys you did last season.

Disdain won D4, because of that I moved him up to D2 because I needed to keep the divisions as even numbered as possible, and that was the way to do it. Plus he's got an orc team with some established blitzers, so honestly, he should be ready to go.

D3, Cyrus had a pretty rough season, compared to how well he did last season, so he stayed, and so did Superhiro. The balance of D4 was absorbed into D3, you guys will end up playing each other again, but instead of having 4 stunty teams to beat up on, now you'll have Nurgle and Orc and whatever Addlemixie picks as his real teams to compete with. Soft entry to the league, and now it's time to actually work for it.

The way it's set up currently, D1 has 8 players (because everyone in there should have to work for it), and then D2A, D2B and D3 have 7 players, and D3 has 6. This means I can give all of those divisions a bye week, and then a few people have said they'd be interested in playing another team in D3, ZP was pretty excited in IRC about having that chance yesterday. If we have a couple of D1 guys who want to roll up a new team (Doesn't have to be stunty) to play in the D2's and then anyone in D2 or above that wants to do the same for that last D3 slot we can do that. I'd rather have all of the bye weeks filled up though, if we're going to do that. Not fair to guys in D2A if they get a bye week and the guys in D2B all got a full 7 games that season or something.

Pros and cons for bye week -

Double winnings and 16 free random SPP for your bye week (2x5 for MVP's and 2x3 for TD's)
Counts as a game so MNG's heal up.
Reduces rage, gives everyone a break.

Only 16 spp if you had been generating a better average than this (not sure too many people fall into that category, but there might be a few)
Less games to develop your players specifically (thru feeding TD's)
More possible rage/scheduling issues with people playing 2-3 games per week in the summer months. There's undoubtedly more shit going on in the summer than in the winter - yard work, kids sports, days are longer, weather is nicer, etc. I don't wanna have 4-5 guys running 3 games a week and not being able to get their matches in because beer league softball starts in June or something.

Also, because of the way it's structured now and how many teams dropped and earned promotions, it may end up in Season 4 that the full promotions don't get implemented. Right now we've already got Oblio and Makkon who have won the right to be in D1, so if they come back, they'd win out over any new promotions from D2 next season, I'd say. It's the only fair way, RL shouldn't interfere with what you've already earned in the league.



I'd play my DE team in D2 and then the goblins in another division if necessary (that would probably be my preferred option).