Official Blood Bowl League


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Cut off will be Tuesday sometime. I'm gonna make a big post laying out how we're gonna wind down the registration process here and start the league going when I get home in the morning. I just don't wanna do it on my phone here.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Good to hear it. Make a team for the open league to if you're itching for some skirmishes


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Alright, we've got 30 players right now. 30 works, but I have to make 5 divisions of 6, and our seasons will be shorter. It's not ahugeproblem, but I'd really like those last 2 guys to make an even 4 divisions of 8. If you know ANYONE who is even remotely interested in this, have them sign up before Tuesday. I may have some tricks up my sleeve if we can't get them...we shall see.

2 spots, first come, first serve and you're in on division 4. Anyone we get beyond that is overflow as far as I'm concerned, and will be put on the list for filling in for dropouts or for next season. If we have a sizable amount of said people, I will create a holding league for them, and we'll fill it up with stunties from whoever wants to play 2 teams, so that everyone gets to play.

On Tuesday I will build divisions, and start the season when I'm done. I'll give the admins all the appropriate information they need in order to manage you guys, so refer to the list on Steam or on here or in IRC whenever you have problems with your matches, or if you need them validated. I can't guarantee 24/7 admin coverage, but that was my goal, and hopefully we've got enough to cover issues that arise. You'll then have a little over a week to get your first game scheduled and we can stop fucking talking about this, and just do it.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
My tricks work. There won't be 5 divisions. There will be 4 full divisions of 8 come Tuesday, no matter what happens.


Oblio may need to resubmit his team to the league as his lizardmen are missing a player, but the team still has the players TV included. It happened to me in the open league and I had to delete the team and remake it


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Apparently my leet hax doesn't work for everyone.

PM me if you are in div 1 or 2 and own BOTH Chaos and Legendary editions, and have since before the server migration a week ago. The league needs your halp!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
The League is up and full.

We are gonna get fucked on not having 2 leagues when/if people drop out. So uhh, don't drop out, you'll fuck the whole damned thing up.

Don't play any matches yet, I'm waiting to see if the divisions auto update themselves on the rankings page. The rankings page is wrong, the calendar is right. More information will follow in the morning.


I will finish up all the contact information and everything when I get home from work.

These are the games as they stand for the week, you have until Wed 1/30 to play them. DON'T PLAY ANY TONIGHT PLZ K THX.



Trakanon Raider
Also how far in advance will we know next the schedule? week by week? or does it seed the whole thing from the start


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
It sets the entire season after you set the seeds. You can view the entire season in game via the league calendar


Molten Core Raider
Anyone want to (if possible) switch from div 4 to 3 with Slytin? He's played 2 games total so far, and I have a bad feeling that he's going to get raped in div 3.


Trakanon Raider
Is there any way to edit (Reform) our teams before the league starts, I've been playing a lot of online people and wanted to make a few small adjustments to my roster before the season began BUT its not a huge deal so if it breaks everything, don't worry about it.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Adam - yes its possible to still move until first game is played.

Khalan - try this first. Go into your roster and fire a player. If you get money back, you should be able to change it right there


Golden Squire
Wait, someone's actually playing a Halfling team? And damnit, I was hoping to avoid playing you for a bit Cutlery. Though I guess the first game is better since Orcs aren't good for Amazons after a few skill ups.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Adam - I will move your rm when I get home. You're right, D3 shouldn't be the noob division, and it wasn't that long ago that 32 guys was a pipe dream for this. The obvious answer to me is to move Waxedwolf up. He's the FNG, but he's also been active on the boards and in IRC, and he's got a ton of games played. Plus he helped me get the division full by doing some tests for me. He's earned it. He'd probably curbstomp D4 anyway.

Moontayle - my first loss with orcs online was to amazon, and you're right, as soon as my blitzers level, you're gonna be on the other end of the world from them
Its probably the best scenario for you all told.

And the Halflings and Goblins are Djay and I, respectively. We needed to make alt teams to round out division 4, and non competitve teams seemed to be the way to go to help out the rookies.