Rift: Planes of Telara

Thought you said you were getting more ram to go back to vanguard?
Jesus you change more then someone Transgender.
I am, got 16gig of posh RAM is sitting here, and a new motherboard, but I need to fit it all together and I can't be bothered


Blackwing Lair Raider
The level 50 pvp gear you are talking about is the freelancers set, not the warlord set. They don't have the top tier PVP armor / weapons, raid armor / weapons, or essences in the cash shop.

So no it isn't p2win. Only way it gets close is by buying the noterity vials that speed up the various faction grinds. That's not pay2win, just pay to not grind as much.
Pay-to-not-grind is pay to win in my book. The whole point of MMO's is to make the players grind their way to success. You remove the grind, you have paid to win. It's sad that you people don't even care any more, because you give an inch, these companies are going to take a mile. I think the days of people playing in a real world where real achievements mattered, are probably dead now.

They are purposely making Barbie games for teenage boys to spend their pocket money on. It's perfect, because they are young and stupid enough to not question what they are doing, but old enough to get money here and there and spend it on their most orsum favoritest hobby to become even moar supar badazz.
It can be anything, even pay to win is a valid model, it's just not one I respect or would want to play. Rift's model is one of the best I've seen, but still too much of an advantage by spending money.

Guild Wars 2 seems about the best ever, but I only looked at it briefly so don't know the full details. It also has the benefit of requiring you buy the game too, but still, the in game transactions seemed good.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I don't know, I wasn't remotely interested in anything GW2 offered in the cash shop. The only F2P game I've put money in is PS2. Only like 30$ though, but it's bought me months of entertainment.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What is Free to Play supposed to be then?

This seems to be a very good model.
True free to play is not having restrictions on certain game aspects (like the AH or chat) and not having content locked behind a paywall. Rift does do a good job of this but they do lock content (souls) and they do restrict certain parts of the game if you are not a sub.

To me it doesn't matter, Rift's gameplay is boring and having a sub vs. F2P doesn't change that.


Ssraeszha Raider
You can say you don't like it, but trying to change the whole definition of pay to win to fit your 1 person concept of what it should mean is just retarded
You can say you don't like it, but trying to change the whole definition of pay to win to fit your 1 person concept of what it should mean is just retarded
That's what you and everyone else does. The only definition I use of Pay2Win is the correct one - you know, based on the words "pay", "to", and "win".


Gunnar Durden
Playing on Seastone, where my old 50 character from 2+ years ago was. Character Ashelm. Can transfer if anyone wants to put a group together. Playing a Cleric. I was a melee cleric way back when, but this might as well be a new game to me for all I remember of it.


That's what you and everyone else does. The only definition I use of Pay2Win is the correct one - you know, based on the words "pay", "to", and "win".
But it seems as if your bar for winning is a lot lower than everyone elses. I wonder what you think in your "winner" pvp gear when someone in better pvp gear stomps your ass.


2 Minutes Hate
Pay to win, is having the ability to purchase the best gear in the game. If I could drop $200 and have the best raid gear in the game, I win. If I could drop $50 in the cash shop and have entry level gear to do the hardest raid, I don't win. I still have to win the raid.

Same thing with PVP. You're just buying entry level PVP gear. With equal skill, you're still going to get shit on by a person who PVPs more than you.


Trakanon Raider
But it seems as if your bar for winning is a lot lower than everyone elses. I wonder what you think in your "winner" pvp gear when someone in better pvp gear stomps your ass.
Since when does this have to do with anything? Pay to win has always meant buying an advantage. It doesn't matter how great or small that advantage is - if you can purchase an advantage that's technically pay-to-win. That's mostly what he's saying. He's against being able to buy any advantage in any game regardless of how small or large that advantage may or may not be. Just because you can't buy the very best gear in the CS doesn't mean this CS doesn't have some pay to win elements. It does, it's just a lesser version of pay to win that most people are accustomed to compared to other free to play games. That's also a good thing.
WTF there is someone left here with a brain who isn't a total fucking spastic? How could that be?! Draegan quick, make him your personal enemy and give him constant infractions.


What a shit game this still is. No flying mounts is just horrible for a game where trash mobs are not dangerous. It's called Rift and yet I still have to run to the next rift on a mount while being dismounted by trash that can't kill me, but slow me down so that some other asshat will close the rift before I get there. What a horrible excuse of lazy programming just to stroke the dicks of the minority that don't want flying mount. I bet even those small amount of people claiming that flying mounts will ruin the game run by the shit with out killing it.
The rifts also get incredibly boring very quickly. They are just circular shooting galleries. You stand there and pew pew the mobs down one by one and click your little loot chest. It could barely even be any more on-rails.

But whatever, I'm back in Vanguard now anyway and it's infinitely better. Even in the first hour I saw people chatting about various interesting things, I had someone welcome me back, and some passing cleric fill me up with buffs. The community is a completely different species to Rift. Funny how that works. I also find the gameplay to be far more relaxing and enjoyable.