

Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. a few other tips.

double walls and double doors help alot with heating. heat is lost through walls. double thick walls provide alot more insulation. do this for your freezer at least. possibly outerwalls for general as well. esp in extreme biomes.

stone does not burn. so, stone walls around key areas is a good idea. storage, electricty/batteries. stone floors 2 thick around conduit. or general base for firebreaks from lightning/boomrats.

set ONE and only one colonist to growing. this is usually true for all skills. one being good at it, is better then 2 or 3 colonists with poor skill trying. with growing this is especially true since crops are skill locked. getting rank 8 for healroot is very important for most biomes.
Potted plants for exp and looks.

Cleaning is very important. stress from this causes many colony collapse.

ideally, tame a hauling capable animal. (dogs, bears, pigs (advanced)) (I had a grizzy self tame last game. haha.)

euthanize self tamed animals. huge doctor exp gain.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Ohhh doctors can xp from things that aren't just patching people up? Interesting.

How do you build double thick floors, it always tells me there is a tile of that type there already? I've taken to burying my conduit inside walls to keep it safe from random garbage mostly.

I caught on to the stone walls thing pretty quick, it's just a bitch getting enough cut stun to replace all my early wooden structures.

What work order does butchering animals actually fall under? I can't quite figure out how to reliably have someone butcher, is it animal handling?

I've been doing a lot of animal stuff, taming tons of thing etc, then just slaughtering them for meat or selling them for fat stacks when caravans come around. That and mass sewing parkas seems to be a good source of silver, there any other methods I'm missing?
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Trakanon Raider
On my first colony, around 10 hours in, just made it through the third winter I believe? On whatever the middle difficulty is in a Temperate Forest. I have only really read this thread here, and turned off the tutorial, so I was figuring it all out the hard way (I didn't even figure out how to grow crops until the second summer lol, was doing massive hunting/butchering up to that point), also didn't start research until my colony was stable. One of my original three rolled as a Model, which was absolutely useless I discovered, he was only able to Art/Tame/Something, he wound up dying first thankfully (meatshield).

Game was going really well until the first raid that contained two guys with grenades. I wasn't on the ball about microing to dodge and I let my two best get exploded (Hunter/Researcher and Grower/Chick's Husband, this lady has since had no less than 4 mental breaks since he died), and a third got dragged away by the last remaining raider. I think I was down to just one healthy person after that one, who was tending two wounded and had to clean up and bury the dead. I was starting to have power issues right before the raid (this was mostly cause I didn't toggle off some of the workbenches I wasn't using I later found out), to where it was blackouts every night after the batteries drained, which just served to piss everyone off. Since you cannot prioritize research and my next best researcher had a skill of 2, it was an arduous slog to finish geothermal power. Since then we have recovered, I have had a couple colonists randomly join (although I accidentally shot one in the back of the head during a defense, RIP), and managed to convert a couple of raiders. Figured out the Communications Console and Orbital trading (been low on medicine the whole game since I had no idea how to get Herbal Meds since none of the traders sell them, then I finally figured out growing), and started to progress again.

Now I am in the middle of a Volcanic winter, which has gone on for three seasons thus far, still can't grow anything even in Spring, fortunately I grew like 1000 potatoes on my first grow by accident (didn't know how to switch crop types yet), so that plus meat has been working just fine.

Very fun game if you go in blind, only had one point so far where I thought I was going to have to restart and my colony was toast, super enjoyable.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea raids seem to get pretty brutal pretty quick. My last try ended when I got attacked by a group of like 5 dudes. They didn't even just come at me, they sat away far away from my base and set up sandbags and starting shooting artillery at me lol. My like 3 pistols and 2 survival rifles were no match for that shit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Researching to mortars is pretty good to regardless of if they have mortars as well. If some chumps are about to attack your colony just lob some mortars at them and kill them before your crew is even in harms way. But having good weapons and armor is especially important now that you can send out caravans and they can get attacked.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So how are the events decided in this? Cause I swear to god the game just decides I've gone far enough and ends my run. Day 1 of summer, 3 people get flu, okay fine I have a stockpile of medicine, I can deal with this even if I only have 6 guys total. Day 2 a manhunter pack of boars spawns, well thank god i have some turrets, they can probably stop this, one guy gets wounded pretty bad. Day 3 is a "dry" thunderstorm which immediately dumps 4 lightning strikes all over my base and burns the entire thing to the ground? Oooooookay guess that run is over. Jesus christ.


Trakanon Raider
Flash storms have never struck inside my base and I have had a few. Always just hitting the ground outside and I have my people pat them out before it overtakes my buildings.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So how are the events decided in this? Cause I swear to god the game just decides I've gone far enough and ends my run. Day 1 of summer, 3 people get flu, okay fine I have a stockpile of medicine, I can deal with this even if I only have 6 guys total. Day 2 a manhunter pack of boars spawns, well thank god i have some turrets, they can probably stop this, one guy gets wounded pretty bad. Day 3 is a "dry" thunderstorm which immediately dumps 4 lightning strikes all over my base and burns the entire thing to the ground? Oooooookay guess that run is over. Jesus christ.

Its pretty much like Dwarf Fortress in that regard.


Molten Core Raider
So how are the events decided in this? Cause I swear to god the game just decides I've gone far enough and ends my run. Day 1 of summer, 3 people get flu, okay fine I have a stockpile of medicine, I can deal with this even if I only have 6 guys total. Day 2 a manhunter pack of boars spawns, well thank god i have some turrets, they can probably stop this, one guy gets wounded pretty bad. Day 3 is a "dry" thunderstorm which immediately dumps 4 lightning strikes all over my base and burns the entire thing to the ground? Oooooookay guess that run is over. Jesus christ.
It's all determined by which storyteller you have picked and the difficulty setting for them. Cassandra is the standard storyteller and has a sloped approach to events and so forth ramping them up as the game goes on. Phoebe is a lot easier to allow for more base building, hence the "base-builder" title. Randy picks events totally at random so he could be harder than Cassandra or even easier if you keep getting cargo pod events. Lots of other storytellers are available through mods as well.

The difficulty setting scales several things for each storyteller. Stuff like their Threat, a passive colonist mood buff/debuff, selling price multiplier, crop yield mult, disease interval mult, and enemy reproduction. Higher difficulties bump these up, lower bump them down. The wiki has more exact details if you want to spoil yourself more on it.

Colony wealth plays in to the scaling difficulty of raids as well in some way. So if you got lucky with a cargo pod full of silver, or say a visiting caravan got accidentally killed and you find yourself swimming in extra loot, the raids could ramp up in difficulty. Somebody already mentioned stone walls to prevent fires but all types of placed flooring are also not flammable. This even includes Wood flooring oddly enough. So if you're desperate enough in early game or have areas of your base that are valuable but vulnerable to fire you can surround them with wood floors. Power conduits can catch fire which is a pain in the ass so I try to put them in stone walls whenever I can and try to keep an eye on long runs of them along normal land. You can draft colonists and move them next to a tile that is on fire and they'll start automatically stomping it out if you find they aren't firefighting fast enough naturally.

I personally roll with Cassandra on Rough as you don't get a lot of bonuses or penalties there. Some folks only play on Extreme, and some even crazier people have made mods to enabled difficulties beyond Extreme which I don't have near the skill level to try.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Hmm wealth factoring in to the threat level might be what has been fucking me. I've gotten in the habit of having someone mass tailor parkas out of whatever leather/cotton I have and sell them to every trader that comes by for ~300 silver each. Sitting on stockpiles of like 4000+ silver might be getting me events way beyond what my dudes are equipped to fight off then.

That one "dry storm" I got was such BS though. It lasted maybe 3 in-game hours, dumped 5 lightning strikes all directly on to structures in my base, then was done. Burnt the whole damn thing down cause my 5 colonists just couldn't deal with that much fire all at once, especially with a bunch of them having the flu.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
All this talk got my rimworld juices going. Seconds before the second raid with only 2 melee dudes show up, my only bitch with a gun has a food binge break and we get wiped. FML.


Trakanon Raider
I think I may have finally gotten fucked right before I left for work. I had a person out hunting bucks in the dead of winter, but it sent the whole herd wild. They ran his ass down (unconscious) and proceeded to bee-line for my base. I was in the midst of upgrading my perimeter fence from Wood to Granite so I had huge holes that the traps didn't cover. Bucks proceeded to maul another two before the turrets and the remainders brought them down. Problem is my hunters are down, its the dead of winter and we used up all of our grown food, and now the meat is gone as well. Also the usual everyone mental breaks. So I am down all but one hunter currently, who has to someone hunt enough game to feed 6 people, 3 of which are out for injury/dazed/prisoner(due to break), and it is nuclear fallout as well. So if he goes out to hunt for too long he will get sick and there goes my only meager ass food supply.

I will boot it up when I get home, but I foresee mass starvation coming, about 13 hours in to my first base. Hell of a ride though.

To think, in the end it was not the ballbreaking random events (or at least not one that I didn't force by hunting), nor was it the raids that did the colony in. No, it was the very angry deer.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hunting isn't a super reliable food source. Having the herd attack your hunter and colony is pretty common.


Trakanon Raider
So I have come to realize, but I never figured out how to grow things early on, so it wasn't until much later that I realized, not enough vegetables stocked up for this winter.


Molten Core Raider
Hmm wealth factoring in to the threat level might be what has been fucking me. I've gotten in the habit of having someone mass tailor parkas out of whatever leather/cotton I have and sell them to every trader that comes by for ~300 silver each. Sitting on stockpiles of like 4000+ silver might be getting me events way beyond what my dudes are equipped to fight off then.

That one "dry storm" I got was such BS though. It lasted maybe 3 in-game hours, dumped 5 lightning strikes all directly on to structures in my base, then was done. Burnt the whole damn thing down cause my 5 colonists just couldn't deal with that much fire all at once, especially with a bunch of them having the flu.
Do you play with the Tribal start? That scenario oddly has you starting with a Jade knife which boosts your starting colony wealth to be more than the 3 person crashlanded scenario which I find funny.

Hunting isn't a super reliable food source. Having the herd attack your hunter and colony is pretty common.
All animals I think have a chance to go berserk if you hunt them so just stick to the wimpy ones instead if necessary. Rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, turtles and so on aren't too scary. Predator animals like wolves and wargs are less fun to deal with. Also don't hunt anything with Boom in the name as that's a hilarious way to turn your forest into a tundra.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, I don't know if I would say unreliable. But, there are some tips and tricks.

hunting is good for training a sniper of course. AR is good too.
yes, aggressive animals can be dangerous. more likely to turn on you.

Avoid herds. During the day. yeah, a herd turning on you at once will massacre many of colonies. Herds and manhunter packs can be picked off one at a time during the night, while they are sleeping. Their sleep might get disturbed, but they will run and go back to sleep, not attack you.

fallout, winter and lightning fires can clear maps of animals for long periods. Be sure you have food stored, and not relying on hunting for day to day in these events.
Lack of food will cause carnivores to attack your colonists. bears/foxes/wolves/panthers. again, likely due to fallout, winter, fires, or you overhunting.

Best way to put out a remote fire is assign that area as "home area" temporarily.