RIP Tom Petty


<Bronze Donator>
New Congressional report out that the fentanyl is mail ordered by any American with a credit card, as many kilos as you want. Its the DEA's #1 priority at the moment but CBP and USPS isn't helping-- as it was revealed in a new Congressional report that almost no fentanyl is stopped nor have they adopted any intercept procedures to prevent fentanyl being shipped directly from China to the USA. News articles are starting to call the USPS the new Silkroad. They are carrying hundreds of kilograms of fentanyl into our country every day.

The CBP / USPS released a statement saying "domestic seizures overall are up 880%, 330% international" in response to the Congressional report. Yeah thump 880% domestic seizures of marijuana mostly, while citing 330% increase in international, a 500% gap between numbers that should already be reversed. Come back when its 880% international, 330% domestic and your priorities are in order.

Lil peep and Prince were also felled to fake percocet/xanax. Its a big deal right now. 4k per kilogram of fentanyl turns around for greater than cocaine profits per pill press. You can't beat it. If you are dealing drugs right now you're dealing fentanyl, specifically of the Xanax/ Percocet variety $$$. They even cut cocaine with fentanyl now to give it some extra "wow im fucked up" effect because fentanyl is so easily attainable.

They busted another 20 year old kid with 2 kilograms in my backyard out here. The Spanish idiots were shouting at each other and one of them called cops for a domestic. Bam, 55 gallon drums all over the house and 2 kilograms in the bushes. Fucking cocksuckers probably on the Dreamer Act. Shit makes my blood boil.

I tell all the millennial women I know on social media to avoid pharmaceuticals without knowing its directly from a pharmacy. The music has everyone looking for Xanax these days.

yeah, that's been happening for most of this decade. a bunch of the "grey market" drug communities i used to frequent were really affected by fentanyl analogues. really caused a rift in the online drug scene... with some communities embracing the new fentanyl dawn, and others lashing back against it.

it happened a few times where a vendor that formerly only sold relatively benign chemicals, like mescaline analogues, started selling fentanyl too.... then they would mix up an order, and accidentally send someone fentanyl instead of 2C-I, the customer wouldn't do proper testing to confirm the identity of the product they received, and ended up taking what they believed to be an appropriate size dose of 2C-I that was really a lethal size dose of fentanyl.

that was around the time i decided to quit fucking around with all that. not worth the risk with fentanyl analogues around.


Still a Music Elitist
This is some scary shit. I'm not a regular user (of coke) or anything but I still dabble. Have plenty of friends who use regularly.