Rocket League - PS4/PC


Trump's Staff
I still haven't picked this game up yet. I know everyone says it's so good, but I just don't know if I'd like it. I normally prefer shooters or action games like CSGO, R6 Siege, H1Z!, and Diablo 3 for my multiplayer. Something about hitting a ball with cars just seems that it would get boring and repetitive very fast. I should have probably grabbed it on the last steam sale for $13, but I passed. Is it something that someone who dislikes soccer and hockey would like? Maybe someone can convince me to pick it up.
I'm similar, FPS and Diablo 3, etc. Hate sports games.

Fuckin love Rocket League.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, if you like those types of mp games you should enjoy rocket league. Although you're hitting a ball into a goal its not really anything like soccer and I definitely wouldn't classify it as a sports game, unless maybe you compare it to something like nfl blitz(really simple), except this game has an insane skill ceiling, which if you enjoy shooters should be a good thing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Been playing now for about a week. It's tons of fun but it can be frustrating as hell, especially when you have braindead teammates.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It can be frustrating to play with/against players who are much better than you because then it becomes difficult to even make any contact with the ball, but games are only ~7 minutes and the matchmaking is pretty good.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Yeah playing with people that can fly completely across the field, hit the ball, and score can be a little frustrating. lol


Potato del Grande
Picked up a copy from Humble Bundle sale for $13. Seems alright so far, only played a few games. Is there no way to chat with others in this game? Voice chat seemed to do nothing.


Bronze Squire
It works and you can normal chat, me personally I have just gotten use to ignoring it so that could be others doing the same as well.


Vyemm Raider
I only ever use quick chat. Remember to press 2 -> 4 as fast as you can when your opponent scores on their own goal!


Trakanon Raider
If you do cross play matchmaking, PS4 users can not see typed or voice messaging from a PC player. They do get dpad taunt spam however.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
These new maps look hilariously fun


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Getting really tired of being matched with shit players in ranked 3's on PS4. I do not have a premade 3, and it's a roll of a dice if I get anyone good to join my team. Usually about 20% of the time I am getting good teammates. Meanwhile I play Duo ranked with a PS4 friend and we are winning about 95% of the time. How does match making work on random 3's ranked? And if they are matching single individuals entering ranked 3 with the opposing team being a premade, I hope they can stop from having that happen. Maybe add a individual section for ranked 3's where only single players can enter the ranked 3 team portion.

I was ripping my hair out yesterday it was so brutal.


Trakanon Raider
There are both solo standard (all individuals on both teams) as well as just standard (3v3 in any combination of 3 or 2+1 or 1+1+1 (team vs solo). If you think you're better than the division you are in then you have to do all the things the people in your division do not do. For example. If you really want to go hit the ball a lot, but both of your teammates also want to go hit the ball a lot, then you get to play defense and prevent all the goals they will never prevent and patiently let them play bunch ball until it squirts out for a tap in. Likewise, if your team has someone willing to be in goal often, you can then be more aggressive and use your superior skills to score.

A defensive minded approach will get you to the top of the new gold ranks/bottom of the blue ranks. Once you get to that level, players can combine hits in the air, and scoring goals is not something that is easy to do without combinations or top shelf strikes and everyone can play reasonably good defensively. Before that level defense is poor and many goals are conceded without even a wiff of a challenge. Those are mistakes that you can always try to prevent for your team. Assuming both teams have equal chances of giving up poor goals before the match starts, if you mitigate that chance you will over time improve. You can't win every game, but being personally accountable for things you could have done different is the only way to escape "bad" teammates.

Also, your anecdotal winrates are probably not accurate. If you are winning 95% of time in 2's across a large subset of games you should be able to escape bad allies in 3's single handedly.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
There are both solo standard (all individuals on both teams) as well as just standard (3v3 in any combination of 3 or 2+1 or 1+1+1 (team vs solo). If you think you're better than the division you are in then you have to do all the things the people in your division do not do. For example. If you really want to go hit the ball a lot, but both of your teammates also want to go hit the ball a lot, then you get to play defense and prevent all the goals they will never prevent and patiently let them play bunch ball until it squirts out for a tap in. Likewise, if your team has someone willing to be in goal often, you can then be more aggressive and use your superior skills to score.

A defensive minded approach will get you to the top of the new gold ranks/bottom of the blue ranks. Once you get to that level, players can combine hits in the air, and scoring goals is not something that is easy to do without combinations or top shelf strikes and everyone can play reasonably good defensively. Before that level defense is poor and many goals are conceded without even a wiff of a challenge. Those are mistakes that you can always try to prevent for your team. Assuming both teams have equal chances of giving up poor goals before the match starts, if you mitigate that chance you will over time improve. You can't win every game, but being personally accountable for things you could have done different is the only way to escape "bad" teammates.

Also, your anecdotal winrates are probably not accurate. If you are winning 95% of time in 2's across a large subset of games you should be able to escape bad allies in 3's single handedly.
Well, you and I play together obviously on PC (I should play sober actually like I do on PS4 so you can see I actually have ability lol) On teams of 2 on PS4 I play with a guy and we work really well together. Maybe not 95% exactly, but we win about 17-18 matches out of 20 in any given night. Sometimes we have an off night (Rocket League Syndrome) and we will hit about 75% in the win column. Just hit Challenge 2 for duos (Been playing about a week)

I'll take your advice on the teams of 3 and gauge the other players. You are correct in that I am getting matched sometimes with some real idiots that all they want to do is be able to hit the ball and they think they won the game. What really sucks is when we end up going up against a premade. I'll take your advice on that and see how it works out.


Potato del Grande
Just a followup from my posts when I bought the game mid Jan. I have only played maybe 5 hours total so far, and really find it hard to bring myself to play anymore. I can easily see how others can enjoy this game, but it's just not for me. If I want to mindlessly do some vs player gaming, I tend to just go play R6 Siege or CSGO.


Trakanon Raider
Well, you and I play together obviously on PC (I should play sober actually like I do on PS4 so you can see I actually have ability lol) On teams of 2 on PS4 I play with a guy and we work really well together. Maybe not 95% exactly, but we win about 17-18 matches out of 20 in any given night. Sometimes we have an off night (Rocket League Syndrome) and we will hit about 75% in the win column. Just hit Challenge 2 for duos (Been playing about a week)

I'll take your advice on the teams of 3 and gauge the other players. You are correct in that I am getting matched sometimes with some real idiots that all they want to do is be able to hit the ball and they think they won the game. What really sucks is when we end up going up against a premade. I'll take your advice on that and see how it works out.
I am an All-Star in 2's and and a Rising-Star in Solo and Standard 3's. My highest rating in 2's in season one was 933 and I finished at 865. This put me in 10 of 12 divisions. Your winrates are not real data, 17 of 20 is still 85%, and 75% is 15 of 20. Here's why. In every match making system that works well with enough players the same things are true. Everyone's winrate approaches 50% over time. Even very good players approach 50%. Only the best of the best godlike pros - which you and I are not even close manage to achieve the winrates that you suggest. The reason they approach these winrates is that at very high skill tiers there are remarkably few total players. To not have as obscene seek times for games it loosens up the matchmaking ranges and allows the exceptional players games to fill with lower skill players - and we are talking rank 12's playing with 9's and 10's. In those cases - they maintain rank 12 because their total winrates.

Using my account as an example - my historic winrate was 59% last fall. I was around 750 rating. I'm now measurably better player, and yet my account winrate is now 54.9 - and its stabilizing. And the data makes sense. My rating leaves me worse than a substantial group of players, but I am also better than 95% of the player base. Only then do you start seeing winrates in high totals of games escaping 50%. You should be my rank or higher in very few games if you actually have 75%+ winrates over time. Having a good night is not a data point if you ignore the bad nights.


Trakanon Raider
Just a followup from my posts when I bought the game mid Jan. I have only played maybe 5 hours total so far, and really find it hard to bring myself to play anymore. I can easily see how others can enjoy this game, but it's just not for me. If I want to mindlessly do some vs player gaming, I tend to just go play R6 Siege or CSGO.
Rocket league is hardly mindless, and very few games approach its speed at top tier play. Have you explored ranked? If you play on PC I'm happy to play some games, I'm not a pro, but you will be exposed to a faster tier of play (unless you are ranked higher than I would expect for just 5 hours of time).


Potato del Grande
Rocket league is hardly mindless, and very few games approach its speed at top tier play. Have you explored ranked? If you play on PC I'm happy to play some games, I'm not a pro, but you will be exposed to a faster tier of play (unless you are ranked higher than I would expect for just 5 hours of time).
When I say mindless, I mean I can kick back in my chair, pull out a controller, and play without having to focus on stats/cooldowns/etc. I haven't tried ranked yet I don't think. Most people I end up queued with are idiots who have no idea how to play it seems, or it could be me as well but I like to think I can score some decent goals on occasion. A lot of times I'll be setting up a shot, and some dumbass will come and just barrel it out of there when he could have shot it right in. Also, I go through a game with probably 2-3 new players each game, because people leave after 1 score against us. Sometimes the same idiot will even rejoin and leave again. I tried to mainly play 2v2 because I heard that's less of a cluster, but then when 1 of your teamates leaves it is almost impossible. It just got tiring experiencing the same thing over and over like that.