RPGs of 2014


A Mod Real Quick
Glad I'm not the only person that despises handhelds. I'm 30 fucking years old, I don't want to have to hold some tiny-ass console in my hands just so I can play decent RPGs. How hard would it be to port to the Wii/PS3/PS4? Probably not hard at all. It's bullshit and I'll never give in. Maybe one day when I have a kid I'll steal their handheld for RPGs.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Are any of the above (or any coming out this year) true RPG's a la BG, PS:T, Wizardry, Fallout, Ultima, etc? Or are they all just glorified 1st person shooters with "RPG elements", and JRPG's with stupid dialogue and all the grittiness of a My Little Pony episode? I've got Project: Eternity, Legend of Grimlock 2, and Might and Magic on my radar, but don't recognize anything else..
I was asking Sean this same question about games already out, because I really liked Bravely Default demo, and will buy it when it comes out, but no other RPG has attracted me. Then I figured out it's because so few are party based, and old school fantasy D&D style classes.

Funny, as I went and installed DA:O as it's the only thing I could come up with that I wanted to play.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I dunno sean, Tales of Symphonia does look like a JRPG with stupid dialogue and all the grittiness of a My Little Pony episode.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That seems to be the art style for the Tales games - but from the little (and I stress little) I've played of them and seen of the wife playing them - it's just the art style, the storyline is at least as mature as normal Square titles from what I've seen. (I'd compare it to the Ghibli RPG if I had to, blanking on the name... similar impression from both here... look childish on the surface, but aren't)

Now the Atelier series is "weaboo faggot shit" though if you can't stand that sort of stuff.


Blackguards is pretty sweet so far if you like punishing turn based combat with a ridiculously convoluted RPG system that doesn't really explain anything to you. Despite not having any idea what I'm doing I'm really having fun with it


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Blackguards is pretty sweet so far if you like punishing turn based combat with a ridiculously convoluted RPG system that doesn't really explain anything to you. Despite not having any idea what I'm doing I'm really having fun with it
You'll figure it out pretty quick. Nothing we haven't seen before, just not as tidy as most.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. anime is never dark. All kiddie bullshit. right.

Symphonia isn't that dark though. right about in line with a Final fantasy. no dark souls. no attack on titain, berserk or anything. And not Disgaea, Recettear or anything either though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The art style is a lot more chibi than, say, Xillia though. I can definitely see how it would turn some people away. I've yet to play a Tales game that I liked, so I'm not sure I'll bother since I don't really care for the art either.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Just because characters appear an age doesn't mean the story is of that age... Ellie in TLoU was 16, did she FEEL like a 16 year old for 95% of the game? Seriously guys...
Understand you can have an adult story involving children, but Ellie doesn't even look 16. Nor does she look like a neon 8 year old cartoon with giant saucer eyes and pink hair. Little easier to imagine her in a more adult role and fitting in to an adult storyline.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Final Fantasy III/VI then - those characters were all exaggerated featured anime nonsense as well - again, mature storyline...


Vyemm Raider
And were tiny pixelated sprites that looked like any other game of the generation. FF is far less fagged up with anime nonsense than most other JPRGS. They have stupid outfits and giant weapons, but they are mostly adults with normal human facial features. FF7 was probably the closest they ever got to looking like a cartoon, and a lot of that had to do with being so new to 3D and the PS1.


Trakanon Raider
Are there PC based emulators for any of the handhelds? I loved a fire emblem game I played back in the day on a game boy and would love to play any new ones that have come out


Avatar of War Slayer
And were tiny pixelated sprites that looked like any other game of the generation. FF is far less fagged up with anime nonsense than most other JPRGS. They have stupid outfits and giant weapons, but they are mostly adults with normal human facial features. FF7 was probably the closest they ever got to looking like a cartoon, and a lot of that had to do with being so new to 3D and the PS1.
ff9 was the closest to looking like a cartoon/anime. based on earlier designs, but those were more pixel based. so the super deformed anime was less noticeable.

Assuming we are discounting, secret of mana series, crystal bearers, etc.


Vyemm Raider
I assumed the super deformed thing was just to throwback to the NES days of giant heads by neccesity due to the large, blocky pixels. Otherwise sprites would have no face, just a square lump.