Science!! Fucking magnets, how do they work?


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
As someone who is a complete science buff and nut... Climate change scientists built this platform they are getting attacked from with their own stupidity, waste and awful science. They won't get any pity from me. It's pretty much ironic that republicans are doing this to them at this point.


Silver Squire
Some moon formation mysteries have some more answers now.

One unexpected thing is it appears Mars formed much earlier than earth did. Which I found interesting.

Moons Age Revealed, and a Lunar Mystery May Be Solved - Yahoo News

These new findings raise an interesting new puzzle. While they suggest the moon and the Earth formed together nearly 100 million years after the solar system arose, evidence from meteorites from Mars suggests that the Red Planet formed as little as a few million years after the solar system was born.

"This means that Earth and Mars formed over dramatically different timescales, with Mars forming much faster than the Earth," Jacobson said. "How can this be? Is it just a matter of size? Location? What about Mercury and Venus? Did they grow on similar timescales to the Earth or on timescales more similar to Mars? I think these are some of the really important questions that we, as a community of planetary scientists, will be addressing in the future."


Musty Nester
Some moon formation mysteries have some more answers now.

One unexpected thing is it appears Mars formed much earlier than earth did. Which I found interesting.

Moons Age Revealed, and a Lunar Mystery May Be Solved - Yahoo News

These new findings raise an interesting new puzzle. While they suggest the moon and the Earth formed together nearly 100 million years after the solar system arose, evidence from meteorites from Mars suggests that the Red Planet formed as little as a few million years after the solar system was born.

"This means that Earth and Mars formed over dramatically different timescales, with Mars forming much faster than the Earth," Jacobson said. "How can this be? Is it just a matter of size? Location? What about Mercury and Venus? Did they grow on similar timescales to the Earth or on timescales more similar to Mars? I think these are some of the really important questions that we, as a community of planetary scientists, will be addressing in the future."
What about the asteroid belt? Is there something in the tension of gravity in an area between the Sun and the Jupiter that inhibits planet formation? I'm sure that's a 3rd grade solar system question but I don't remember so I looked up some numbers and from what I do know about how gravity works it would seem to be likely. And if it is so, does that tension promote formation on the inside edge of that non-forming band? Because fuck you Jupiter, the Sun wins.

I obviously know shit about fuck. But I used numbers to proliferate my ignorance!

1.89x10^27, Mass of Jupiter 1.98x10^30, Mass of the Sun Asteroids -- 300-600m KM (from the Sun) , Jupiter -- 778.5m km


Cool.Vast Ocean Found Beneath Ice Of Saturn Moon

Scientists have uncovered a vast ocean beneath the icy surface of Saturn's littlemoon Enceladus.

Italian and American researchers made the discovery using Cassini, a NASA-European spacecraft still exploringSaturn and its rings 17 years after its launch from Cape Canaveral. Their findings were announced Thursday.

This new ocean of liquid water - as big as or even bigger than North America's Lake Superior - is centered at the south pole of Enceladus and could encompass much if not most of the moon. Enceladus (ehn-SEHL'-uh-duhs) is about 310 miles across.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
As someone who is a complete science buff and nut... Climate change scientists built this platform they are getting attacked from with their own stupidity, waste and awful science. They won't get any pity from me. It's pretty much ironic that republicans are doing this to them at this point.
I think at this point its kinda hard to deny the almost religious devotion behind global warming/climate change.