Sean complaint box

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Tranny Chaser
You posted you were gay in that thread, what implication is that? you admitted it openly.

The inbox is a ridiculous statement, who doesn't clear out there inbox regularly on this board because of IZO spamming exploding vaginas, and I get allot of mail from all my little fanboys like yourself.
No sense keeping all that when I have a whole thread of you proving that you are in fact gay that is kept in here forever.
What are you talking about? I don't spam inboxes, never have. I was and am supporting you, Shaw Brother. But pipe down with the false accusations. Mkay? Mkay.


Maybe I was wrong with the IZO thing, one of the rickshaw people was famous for spamming peoples inboxes with crazy pics.

Who the fuck am I thinking of? I just assumed it was IZO because he usually posts pics. It hasn't happened in awhile so I assume hes gone.


Izo used to post weird shit on my visitor wall, but he hasn't done it in a while.

As far as Sean goes:

a_skeleton_03 and Merlin do it in places Sean rarely views though. (And I'd tend to disagree with a_skeleton_03 although I've not tread into the religion thread that I've heard is his opus)
Moderation standards shouldn't be different just because the Really Sweaty Eye of Sauron is cast upon this one forum. It's bullshit and even you people defending this know it, you just happen to dislike column and are happy to see him RRPed. Which is a valid enough point, but it doesn't mean that this was a good moderator action. It wasn't.


<Gold Donor>
Send shawn an apology, tell him his ps4 and his Panasonic plasma are like awesomesauce and maybe hell let you out of the retard corner.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This was a righteous infraction. If Sean were to reverse it, I would reinstate it and double it. I'd also ban Duppin for 15 days just for good measure.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Welcome to Russia then, comrade. Sorry, but Column is a serial shit-poster. It's hard to feel bad about any infraction he receives, regardless of Sean's shitty moderation in the past.


Tranny Chaser
Welcome to Russia then, comrade. Sorry, but Column is a serial shit-poster. It's hard to feel bad about any infraction he receives, regardless of Sean's shitty moderation in the past.
One wrong does not justify another. Rise above this, Soybro.


Naw, they all defend each other against any criticism. Erronius made a show of being critical for a while and then came back to white knight harder than anyone else. I'm looking forward to his take on this, in fact.


Millie's Staff Member
Yeah, Astro got RRPed because he was a victim to your blackhole of stupidity.

As for Sean, I don't think he should be a moderator and I have gotten into huge arguments with him before. I certainly don't much like him. However, him modding you was clearly deserved. He should have done it multiple times already for your stupidity in the hearthstone thread.
Khalid is right, i post a lot, not all of my posts are gold nuggets from heaven so i expect to take some lumps here and there. before you got me banned over at the SHIELD thread i had a pretty clean record cept for a mistake i made with somebody trolling me in PMs. i have also modded several gaming forums in my time, i usually never banned anyone unless after several warning they still did not stop i had to give them a time out. i dunno what you said/did to get on sean's bad side, but i know you got me in here once and you got yourself in here last week with the n word. so yeah, i dont like mods abusing their power, but if you keep landing yourself in here, maybe you should try a different debate tactic. what you are using now doesnt seem to be working so well.


I like Astrocreep so I won't get into it too much with you on this, but I didn't get you sent to the rickshaw you did it yourself.
You could have stopped at any time, people were complaining about both of us ,and you decided not too. That was on you

Allot of people thought the N thing was funny in context. I timed it right before the movie won the award so as people were checking the thread that was the first post they saw.
Getting RR'ed for that was worth it. People are too serious imho so were some rustled jimmies.

As far as the corrupt moderation is concerned on this board, I don't think anything else needs to be said after Soygen's comments. He pretty much laid everything on the table with that last post so If the mods ever say this board is anything but there playground then you can just reference that post, and see that is far from being the case.



Millie's Staff Member
I like Astrocreep so I won't get into it too much with you on this, but I didn't get you sent to the rickshaw you did it yourself.
You could have stopped at any time, people were complaining about both of us ,and you decided not too. That was on you

Allot of people thought the N thing was funny in context. I timed it right before the movie won the award so as people were checking the thread that was the first post they saw.
Getting RR'ed for that was worth it. People are too serious imho so were some rustled jimmies.

As far as the corrupt moderation is concerned on this board, I don't think anything else needs to be said after Soygen's comments. He pretty much laid everything on the table with that last post so If the mods ever say this board is anything but there playground then you can just reference that post, and see that is far from being the case.
i got nothing against you column, you like to mix it up as much as i do, but still it got me tossed in here for a week. that sucked and it probably contributed to me backsliding to Everquest after being 11 years retired.


i know sean from years in foh MIRC and we were in a couple of EQ betas back in the day, so i know what he is like. just try not to interact with him or where he marks his territory. i play games, but i make sure to stay out of the gaming forums because i see how it is.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Naw, they all defend each other against any criticism. Erronius made a show of being critical for a while and then came back to white knight harder than anyone else. I'm looking forward to his take on this, in fact.
I'm still critical, but I'm also honest and objective enough to give credit where credit is due. Sean has toned down the /rage quite a bit, and as other people mentioned he could have sent column packing much earlier then he did. This brings up the point with Sean where the only way he could make some people happy (and it's questionable even then) is if he let people run completely rampant and never infracted anyone, which outside of the anti-Sean crusade makes zero sense.

As far as column specifically, you're naturally going to be given less leeway when you make a habit of shitposting. That doesn't apply to column alone though, as there are quite a few people who like to push the boundaries then get bent out of shape when they elicit a response. That's why the argument of"other people were shitposting, you should infract them too"usually falls on deaf ears. No one is going to let habitual shitposters drag a bunch of other people down with them just because people argued with them. If you keep receiving infractions and find yourself in the Shaw, then maybe you need to start changing how you post if you want to avoid getting infracted.

If you think that Sean oversteps his bounds in a discussion and ends up baiting people into getting infracted, then I would fully encourage reporting his posts so everyone in the Mod section can see it and discuss it. Same with any Mod or Admin really. As far as this particular infraction goes, I also think it's a righteous infraction as column has shown to give zero fucks in the past and continues to stir up shit to the point that he'll go right back to doing it as soon as he gets back out of the shaw. Now, when (if) he stops making a habit of it then I'll go to bat for him if I think he gets undeserved infractions, but I'm not going to defend him when I think he's earned it. Personally I think he's lucky that TBH isn't roaming around and Tuco is against permabans on principle because he might have already received the"Dumar Permaban?"treatment.


Buzzfeed Editor
Naw, they all defend each other against any criticism. Erronius made a show of being critical for a while and then came back to white knight harder than anyone else. I'm looking forward to his take on this, in fact.
I know you didn't ask, but just so you know, I agree with it too. Maybe not the length of the sentence, but certainly with action being taken. Shitposters shitpost for so long and it adds up and then you get what we had here today.


People tried pointing out Sean being a horrible troll with the RPMs fiasco. It was deemed not worthy of action.

I can see that context matters (re: being a continued shitposter), but it'd be nice to save the shawing for an actual shitpost. As far as I can tell, column's offense in this case simply consisted of disagreeing with Sean about something gaming-related, which is Sean's usual MO.

What did other people see that pushed this over the line? I'm honestly curious. None of it really looked like that big of a deal to me. To me, it looks like column is just an unpopular poster and that's driving the reactions to this.
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