Sean complaint box

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Potato del Grande
That's strange, because that seems to be exactly what you do with Sean.

Something you want to tell us all?


Wait , did Daezuel just accuse someone else then himself hanging off of Sean's Scrotum?



Buzzfeed Editor
People tried pointing out Sean being a horrible troll with the RPMs fiasco. It was deemed not worthy of action.

I can see that context matters (re: being a continued shitposter), but it'd be nice to save the shawing for an actual shitpost. As far as I can tell, column's offense in this case simply consisted of disagreeing with Sean about something gaming-related, which is Sean's usual MO.

What did other people see that pushed this over the line? I'm honestly curious. None of it really looked like that big of a deal to me. To me, it looks like column is just an unpopular poster and that's driving the reactions to this.
Well I will grant that you don't have the luxury of seeing the actual infraction post, so it may be easier for me. But I clicked on the link for the post he was infracted for and I saw pages upon pages of faggotry from the same guy. Who also posts untold faggotry throughout the rest of the forums. To me, it seems like you should pick a better horse than this one.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
People tried pointing out Sean being a horrible troll with the RPMs fiasco. It was deemed not worthy of action.

I can see that context matters (re: being a continued shitposter), but it'd be nice to save the shawing for an actual shitpost. As far as I can tell, column's offense in this case simply consisted of disagreeing with Sean about something gaming-related, which is Sean's usual MO.
Then I would say (with a straight face) that column should either PM Tuco and discuss it, or report the post that he got 'Shawed for and question it. I'd lean toward PMing Tuco pretty much every time though. As chaos said, I agree with the infraction though maybe not the extent, but when column has the history he does then few people if any are going to want to rush to his defense. Arguing in this thread isn't going to go anywhere.

This shouldn't need to be said but when it comes down to something with a Mod, other Mods can really only comment on their opinion. You either need to appeal to Sean (I'm guessing that many won't bother) or you need to take it to the Admins (and I mention Tuco specifically). I would agree that people should only be 'shawed for actually shitposting, but between you and me anyone who likes to stir the pot in Other Games, especially when they don't have anything resembling a clean record, is playing with fire.

What did other people see that pushed this over the line? I'm honestly curious. None of it really looked like that big of a deal to me. To me, it looks like column is just an unpopular poster and that's driving the reactions to this.
I actually agreed with some of what he said in the last couple of pages before he got shitcanned, but it seemed like he wanted to argue with anyone and everyone in that thread. I'd say to him what I've said to Utnayan in the past: you can be 100% correct in everything you post, but when you argue with everyone in a thread until people get pissed and the entire thread derails, then your being "right" or correct means jack and shit. I don't think he had completely wrecked the thread but it wasn't all unicorns and rainbows either.

He also butchered "shekels", and as the resident Jew Mod I was offended.



Potato del Grande
Well I will grant that you don't have the luxury of seeing the actual infraction post, so it may be easier for me. But I clicked on the link for the post he was infracted for and I saw pages upon pages of faggotry from the same guy. Who also posts untold faggotry throughout the rest of the forums. To me, it seems like you should pick a better horse than this one.
That's the problem with Duppin, he doesn't care. He's cried wolf so many fucking times no one listens to him anymore.


Give me an example. I'm being completely serious. Show me something you think constitutes "faggotry" in this case. What I saw in a quick poke through his post history was someone who's abrasive and has some retarded opinions, but that can be applied to about half of this board's membership.
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