Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software)


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
PS4. I'm a filthy console pleb now. Fucking family....

Although I have a good enough PC the thing here for me is convenience. I run my PS4 on my secondary 4k monitor. FPS were never a huge thing for me and it is so pleasant to have work or something on the other monitor and PS4 on the other without any hassle. PC gaming has it's place but given the absurd amount of hours I spent on 30fps bloodborne IDK if I would care about it for Sekiro. Because of this I've played more shit on the PS4 than I have my PC in this last year I guess.

Fucking first world problems.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Heh tastes and all that. Nioh is tied with Bloodborne as my favorite game of the gen for different reasons.

As far as Bloodborne goes it had me the second I stepped out of Iosefka's clinic. The Cleric Beast still gives me cold sweats (I was legit stuck on him for over a week as my first "souls" boss) but it didn't matter I was completely hooked and engrossed.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Heh tastes and all that. Nioh is tied with Bloodborne as my favorite game of the gen for different reasons.

As far as Bloodborne goes it had me the second I stepped out of Iosefka's clinic. The Cleric Beast still gives me cold sweats (I was legit stuck on him for over a week as my first "souls" boss) but it didn't matter I was completely hooked and engrossed.

I'll always be a sucker for anything Lovecraftian. From just did it so well that I doubt it will be topped for some time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'll always be a sucker for anything Lovecraftian. From just did it so well that I doubt it will be topped for some time.

it's funny because I was totally wrapped up in the Gothic part that when the Lovecraft came out halfway through I was actually put off. I eventually came around and grew to appreciate it, heck I'd even say I loved it, but when the blood moon came out after Rom, I was "WTF is this???" lol. I had no idea at all, I seriously thought it was just about werewolves and was loving that aspect of the scourge of the beast, and to this day that was the part of the lore that made the most sense: the healing church and why they used the old blood.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I take it as the Healing Church used the blood to well heal and also enhance their abilities. Eventually you use it too much and you go full beast. Which is why the Healing Church weapons were far from subtle compared to the original Workshop weapons. They anticipated continued use of the blood would create even worse beasts but it was for the greater good ya hear!?

I didn't play BB until a few years after it was out and I bought a PS4. But reading peoples' comments was crazy. I generally followed a guide to make sure I didn't miss anything and people who went in blind skipped so much stuff. Didn't find the key for Ebrietas or even realize where it was and all kinds of stuff.

Pretty excited to be going into Sekiro blind since I know it's full of that kind of thing too. Explore explore explore!
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Bloodborne was the first souls game I played. I died so many times to Blood-starved Beast that I about murdered my next door neighbors. Once I finally beat him, the game just clicked with me and I platinumed it and the DLC a week later. My favorite PS4 game, by far. I've since beat all the souls games.

I'm also with you, TJT TJT , on deciding which platform. Have there been any hands-on stuff on PC vs XB1X vs PS4Pro yet?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Bloodborne was the first souls game I played. I died so many times to Blood-starved Beast that I about murdered my next door neighbors. Once I finally beat him, the game just clicked with me and I platinumed it and the DLC a week later. My favorite PS4 game, by far. I've since beat all the souls games.

I'm also with you, TJT TJT , on deciding which platform. Have there been any hands-on stuff on PC vs XB1X vs PS4Pro yet?

I went with PC since it will absolutely have 60 fps and PS4 will not. I don't have Xbox so dunno.

I one shot blood starved beast but I did die to vicar Amelia like 35 times... That was my shitty boss lol. Eventually ragequit and came back a few weeks later and rekt her on the first try. Souls is weird like that!
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I tempted to pick up bloodborne after 3ish years and rage for a few hours as I relearn it to kill time before 22 Mar


I remember literally jumping up off my couch with a fist pump when I finally beat Orphan. What a great game.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Pontiff Sulyvhan in DS3 took me more attempts than every other boss in the goddamn game combined. I had to learn how to parry specifically to beat him. Never had that kind of struggle before or since. I love all the games but fuck him in particular.
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Karazhan Raider
Pontiff Sulyvhan in DS3 took me more attempts than every other boss in the goddamn game combined. I had to learn how to parry specifically to beat him. Never had that kind of struggle before or since. I love all the games but fuck him in particular.
Fuck nameless king, that’s the only fight on pretty much all of them that I’d say I had a really hard time with.
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Trakanon Raider
Been trying too not watch video's, but Lobosjr has always given out so much good info on these games, thankfully took the 21st-26th off hahahahah


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I have Friday off and a 3 day weekend before starting my new job. Yay!

Anyone down for hanging out in discord and discussing secrets found and/or excessive raging?
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Can you get Discord on your PS4? And it's funny you struggled with Vicar. Bloodborne was my first souls game, so my first time playing I had at least 20 attempts on all the early bosses BUT the Vicar. I somehow got lucky and killed her in one try.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I know my setup is a bit weird but since I have the PS4 in my home office and just run it on the dual monitor setup Discord is always right there no matter what I am doing. Hatorade uses discord from his phone when he's on PS4 or whatever.

But yeah. I killed Father Gascoigne on the second try and I think like three tries on the Cleric Beast. One shot the Blood Starved Beast, then died forever to Amelia and raged. The only other boss I had more than 10 deaths on was Ebrietas because of her weird ass hitbox. Herp derp dodge the charge and get hit by her hitbox somehow and die. That happened a lot. Martyr Logarius was the most satisfying for me to learn though. Once I had the parries down it was just Fuck Yes die bitch.

Namon Namon this seems clunky AF to me but I guess it could work: How to Connect Discord On PS4 For Chat - PlayStation Universe


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I never really got good with parries. Sekiro is looking like I'm going to have to.