Seriously just fix fucking site already


Tyen said:
You"re fat.
She may have some chunk but you"re dating a double-chinned Swamp Donkey and you look like a woodchuck. I don"t know about you, but I"d rather have some chunk since I can work out and lose it. You can"t do anything about that face brah other than wear glasses and a hat (Which you already do) to somewhat disguise it.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Sutekh said:
I see you"ve ran out of things to say and have restored to meaningless statements. Congrats. You should probably get back to flawlessly executing
FoH isn"t my website, and isn"t a paying client, incase you didn"t get the memo.

300,000 image attachments, a lot of which are linked on high trafficked sites is not cheap on bandwidth. I"m not sweating over your eagerness for someone else to take over that overhead.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tyen said:
FoH is like one of those deadbeat dads who don"t pay child support.

Keep reaching, I still rape the fuck out of Google+
You work for a website that sells google+ followers. You"re probably the only person in the world that actually cares about that.

Also keep bragging about unique visitors on FOH. For just 30 dollars you can keep the count up! Lets see more of your empty google analytics graphs.
Tyen said:
FoH doesn"t run by itself, incase you were the last to know.

Not even the blackhand reaches into his/her pocket to run the show.
no...really? Tell us more! Tell us more about how you feel the blackhand has wronged you or doesn"t matter to you.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Sutekh said:
You work for a website that sells google+ followers. You"re probably the only person in the world that actually cares about that.

Also keep bragging about unique visitors on FOH. For just 30 dollars you can keep the count up! Lets see more of your empty google analytics graphs.
That is WEBSITE hits, not Google+ hits.

Are you unable to comprehend the meaning of SITE hits ?

I guess I should figure out how I should re-word that for absolute fucking idiots like you.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Etoille said:
no...really? Tell us more! Tell us more about how you feel the blackhand has wronged you or doesn"t matter to you.
Tell me more about how you are going to post somewhere else but actually don"t


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tyen said:
That is WEBSITE hits, not Google+ hits.

Are you unable to comprehend the meaning of SITE hits ?

I guess I should figure out how I should re-word that for absolute fucking idiots.
Tyen said:
If you really didnt want to post here you wouldn"t. See you next year, still posting the same worthless bullshit. Hit me up when Hoofshots 2.0 hits 24k unique people every month.
Try and keep up little boy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
A google search ruins the retard"s house of cards and then he tries to play the ignorance card. Moar falze google anayltics graphs with all your unique visiters plaz

Also you really might want to secure up that admincp, if Citten were to get ahold of it he might do bad things.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Sutekh said:
A google search ruins the retard"s house of cards and then he tries to play the ignorance card. Moar falze google anayltics graphs with all your unique visiters plaz
K bro. You obviously have no idea how big FoH actually is.

Go run off in the sunset, everything will be sturdy around these parts in terms of traffic.

Also you really might want to secure up that admincp, if Citten were to get ahold of it he might do bad things.
Ravven put Citten in the Administrator usergroup instead of Banned.

Go direct that to her, but you obviously won"t


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Sutekh said:
I"m in FoH I know how big it is. You"re an onlooker.
FoH Rift? FoH WoW??


You are funny as fuck. FoH EQ2 was stronger than foh wow & rift combined.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh I"m sorry are those FoH guilds not good enough? You"re probably right, the Fires of Heaven you were in is probably better. Oh wait. You weren"t in FoH? Oh okay Sorry for bringing that up then.


Potato del Grande
I smell a game off, you pick the game, I will bet anything Sutekh is better than you at it.

Meet at the old Members Only Wherehouse!


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Sutekh said:
Oh I"m sorry are those FoH guilds not good enough? You"re probably right, the Fires of Heaven you were in is probably better. Oh wait. You weren"t in FoH? Oh okay Sorry for bringing that up then.
lol, you acting like you are FOH for being in WoW/Rift is about as funny as me trying to act like I"m FOH for playing with them on Combine.

The only Fires of Heaven true blue guildies were EQ.

Kreugen comes at me? He is a boss whatever, but you? hahahah, you"re a joke. I trolled your ex GF in my spare time; you just mad.


Tyen stop talking out of your fucking ass. What"s left of the raiding guild in WoW is FoH, so kindly shut the fuck up and stop pretending you know a damned thing about the guild.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Sutekh said:
Haha you really no nothing do you. I guess ignorance really is bliss.
I see join date 2008 and no EQ Veeshan screenshots.

Guess I know what I see, and that"s a dirty jew trying to pose as a FoH EQ member.