

FPS noob
sherlock redeemed, that was fucking amazing shit. The twist at the end was a bit obvious but still very cool to see come about, especially when the episode was all about hiding in plain sight

Exposition Mary was pretty annoying and that memory drug shit was incoherent but still some great Sherlocking

scariest moment of the episode: the teeth closeups


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A nice asshole.
Another great episode, looks like this will get them back to baseline and working together to solve some shit.


Trakanon Raider
That was glorious return to form. Maybe a bit too trippy, but having sherlock fucked up makes for a much better episode. About halfway through, I was convinced the fatso killed Sherlock's sibling, which made him go off like that, but then the ending rolled around. Mrs. Hudson carried half of the episode, casually opening the trunk was the cherry on top.
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Trakanon Raider
Just watched this.. fun fact about the 'twist'
I was googling if there was a sibling alluded to in the original Doyle writings, it's been ages since I read any.. and 'Sherrinford' is what Doyle had originally planned to name Sherlock and is probably where she was being kept, according to the two hints Myrcroft leaves (he tells an operator to put him through to 'Sherrinford', tells Lady Smallwood that 'Sherrinford' is secure and has it written on his stationary under the business card at the end. Could be their codename for Eurus, too. )
Was a good episode overall, and I'm excited to see where they go with it. Seems they may have found a potential villain to rival Moriarty after all.


Millie's Staff Member
Just watched this.. fun fact about the 'twist'
I was googling if there was a sibling alluded to in the original Doyle writings, it's been ages since I read any.. and 'Sherrinford' is what Doyle had originally planned to name Sherlock and is probably where she was being kept, according to the two hints Myrcroft leaves (he tells an operator to put him through to 'Sherrinford', tells Lady Smallwood that 'Sherrinford' is secure and has it written on his stationary under the business card at the end. Could be their codename for Eurus, too. )
Was a good episode overall, and I'm excited to see where they go with it. Seems they may have found a potential villain to rival Moriarty after all.
i was wondering how she fooled sherlock. wouldnt he recognize her?


Trakanon Raider
Well, he was off his tits on drugs and I honestly had no clue it was the girl on the bus/daughter/psychiatrist. The make up crew did a great job. I'm mostly amazed nobody noticed her walking along him during their night together, or that she made him leave his flat at all. That should've set off some alarms on Mycroft's side.


Millie's Staff Member
Well, he was off his tits on drugs and I honestly had no clue it was the girl on the bus/daughter/psychiatrist. The make up crew did a great job. I'm mostly amazed nobody noticed her walking along him during their night together, or that she made him leave his flat at all. That should've set off some alarms on Mycroft's side.
her accent and the lame older lady makeup they used to make her look like the shrink was a red flag for me, but i didnt make the connection that she was the girl on the bus AND culverton's daughter. i did suspect she was culverton's daughter though when sherlock fou nd out it was a different girl.


Trakanon Raider
On one hand, you might say her genius rivals Sherlock so she could potentially fool him with a disguise.. but I can't imagine someone like Sherlock wouldn't notice prosthetics and heavy costume makeup at least.
The theory I saw that I like most, is that potentially she was taken away when he was very young so he either doesn't know he has a sister, or that he has no idea what she looks like. So, that would explain why he wouldn't recognize her, even if he did notice the costume effects. Also, you could say he didn't notice the costume because he was high, but yet he still notices details like the mark on the hem of her dress and dampness on her shoulder. It's a little inconsistent.


Millie's Staff Member
On one hand, you might say her genius rivals Sherlock so she could potentially fool him with a disguise.. but I can't imagine someone like Sherlock wouldn't notice prosthetics and heavy costume makeup at least.
The theory I saw that I like most, is that potentially she was taken away when he was very young so he either doesn't know he has a sister, or that he has no idea what she looks like. So, that would explain why he wouldn't recognize her, even if he did notice the costume effects. Also, you could say he didn't notice the costume because he was high, but yet he still notices details like the mark on the hem of her dress and dampness on her shoulder. It's a little inconsistent.
yep, considering he 3 weeks earlier researched that same shrink and would likely notice the woman was not the same one. gotta let things pass sometimes.


The Scientific Shitlord
On one hand, you might say her genius rivals Sherlock so she could potentially fool him with a disguise.. but I can't imagine someone like Sherlock wouldn't notice prosthetics and heavy costume makeup at least.
The theory I saw that I like most, is that potentially she was taken away when he was very young so he either doesn't know he has a sister, or that he has no idea what she looks like. So, that would explain why he wouldn't recognize her, even if he did notice the costume effects. Also, you could say he didn't notice the costume because he was high, but yet he still notices details like the mark on the hem of her dress and dampness on her shoulder. It's a little inconsistent.

Remember, when he was flying high he had hallucinations about a dude in his kitchen who he "only just found out he existed". Guessing that Sherlock thinks his other sibling is a dude for now.


Trakanon Raider
Eh, I found it stuck too deep up its own ass, right from the start with the plane. The whole point of Eurus manipulating people to do what they don't want, even when they have a choice to walk away felt like bullshit. If they built her power more on being indispensable for preventing terrorist attacks, it would be much more grounded. They have AAA cinematography, which carries a lot of the scenes along with the actors, Mycroft as a fisherman, Sherlock unraveling after talking to Molly and Eurus welcoming Sherlock was awesome. The high point was Moriarty listening to Queen, especially once the "5 years ago" popped up. As far as the last 30 minutes go, it was good drama, everything was tight, but everybody except Eurus was coated in plot armor and like I said, I didn't buy the plane scene, so the urgency was lost on me. Episode 2 was much better.

I hope they are done with the omnipotent villains and return to something more basic, if or whenever next season will be.


So with Eurus doing the whole Miss Me? thing which I thought was Moriarty's thing, are they hinting at that maybe Eurus was the mastermind beyond Moriarty this entire time? I don't know how i'd feel about that.


FPS noob
I enjoyed the episode but yeah euros was pretty much an x-men in this episode, it was pretty silly how she could reprogram any human being in 2 minutes, devise and execute elaborate traps on a whim but also was a complete 7 year old mental wreck in her room at the end.


also really weak that mycroft lives, she should have been insanely pissed at him and stabbed him in the eye the second she could.

fun to watch but totally silly and over the top in a marvel comic book movie way. The cleverness of the show has sort of disappeared. There was no little girl, it was all a lie. There was no dog, even though we saw it over and over it flashbacks. Just flat out lying to the viewer doesn't really make a interesting mystery, there is no way for us to know whats going on.

also lol at the explosion CGI
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Oh ignore me, didn't realize there was a new episode out. Thought the last one of the season was the one ending with Eurus revealing herself to Watson. Bout to watch The Final Problem now.


Wait so, am I getting this right? His long lost sister, played this long Machiavellian game with Sherlock, even got Moriarty in on the gag when she met him, basically convinced him to fuck with Sherlock even more, did all the whole disguise thing, took over the prison, captured Sherlock and crew, took them to the prison to play mind games with them...

she did ALL of she could make Sherlock remember that one time, when he was a kid, he had a ginger best friend, not a dog, and she killed him because they wouldn't let her play?

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FPS noob
best not to dwell on these things

Deep Thoughts: Mary is the Tupac of England, dropping like 4 mix tapes after her death

criticisms of the finale from reddit:

1.) Why did they give Euros magic powers? It was laughably stupid that she could enslave an entire prison worth of guards and, presumably experienced, psychologists. Oh sorry, she was really really clever. That's fine then.
2.) Sherlock is now stupid. Doesn't solve crimes, doesn't remember his dad was allergic to dogs, can't recognise there is no glass two inches away from his face.
3.) Euros has spent years on this plan. Working with Moriarty, escaping prison, disguising herself as various people to entrap them, building a torturous assault course for Sherlock to escape from. Why does she try and kill them with a grenade drone before it all comes off?
4.) In the small, isolated grounds of a manor house, why did nobody check for a missing child down the nearby well?
5.) Why did Mycroft, super genius, let her talk to Moriarty? A person he explicitly states he thinks is a criminal? Spam can buy giving her a violin as a reward, but this is stupid.
6.) Why is Euros even in prison? A child, who they suspect (not know) killed someone, then set a fire, and they imprison her in the negative zone? Bit far no?
7.) Why is this super prison so shit? Sherlock and Mycroft infiltrate it by respectively putting on a scottish accent and dressing as Captain Birdseye.
8.) Why do they NEED to infiltrate it if Mycroft is so obviously in charge? Just walk in.
9.) How is Watson able to just climb the rope out of the well if he is chained to the floor?
10.) Why was the bit with Molly so rushed? Did she not deserve a bit longer on screen after she finally tells Sherlock she loves him, the culmination of four series of plot?
11.) Why is Mary such a big character?
12.) So what exactly did Euros and Moriarty plan together? Are we just meant to guess? Why did he react to the word Redbeard? He wouldn't know anything about it. Why did she mention Redbeard? None of Moriarty's schemes involved him in any way.
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Trakanon Raider
2) As a kid, the traumatic events caused him to rewrite his actual memories. Myrcroft supposedly did something to help him rewrite these memories. He never had reason to suspect his own memories were false, so he didn't use his own intelligence to deduce anything about the events, had no reason to try.
3) It had a 3 second delay, she would have known this. There's more concrete ways to kill them if that's all she wanted to do. She figured they could get away.
6) She didn't go to Sherrinford originally. She was in a regular asylum as a kid, then it burned down (don't remember if they suggest she did this too) which is when Myrcroft uses that as a cover to move her to Sherrinford. This presumably happens after Myrcroft is an adult and has an important position in Goverment, so Eurus is at least a teenager by that point.
9) He didn't climb out, they turned off water, gave him a rope that he grabbed, but likely used it to send someone down to remove the chains.
12) There's an easy to miss bit about 'redbeard' being sherlock's pressure point from Moriarty's intel on him. The implication is that Eurus ended up giving Moriarty more info on how to manipulate Sherlock into doing what he wanted.

As for the others.. I agree. It wasn't a perfect episode, but it's the closest we got to a new Moriarty and that's by far my favorite part about Sherlock. Him having an equal, or smarter, adversary. So, while I still really liked this episode, I also hated that it very much did seem like it could be a series finale. I'm guessing the showrunners are not sure if they will/want/can do another series and wanted it to have a satisfactory conclusion if that's the case, which saddens me.


Millie's Staff Member
yes, they did jump the shark in several instances and its a damned shame, aside from that it was a brilliant episode. im glad he told jane he loved her, but it was a lie, which is why it was so hard for him to say. he loves one woman and one woman only. Irene Adler. Jane was always a useful idiot to him. hopefully he lets her off easy. overall this did feel like a finale to the entire show and maybe its for the best. i hope not, but they need to do more episodes like the second one this season and like the second season with the hound of the baskervilles. thats still my favorite one.

they need to give the uber villains a rest or at least give it time to cultivate a new one. please no more fucking moriarty. he was only in maybe 3 sherlock holmes stories and didnt occupy the books like he was The Joker or something.


Lord Nagafen Raider
7.) Why is this super prison so shit? Sherlock and Mycroft infiltrate it by respectively putting on a scottish accent and dressing as Captain Birdseye.
8.) Why do they NEED to infiltrate it if Mycroft is so obviously in charge? Just walk in.
When they are talking to the Governor in the holding cell, Mycroft says "your security is compromised and we don't know who to trust". With Mycroft's knowledge of the facility, he would no doubt have an easier time breaking in than most.