Should you tip the waitress and how much thread


Vyemm Raider
Whether it's this way in WA or CA I don't know, but I can tell you in the rest of the country wait staffing is not some prized position sought by all.
Right. I'm certain that all the hostesses of the world making minimum wage are just crying about their promotions to server. It's really difficult to make up that wage gap from $2.50 to $7.00 an hour. There's also the fact that whether or not you're afraid to confront your employer for the difference they must make it up by law. Not to mention if you feel you're worth more than what you're currently making then you're free to go find a different job just like every other Joe out there. Nobody owes you a dam thing.

Half the nights my girlfriend makes more than minimum wage just in tips at a $10.00 per seat buffet where they can only tip with cash, and she only cleans up plates. My buddy Matt worked at Red Lobster and had the same exact attitude as the picture I originally quoted, and guess what, he was unemployed for about six months because Red Lobster isn't doing to great and he went from making $200 a night with tips to zero. I guess people took the advice and decided not to eat out. Now he's moving furniture for less money which I suspect gives him a slightly different perspective on the whole moving food to tables.


Mr. Poopybutthole
so he is geographically jersey....waitstaff make around $3.00 per hour, $2.50 at the time i was are relied upon.....not a bonus
Except it's been pointed out several times that you're guaranteed minimum wage. It's a federal law. You will NEVER make $3.00 an hour. It also makes no difference, because I don't know anyone who's ever made minimum wage in a restaurant. I know, because I worked in one just like you!


Vyemm Raider
Except it's been pointed out several times that you're guaranteed minimum wage. It's a federal law. You will NEVER make $3.00 an hour. It also makes no difference, because I don't know anyone who's ever made minimum wage in a restaurant. I know, because I worked in one just like you!
re-read.....over 20 years such law back then

The Ancient_sl

Right. I'm certain that all the hostesses of the world making minimum wage are just crying about their promotions to server. It's really difficult to make up that wage gap from $2.50 to $7.00 an hour. There's also the fact that whether or not you're afraid to confront your employer for the difference they must make it up by law. Not to mention if you feel you're worth more than what you're currently making then you're free to go find a different job just like every other Joe out there. Nobody owes you a dam thing.
Maybe we're discussing two different things. You sound like you are railing against tippers who complain about not receiving their expected pay, and I'm railing against people who don't tip for any number of reasons because they are special snowflakes who don't need to follow society's standards. These people are douchebags.

If I had a friend who was a server and he was constantly complaining to me about every table who didn't give him a good tip, I'd tell him to shut the fuck up because he was being an idiot. If he pointed out a certain table and said, those shitheads don't tip well, I would say "well yes, they certainly are shitheads".


Mr. Poopybutthole
Re-read the part where I said it doesn't matter, no one makes minimum wage anyway. Also, minimum wage in 1993 was $4.25. So unless you somehow can't make $1.75 in tips per hour, you were making minimum wage. If not, you were fucking terrible and probably were lucky just to have a job.


Vyemm Raider
Maybe we're discussing two different things. You sound like you are railing against tippers who complain about not receiving their expected pay, and I'm railing against people who don't tip for any number of reasons because they are special snowflakes who don't need to follow society's standards. These people are douchebags.

If I had a friend who was a server and he was constantly complaining to me about every table who didn't give him a good tip, I'd tell him to shut the fuck up because he was being an idiot. If he pointed out a certain table and said, those shitheads don't tip well, I would say "well yes, they certainly are shitheads".
Well we can agree on some things then. I do tip, but only when the service is actually good, and I have a major axe to grind after hearing people like my friend Matt brag about bringing in $200.00 just in tips ($3.00 more than I make in a day as a Jr. Sys Admin) only to continue talking and bitch about the one or two people who didn't happen to leave a tip. It's ridiculous, and I suspect is a rationale many waiters come to. Even my girlfriend now expects tips. She will literally complain about the "Mexicans", because they are messy and don't tip. It's like come on! You made $120.00 just in tips, and you're bitching. It is astounding to me how quickly the human mind can rationalize what they are worth.

It's just as I heard in a banking crisis documentary. "Pay a man a million dollars, and in a month he'll think he's worth it."


Once again dude. Good for you. You are completely missing the point. The fact of the matter is if servers were ALWAYS tipped 15% they would make more than 90% of this forum. If you actually think that's realistic, you need to get your head out of the clouds. There is a reason people fight for serving positions are virtually every restaurant, because it pays WAY more than any other position besides being the manager, or lead cook, and requires you to have absolutely no skills besides the ability to speak and listen. Amazing!
Your complete lack of understanding of the service industry is actually kind of impressive. Do you need a degree to be a server? No. Do more than half the servers I know have them? Yes. Your assumption that servers are whiny scum is a common one and is actually one of the primary causes of server contempt of the customers whose asses they (apparently deserve to) have to kiss. I don't know what you do for a living and I really don't need to because whatever it is, it doesn't present the specific demands that serving does. I hate to exaggerate, but it really is kind of like juggling live grenades with a smile on your face... while some prick's little fat fuck of a kid needs his fifth chocolate milk and the dickhead next to him who doesn't understand what he ordered is screaming bloody fucking murder that his server is incompetent. You work hard and deserve what you're paid? You're as busy as anyone? Good. It beats being bored. Fact of the matter is, there just aren't many jobs out there that take the mental, physical, and emotional toll on a person that serving does.

There's a fuck ton more to it than pressing buttons and carrying plates. It should not be a minimum wage job. If people actually made minimum wage serving, I don't know anyone who wouldn't look elsewhere for employment or else swallow their pride, take unemployment, and save themselves the stress. From the sound of it, you are just bitter that people who you feel are undeserving make more money than you. The industry is what it is and everyone who has ever pretended you were worth flexing the facial muscles that it took to smile at you is just running the rat race. Get over yourself.


Trakanon Raider
Hamsteroceros_sl said:
Fact of the matter is, there just aren't many jobs out there that take the mental, physical, and emotional toll on a person that serving does.
This is just fucking laughable. I wouldn't say it's an easy job, sure. But you're making it out to be as difficult as being a neurosurgeon.


Buzzfeed Editor
Fact of the matter is, there just aren't many jobs out there that take the mental, physical, and emotional toll on a person that serving does.
I did some roofing in high school, and some work for a state senator digging rocks out of his cotton field during the winter prepping it for planting. You need some fucking perspective, this right here is some of the stupidest shit I have ever read.

Get over yourself.
Oh indeed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This publication is off their rocker, right!
The comments on that are fucking golden. First guy already works for $4 an hour (if he actually can do the math) including tips, and "feels like" he is getting ripped off.

and as pointed out, the other jobs there, lol
newspaper reporter, what exactly do these do now? Copypasta Reuters and the white house press feed?


Vyemm Raider
Your complete lack of understanding of the service industry is actually kind of impressive. Do you need a degree to be a server? No. Do more than half the servers I know have them? Yes. Your assumption that servers are whiny scum is a common one and is actually one of the primary causes of server contempt of the customers whose asses they (apparently deserve to) have to kiss. I don't know what you do for a living and I really don't need to because whatever it is, it doesn't present the specific demands that serving does. I hate to exaggerate, but it really is kind of like juggling live grenades with a smile on your face... while some prick's little fat fuck of a kid needs his fifth chocolate milk and the dickhead next to him who doesn't understand what he ordered is screaming bloody fucking murder that his server is incompetent. You work hard and deserve what you're paid? You're as busy as anyone? Good. It beats being bored. Fact of the matter is, there just aren't many jobs out there that take the mental, physical, and emotional toll on a person that serving does.

There's a fuck ton more to it than pressing buttons and carrying plates. It should not be a minimum wage job. If people actually made minimum wage serving, I don't know anyone who wouldn't look elsewhere for employment or else swallow their pride, take unemployment, and save themselves the stress. From the sound of it, you are just bitter that people who you feel are undeserving make more money than you. The industry is what it is and everyone who has ever pretended you were worth flexing the facial muscles that it took to smile at you is just running the rat race. Get over yourself.
Wait, you mean to tell me that you, and all your buddy waiters don't think to yourself "We sure make damn good money for the minimal level of skill this job requires!"? Well of course you fucking don't idiot! That's not how the human mind works. Even morons on welfare feel they are a special snowflake who just had some bad luck and deserve a leg up. Fuck dude, you make it sound as if you cry at night because some dude said his steak was cooked wrong. You are a fool. Get out in the real world buddy. You think that CEO bitching at you about getting the wrong drink is annoying, try explaining why you can't just up and make a website for her overnight that's of any quality when she's in a bitchy mood and she actually has power to influence your career.

Try being an IT manager and trying to persuade an entire company that you're actually helping them when all they do is bitch and moan about small shit like how their start menu is an orb now, or that the buttons moved slightly in Excel when you upgraded them from 2007 to 2010/13. Point being is every job has stress, nobody wants to deal with it. That's not a fucking surprise. Don't act like your piece of shit job walking food back and forth with a few smiles in between is some sort of skill. I will bet everything I own that if we revisit this thread in sixty years the "service" industry will be just as dead as the retail industry unless of course you're in the upper echelons of management/business, and not a drone out on the floor. Which might I add is being very generous considering the current service industry outside of being a waiter!


Wait, you mean to tell me that you, and all your buddy waiters don't think to yourself "We sure make damn good money for the minimal level of skill this job requires!"? Well of course you fucking don't idiot! That's not how the human mind works. Even morons on welfare feel they are a special snowflake who just had some bad luck and deserve a leg up. Fuck dude, you make it sound as if you cry at night because some dude said his steak was cooked wrong. You are a fool. Get out in the real world buddy. You think that CEO bitching at you about getting the wrong drink is annoying, try explaining why you can't just up and make a website for her overnight that's of any quality when she's in a bitchy mood and she actually has power to influence your career.

Try being an IT manager and trying to persuade an entire company that you're actually helping them when all they do is bitch and moan about small shit like how their start menu is an orb now, or that the buttons moved slightly in Excel when you upgraded them from 2007 to 2010/13. Point being is every job has stress, nobody wants to deal with it. That's not a fucking surprise. Don't act like your piece of shit job walking food back and forth with a few smiles in between is some sort of skill. I will bet everything I own that if we revisit this thread in sixty years the "service" industry will be just as dead as the retail industry unless of course you're in the upper echelons of management/business, and not a drone out on the floor. Which might I add is being very generous considering the current service industry outside of being a waiter!
First of all, calm down everyone who seems to think that I've equated serving to neurosurgery. I haven't. Jesus Christ. It's a job that demands more than people seem to think.

The fun part about this is that I WAS a waiter for a long time. The schedule flexibility and decent pay made it a practical way to pay for school. I make plenty of "honest" money as an energy consultant, thanks - a detail I left out because I suspected that you would come back with some condescending bullshit. I'm feeling almost psychic right now, let me tell you. That said, making damn good money for the skill level involved is the only reason servers put up with assholes like you. If it were a minimum wage job, no one with command of the English language would do it, plain and simple. Restaurants in general aren't lining up to take huge hits to their bottom line. They never have and I can't imagine they'll start now. "The industry is what it is..." comment is something that always goes over people's heads. Tipping waiters is older than your parents (so make sure you have a climate-controlled storage locker to put all your shit in for me). People serving then and now are just working within the system trying to make a living. The point of that picture from further up the thread is to make you understand that you are part of that same system when you go out to eat. If you're gonna be a cheap fucktwat on principle, fine. Just let your server know that you're a principled, cheap fucktwat so they can pay attention to the people who will enable them to pay their bills.

I've never understood how people who were in the service industry for any length of time are able to forget where they've been. Getting out is fantastic, yes, but seriously.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah but you didn't say "hey serving is more difficult than people think," instead you went full retard with the line about it being one of the most demanding jobs in existence.


chaos;118165 said:
I did some roofing in high school, and some work for a state senator digging rocks out of his cotton field during the winter prepping it for planting. You need some fucking perspective, this right here is some of the stupidest shit I have ever read.

I've done manual labor, guy. Three summers working at a rental company, two before that on my grandparent's pig farm in Michigan out of high school. I've worked at desks, in a bowling alley, and doing sales on the road, too. The point of the stupidest shit you've ever read is this: your pay wasn't dependent on how the shingles and rocks felt about you. You didn't have to be nice to them so you wouldn't be fired. You worked shitty jobs and knew you'd be taking home x-amount of money. Servers don't. That shit wears on your soul. Serving is more physical than people seem to realize, too, so it all adds up to a uniquely shitty job. That's all I was saying.

Brain surgeons are lazy bitches, though.