

Molten Core Raider
Will be downloading in about 12 hours - doesn't launch here until 08/03.

Origin name is FlightXXXX. If someone could add me to RR2 or whatevers available I'd appreciate it.


<Gold Donor>
Not going to have time to play (and by play I mean sit in an endless loop of loading/patching) today, but last I checked I still have no neighbors...


Molten Core Raider
UPDATE: Thursday 03/07/2013 (10:48 EST / 15:48 GMT / 07:48 PST )

While we continue to do everything we can to fix server issues, we're currently in the process of deploying a Hotfix to all servers. This includes various improvements.

However please note that we also have to disables a few non-critical Gameplay features:
Region filters
Disabling these features will in no way affect your core Gameplay experience.

We will continue to let you know as we have more information. Again, getting you playing is our highest priority and we greatly appreciate your continued patience.


Shit Gamer
Yeah I think I'll need 2 or three connections like that. Have you used much dirt roads for the avenues? Some people are using them and like them because they let cars get onto/off of avenues but don't cause intersections. It's not intuitive but from what I've seen there's no acceleration on cars so it might work.
Yeah, definetly exploit the different types of intersections mixing street types provides. You don't have to use dirt roads necessarily, intersecting a medium density road with a high density avenue for instance results in a stop sign instead of a traffic light which can be useful too. Here is a diagram someone posted on Reddit recently:



<Gold Donor>
After my initial 2 hours, I played for another 30-45 mins last night, during which the servers reported they were down and never came up. I tried to play longer hoping they would come back up, but eventually I had to quit. I'm assuming that means they didn't sync at the end, so whatever my last sync was is all the further it will be when I log back in?

I'm also wondering if, for my next city, I shouldn't just get it to that easy +3-4k per hour spot early on, with low density everything, maybe not even care about police, fire, medical, etc. then walk away and leave it for a few hours to generate income. Upgrading shit just seems to kill my income.

Speaking of, let's say I realized I fucked a lot of things up (it's my first city, on what I would consider a pretty difficult map no less)...if I bulldozed everything, would I be able to more or less get back to that early game "easy money" stage I mentioned above? Or is it like once you pass a particular threshold you can't really go back? I know I'd miss out on the "quest rewards" but those aren't really huge yet.

It isn't a total loss or anything, so aside from bulldozing it all, is there any good way to undo the n00b mistakes I've made? Like, my oil deposits are right underneath the majority of my high-density RCI buildings, and my oil refinery keeps running out of oil because my oil wells aren't placed where they need to be and have drilled out everything under them...which then results in all power in the city dropping to nothing until I get 12k to buy a truck from the global market. I guess I just need to bite the bullet and put the oil wells where they need to be, but that obliterates a good chunk of my income. It can be fixed with enough money, I'm certain of that, and I don't want to fuck over the region, so I guess I'll just see what I can do tonight after work. But any suggestions would be greatly appreciated in the meantime.

Couple things occurred to me. I'm guessing crap like the passenger train and ferry terminals take a decent amount of money to run (can't look, at work), so I could probably shut stuff like that off and save some money while I fix things, right?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The way you fix things is by making a new city, lol. Which usually the EA servers take care of for you. I think I was forced to remake my city 7 times last night.


Silver Squire
Just bought the game and East 1 is full it seems. Picked East 2 and still can't get on! Ugh, I fuckin' hate game launches!


Golden Knight of the Realm
TL;DR I can't make money
You just have to specialize for what your city plot has, i.e.: you have a max coal resource and a little bit of ore? Guess what, make some coal processing, then some ore, then make some smelters. For each processing plant you make, try to have a trading depot made near it so you can export all that shit for money.

I made a city last night and after a couple hours I was sitting on 9mil. Mind you I was actively playing the whole time.

Honestly the whole making money strat is really possible after someone makes a balanced city first to unlock a few of the city hall upgrades. After that anyone can do just about anything with only 1 or 2 city hall upgrades, which in itself is a pretty big savings @15k per add-on. The department of finance is the first one that should be taken so you can pop 300k and set yourself up for growth. With properly planned out resource/trade progression you can overcome any sort of per/hour expenditures. On my 9mil+ city I'm sitting at a loss of 45k/hr and I still make money.

In short, the only resources that matter for city planning are coal, ore and oil -- and water means dick all.

**Can someone delete the double picture?


A nice asshole.
Charging 10 bucks for some art is bullshit. That lone thing keot me from day one buy. That said may buy it anyway, yay or nah?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Charging 10 bucks for some art is bullshit. That lone thing keot me from day one buy. That said may buy it anyway, yay or nah?
None of the art adds anything but reskins for buildings. It's definitely a fun game even with the server issues, etc. Lots of replayability just in trying to figure everything out, not to mention the theorycrafting.


<Gold Donor>
You just have to specialize for what your city plot has, i.e.: you have a max coal resource and a little bit of ore? Guess what, make some coal processing, then some ore, then make some smelters. For each processing plant you make, try to have a trading depot made near it so you can export all that shit for money.
Ah, see I think that is part of my problem. Trading depot? I had no idea those even existed or how to build them. I'm sure that if I demolished some buildings and drilled out all my oil, and could actually sell the excess, I'd probably have a shitload of money. Thanks for the tip, now I just need to figure out how to make sure I'm trading shit.

EDIT: Oh, and as far as the city hall upgrades, I've already bought a couple, one of which gave me the message that everyone in the region could now use such and such. I can't remember if it was during the time my city probably didn't save or not though.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I'm wondering how long it'll be before they start sellign dlc that offers functional content that goes beyond what's available currently. Ex: "Non retarded bus drivers".


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
ea_sl said:
We are continuing to do everything we can to address the server issues. In the meantime, so that we can give you as good an experience as possible, we are in the process of deploying a hotfix to all servers. This includes various improvements and also disables a few non-critical gameplay features (leaderboards, achievements and region filters). Disabling these features will in no way affect your core gameplay experience.

We will continue to let you know as we have more information. We know it has been said before, but we do appreciate your patience as we complete this latest update. Getting you playing is our absolute highest priority.
So browsing the messages after this little gem was put out

edit: source:
Message from Senior Producer Kip Katsarelis

This has been an exciting and challenging week for the team here at Maxis, the culmination years of planning and development. We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and enthusiasm from our fans which has made it even more upsetting for us that technical issues have become more prominent in the last 24 hours. We are hitting a number of problems with our server architecture which has seen players encountering bugs and long wait times to enter servers. This is, obviously, not the situation we wanted for our launch week and we want you to know that we are putting everything we have at resolving these issues.

What we are doing is deploying more servers over the coming two days which will alleviate many of the ongoing issues. We are also paying close attention to all the bug reports we are receiving from our fans. We've already pushed several updates in the last few days. Our live ops team is working 24/7 to resolve issues and ensure that bug fixes roll into the game as quickly as possible.

While the ongoing issues are troubling, we can also see that players are really enjoying the game. In a single 24 hour period, there were more than 38 million buildings plopped down, nearly 7 and a half million kilometers of roads laid down, 18+ million fires started and (my favorite fact) over 40 million pipes filled up with poop.

This team has put everything into this game and won't stop until things are smooth. We ask our fans to be patient as our team works diligently to fix the issues. We share your passion for SimCity and thank you for your support and understanding.

Then you see messages like this one ,

Cool, I get to wait in queue for 20mins and then 3mins over and over. WTB single player mode.

Which i am experiencing at the moment. Then 2 people decide to respond to the above message with these , took the last of the 2 as it has both responses.

Why is EVERYTHING being used to moan about the DRM/Online mode? If you don't like it, don't buy the game. It's there, it's staying, there's no Offline mode anywhere in the near future.

Deal. With. It.[/quote]

Quoted for the Truth

But you know, apes will always be apes

What , the , fuck!?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ah, see I think that is part of my problem. Trading depot? I had no idea those even existed or how to build them. I'm sure that if I demolished some buildings and drilled out all my oil, and could actually sell the excess, I'd probably have a shitload of money. Thanks for the tip, now I just need to figure out how to make sure I'm trading shit.

EDIT: Oh, and as far as the city hall upgrades, I've already bought a couple, one of which gave me the message that everyone in the region could now use such and such. I can't remember if it was during the time my city probably didn't save or not though.
There are only a few upgrades with the city hall, so 2 people can pretty handily unlock all 6. That's pretty much what Faille and I did before anyone else joined the region. This saves a ton of space for everyone else so they don't have to plan around having a giant city hall; you can just put the building down and give your residential zone some happiness.

With the trade depots, you click on them and add extra storage houses and delivery trucks. After you do that, you set each resource you added storage for, to either: local only use, import or export. The trick with that is for coal and especially ore, you can use those in smelting factories which produce alloy (a combo of coal/ore) and metal (just ore) that are about 10x more profitable than coal or ore alone on the export market. The only downside being these factories take up a fuckton of space, but have VERY high returns. I found having 1 dedicated trade depot for storing (local use) coal and ore to free up factory production (they stop mining once they max their own storage).

I started mining ore/coal almost out of the gate with 3x 100k bonds and have just now (about ~8 hours straight on cheetah speed) and my first mines are just now starting to thin out. In the process I've banked almost 12mil now with most of the exports still going -- this is while I filled out my city plot entirely. I've also gotten by with just 1 large service building of each type (police, fire, medical), with a few features -- mostly the preventative ones.