

Molten Core Raider
i still find it hilarious that IGN hasn't put out a review for this yet. it's becoming pretty apparent they had to torch the entire pre-DRM fiasco review.


Relative scale of SimCity 4 to 5. 5 is the yellow square, SimCity 4 is the rest. I'm 12 hours or so in to SimCity 4, and have 100k residents and am still screwing around with the 49,284,202,349 various ways to set up roads.

The following screenshot isn't mine.



[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */limits on this forum. Welcome to 1998.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Really glad I didn't buy this now. I was waiting to buy it until the servers were fixed, now that the servers are kind of fixed everyone is saying don't buy it anyways because the game systems themselves are flawed, broken, and bugged.

I keep reading crap about how you can fill up your city plot in like 5 or 6 hours and then there's nothing else to do.
You can fill up your city plot in 1 to 2 hours. It's extremely easy to hit the limit especially after a couple cities under your belt.


privileged excrementlord
Relative scale of SimCity 4 to 5. 5 is the yellow square, SimCity 4 is the rest. I'm 12 hours or so in to SimCity 4, and have 100k residents and am still screwing around with the 49,284,202,349 various ways to set up roads.

The following screenshot isn't mine.

lol fucking weak


Registered Hutt
That's not a straight up comparison. That's region view for SC4. Region view for SC5 can have 16 tiles. It's still much smaller, but a 16 tile region does not fit in that little cube.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The department of transportation should include an upgrade for smart traffic where you could create roundabout intersections for streets and smart traffic lights for avenue/avenue and avenue/street intersections. Smart traffic lights being the kind where it allows traffic to go longer on the more busier pathway.

Of course this is besides the point that they need to fix horrible pathing issues.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The department of transportation should include an upgrade for smart traffic where you could create roundabout intersections for streets and smart traffic lights for avenue/avenue and avenue/street intersections. Smart traffic lights being the kind where it allows traffic to go longer on the more busier pathway.

Of course this is besides the point that they need to fix horrible patching issues.
Traffic DLC


Trakanon Raider
I've been a fan of SimCity since the original and almost purchased this game a half dozen times .... I think I'll wait a while longer. Now that some actual game play content is getting pushed I have to say the AI and some of the layout ideas people have to overcome the game's shortcomings are absolutely rediculous. As an architect with some town planning experience bringing myself to design some of the stuff that supposedly works in this game would probably drive me over the edge. Not that SC4 is a real-life representation of actual place making but at least some of it's basic planning principles do work. I'm sorry but Maxis/EA really dropped the ball on this one. Hopefully they get everything working as it should.

Game looks beautiful though and I'm sure once you suspend disbelief it's probably a lot of fun as well.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Relative scale of SimCity 4 to 5. 5 is the yellow square, SimCity 4 is the rest. I'm 12 hours or so in to SimCity 4, and have 100k residents and am still screwing around with the 49,284,202,349 various ways to set up roads.

The following screenshot isn't mine.

this screenshot is bullshit fyi. It's comparing SC4's region with SC5's city. And a city in SC5 is definitely smaller than that square.

also some more traffic tips:
Traffic Pathing Algorithm
Ok, now take your road network, and imagine there are dozens and dozens of D* graphs getting built all the time, one graph per destination type. Some of those are pedestrian destinations (like a house, workplace, shop, etc...) some are "transit" pedestrian destinations (like a bus stop that will lead you to a house, a street car stop that will lead you to a workplace, etc...). Those are used by the pedestrians and the stops to figure out who should go where. Then there's a bunch of sets that are used by the transit vehicles themselves, like "pick up shuttle passengers", "pick up train passengers at a neighbor's", "drop off streetcar passengers near a workplace", "drop off muni bus passengers near a home", and finally, "go from stop to stop". Whenever a transit vehicle makes a stop, it drops off all the passengers that can walk to their destination from it, then pick-up passengers. In most cases, if there is still room for passengers, the vehicle will try to go to stops that have people waiting. If it's full (or with a small chance if there's still room) then it will go straight to the first valid drop off point in a list, based on its passengers desired destination. If it's empty, then there's a chance it will drive at random from stop to stop, until it picks up people. Hope this helps figuring out how to play the transit game! [Source]
If you use the guides, then you should get the right amount of space for back to back medium and high density buildings (they have the same depth). Sometimes it helps to be zoomed in when you draw your roads, as the guides tend to be followed more precisely than if you were zoomed out. [Source]
Reset Traffic
Also, when you load into a city, all the cars, pedestrians, trucks, buses, etc... start from the unit that originally emitted them again -- their location on the map isn't saved. [Source]
Mixed Zoning
Do a search for Horizontal Mixed Use and Neighborhood Commercial, those are the two types of mixed use zoning the game supports. [Source]
Work Requests
I wrote the original code, but another scripter took over after I started working on the public transit piece. Work buildings send requests to residential buildings at 6am and 6pm (for night shift/continuous workplaces), but only for a portion of their workforce, say about 1/3. Neighbors will also call for workers at those times. This is so you get the rush hour effect. People will decide to walk or drive based on the distance between the workplace that requested them and where they live. If you build your city so you tend to mix zones, then you can effectively create a walkable city. Then for a few more hours, the rest of the workforce will trickle in. You can speed up that process by building public transit. [Source]
Street Car Design
OP is definitely on the right track in being disciplined and building his streetcar system as 1 line per depot, as opposed to a spaghetti dish. [Source]
Don't place your streetcar depot so close to an intersection. Seriously, don't. [Source]
Bus System
Keep buses on avenues and off smaller streets. Place bus stops on both sides of the road (so they're paired) to limit how many U-turns buses have to make. [Source]
You need to balance the number of buses you place with the number of stops as well as the complexity of your network. Not enough buses, and people wait a long time. Too many buses, and your streets get flooded by them. [Source]
Sims don't know which way the bus is going, they just know that if they go to this stop, then they'll be able to reach their eventual destination. [Source]
People will walk to park & ride, yes. [Source]
You should also put the pairs farther apart from each other, each stop can cover about 400 meters each direction. [Source]
Eventually the bus will go back to the garage, at which point the Sim may walk back home (or take transit back home) [Source]


A nice asshole.
Put down smelter and two trade depots one all alloy for future plans and the other import coal and ore, afk 40 mins and have 1.5 million to work with. This was with a city pop of 4,500.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>

Kubla Kas_sl

They should have made some of the bigger buildings unique like Willis Tower. First person in region to get it wins... give this game some PvP/Trolling flair. Also, can you push trash and pollution and low income residents to your neighbors?

Why didn't they make highways completely go through your region instead of just like a drop off point? And then allow you to make as many on/exit ramps as you want off that highway?


The only longevity this game is gunna have for a while is if they can make some interesting challenges and who knows what those could be with the region stuff not working and traffic being the hardest thing to overcome


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
To give it longevity they need to:
A: balance the trading portion
B: fix all the broken features

and either
1: Adjust the region/city sizes such that you really can have massive cities.
2: Make it competitive and e-sport enough that people are motivated to figure out ways to eek out as much performance as possible.

SC4 had a long life partially because the size was so immense you could literally spend a week building out one city and still have 63 more cities to build in your region.

I revised the above SS:


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Someone with a fairly advanced and built out or self sufficient city that has water/train/airport for shipping and transport should destroy the highway connection and report what happens.

Kubla Kas_sl

If they had to reduce size because of the new simulation engine, I almost wish they hadn't added the feature until computers could handle the load of bigger cities. I get the feeling they are gonna try to do some more cross-game type stuff with regular The Sims, where you can be Joe Plumber and drive to work everyday in your neighborhood you built.

Sim Cul-de-sac

To give it longevity they need to:
A: balance the trading portion
B: fix all the broken features

and either
1: Adjust the region/city sizes such that you really can have massive cities.