

Molten Core Raider
Other than them telling you if a god has good single target dps etc, theres nothing out there showing what gods are meant to jungle, support, etc etc?

kinda like in dota it let you know if they are a good pusher, support, carry etc, Maybe im missing something supports are obvious kinda not sure about carrys, semi carrys junglers.

holy fuck drybear is annoying 99% of the time, guy needs to take hid meds, or not since people probably think its hilarious.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Other than them telling you if a god has good single target dps etc, theres nothing out there showing what gods are meant to jungle, support, etc etc?

kinda like in dota it let you know if they are a good pusher, support, carry etc, Maybe im missing something supports are obvious kinda not sure about carrys, semi carrys junglers.
Mid is nearly always a mage. Must have good lane clear, preferably with some sort of escape/gank potential since mid is probably most ganked lane.

Solo is sometimes a warrior, sometimes a mage and occasionally something else. Most frequent is a warrior but you can run two mages (one in mid one in solo). Be aware that puts you at 2 magical, so you need to make sure jungle and/or support are physical, preferably both.

Jungle can be almost anything, but gank potential and sustain/lane clear are most important. It's hard to solo the jungle early for some characters, which can set you back a lot in the early game if you farm way slower than opposing jungle. Usually an assassin plays jungle, but some mages (freya, poseidon) are very good, as are a couple warriors (tyr) and guardians (ymir, athena).

Duo is almost always a tank/adc(ie hunter), but there are some odd comps. Warrior/adc was popular for a while but warriors just got nerfed so I think it'll revert away from that a bit. Guardian/adc is very popular, but there are some oddball comps, usually centering around Aphro, that are interesting. Aphro/ares, aphro/chaac, aphro/herc are all pretty cool. They change the rest of your composition a lot though so it's a good idea to have a plan for that.


<Silver Donator>
He meant more on a god per god basis, like say Athena is a guardian/jungler, Aphro is a mage/support and so on. Dota and LoL both have these categories shown on heroes/champions to help early selection, even though they're not absolute rules. Dota uses like little stars and more broad categories than just roles(for example Abaddon is 3stars Durable 2stars Support 1star Carry, Rubick is 2stars Nuker 2stars Support and so on) while LoL use simple categories(mage, assassin, marksman, fighter, tank etc).

Obviously you can just read all the skills and figure it out for yourself but it takes quite a bit of time as a new player to read all the descriptions, figure out if the cooldowns/costs/scaling/aoe permit using the toolkit for other stuff than the most obvious one(for example jungling, supporting, carrying) and is just pretty overwhelming when you don't know stuff yet.

Smite has the simple ones like LoL, but they seem even simpler. Guardian/Mage/Assassin/Hunter/Warrior is all there is it seems. Mage for example is especially vague.


Molten Core Raider
yeah basically what pyros said, ive never played LoL so I cant make the connection with that, I don't even know what ADC is.

like theres some classes that are strong AOE dmg / pusher, and then you have strong aoe dmg/control those are easy to identifiy as support of some type or a pusher/team fighter.

I wanted to target some of the more fun gods during this event weekend, to see if I want to drop the 30$ not a lot but I barely stay attached to games longer than a week it seems.

and knowing what good ones were junglers/carries/supports/semi carries if there is such a thing? im relating all to dota sorry.


<Gold Donor>
ADC = Attack Damage Carry

There are currently 54 Gods (I think) and it is well worth the $30 because you get all future Gods too. Even if you play now for a month and come back a year from now there could be 4-10 new Gods by then and you will automatically have them. The $30 is a no brainer IMO.

As far as Roles that each God plays there are the obvious ones like Artemis, Ullr, Neith are ADCs. Then I have seen some Gods in multiple roles like Freya I saw her on different Twitch Streams in 3 roles Jungle, Mid and Short Solo.


Molten Core Raider
And then there is the HAM God's...basically anything I play! God if i get paired with an aggressive damage dealer that is a quick responder when I initiate, holy hell can we dominate when I am on He Bo in arena. Had 2 20-5+ games and the team really solid we played and came down to a final kill for the win. Then when I have 4 others who sit back and circle and do nothing while we get picked off....ya not so much. Broke my all time record of player damage in an arena match today, had 60k...Zeus is still alive! Ok no, he is sooo much worse then he used to be but still isn't a horrible god. I see ALOT of Zeus's in arena games though that just are getting destoryed due to the lack of survivability. I just get upset at the idiots that say "oh you have to just adapt your play when they make changes, doesn't mean the changes were bad!!!! Fucking morons...god damn morons I tell you. No Stun = stand completely away from everything and do nothing until your team does all the work. If that is "adapting" there are ALOT better gods that can play that way.

Oh well, He Bo is fun and can really control a match and save people with water spout but also can get totally wrecked so its a ...learning process


Molten Core Raider
Sorry, had to get up in 3 hours for some basketball!

i'll be on tonight for 3-4 hours


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Any bros still playing this? Been having a ball the last week, up to like level 10. And they finally got some money out of me with this one, best 10$ ever spent on flufff:



<Gold Donor>
Great game so glad I bought the God Pack, I will play this off and on for years. I was trying to master 50 different Gods and I got to 30 and burnt out a bit. I will be back in a month or two for sure.


Molten Core Raider
I play most nights for a few hours. TurboFangz; hit 30 abit ago but mainly did arena so i'm trying to expand my god list and get better at conquest before I start queuing for ranked but would love some people to play with more consistently.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'm DogSolitude on there, mostly playing arena right now. Ra just melts faces there. I need to start playing some regular conquest games though to get used to trying to lane with the 3rd person camera.
If anyone is playing still feel free to holler, Turbofangz ingame.

I really liked the idea of LOL but came real late to the party and to be honest hate mouse clicking with a passion
Yeah I never could get into LOL or any of the DOTA clones due to Point-and-Click movement. Surprising that so many people like these but Point-a-Click MMOG movement is almost universally hated? (or is it?)


I like the point and click because its so much simpler. When I play LoL I can just use the mouse to move around and my left hand is free to hit all my keybinds. On smite however, I have to use my left hand and mouse to move, and then I have to keybind abilitys to my mouse and other weird keys positioned around my keyboard movement keys so that I can get my combos off quickly. Its kind of a pain in the ass. Although I could be doing it horribly wrong because I'm a smite newbie.


Bronze Squire
I will probably add you guys as I have started playing this again myself.

@penalty...I have never had a problem with the controls to be honest. All mine are still set to the default aside from having quick cast on. I do have some friends that have had to rebind things to their mouse and what not so I guess it is all personal preference.


I could never get into LoL because of the painfully slow boring pace and point clicking. This game seems like the first moba i would actually enjoy playing. It almost seems like it plays a lot like Tera and if it does i'm all over it.