

Bronze Squire
Moba's in general are slow if you let them be which is why I can't standing just sitting and farming and usually don't in any moba I play. I find the same thing with smite since I am not as in to it as I am other mobas so, I dunno.


Vyemm Raider
I checked this out for the first time today and it looked pretty cool - Going to put some time into it over the next few days.


Molten Core Raider
Starting to do some ranked, if anyone is in lower tiers and wants to play let me know. I run mid/solo most the time but can manage a support if I must!

Turbofangz ingame


Lord Nagafen Raider
New player to Smite here. If anyone wants to show me the ropes or just tag along with someone else new I have curse voice installed and am happy to play together.

IGN: Selix317


Bronze Squire
I added both of you, I normally play with a group of friends but it ranges from 2-4 people so usually room for more.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fuck I love playing Mercury. He must be a gimp hero later on because no one else picks him in the randoms I play and it is just so easy to chain combos with him. He is bad enough by himself but on the rare occasions I play with team members who know to nuke a hero when I throw one back to them just makes him rampage worthy. And THEN there is the Made you Look ability that's ultra good all by itself!

He must be a gimp hero late game. He is just to much fun.


He isn't gimp late game. He is really easy to kill if you can skill shot him through his speed. This makes him difficult to play because dodging on him is super important. There was an extremely long time where he was the number one ban.


Bronze Squire
I played one of the Siege start with 100k gold modes recently with him and laughed as everybody ignored me and I proceeded to take their phoenix 5 mins in. Leveled atk spd skill first and went to town.


Glad to see some interest in this game. I recently (about a month ago) picked it up as well. Only level 21 atm and play sporadically with 9 masteries. I typically just play arena since it's quick, with some assault and joust thrown in. I haven't really done any conquest due to time constraints, but wouldn't mind playing with a group maybe. IGN bergraven if anyone wants to add and kill some time. I like the different game modes and hope they implement dominion back in. Occasionally it'll pop up on the gimmick map of the day. I also bought the God pack for 30 bucks. it's totally worth it as you get all the new gods when they're released for free which, over time, will probably end up paying for itself.


Lord Nagafen Raider
hey just found out about this game anybody wanna take a noob under their wing? add me pandergosk
Ares is so much fun in arena if your team is smart enough to capitalize on you using your ult properly and he can shit out a ton of damage too


I like Ares. If you can communicate your Ult with others, it's fun to kill 3-4 folks at once, but most good players see Ares on the opposite team and promptly buy beads to counter.

Fun story, Last night I played an Assault and the skill disparity between our team and theirs was amazing laughable. I was Xbalanque (not my fav) and was doing ok. Our He Bo was smoking fools, diving towers and had like 6 kills before his first death and that was because he was being super aggressive with tower diving. Me and Ao Kuang were doing well. Our Thor was like 0-6 (he would ult into the pack of 5 enemies by a tower as we're running back to regroup) and our Hades was like 1-5. After going 0-10, our Thor "DC's", so it's 4v5 and we're still pushing. The opponents were terrible, He Bo and myself would just rush in and wreck with Kuang picking off/weakening them. Our hades was 1-9. After his death, he "DC'd" too while we were trying to push pheonix. 3v5, We regroup and make a push and just smoke them one by one to finish the game. Now, i'm no pro at all, but that team was horrendous. Their Neith was sitting by the titan wall, crouched in her Ultimate, waiting for He Bo to get low while I just auto attacked her down. I think He Bo ended with 26 kills, I had 17 and Ao had 15. My previous best was winning 4v5 in assault, but that team actually put up a challenge, so it was a much sweeter victory, but i'm pretty sure me and He Bo could've duo'd that entire team last night.


Molten Core Raider
Add me ingame (Turbofangz), I'll gladly play matches with anyone. I need to expand my roster abit, when I first started playing I loved Zeus and He Bo's playstyle so much I got both to lvl 10 (legendary) instead of playing all the gods to mastery 1 haha. If you are just starting out, just fyi you need 15 gods mastered to level 1 for ranked games when you hit level 30. Also I highly recommend you research and learn the gods that are 'top tier" so at the least case you can pick one early and trade to someone if needed during the ban phase (ranked you get to ban and pick gods in order etc instead of free for all)

I've taken abit of time off to finally dive into Fire Emblem on my DS (I bought it for that agame and bravery default and its been sitting gathering dust for like 6 months..) but going to get back into playing this nightly. Also arena is definitely fun but try and throw some conquest games in there to better learn how the matches are played. People are extremely toxic and expects everyone to be a pro fucking day but at least getting some experience before you get to max level is a good idea. I ignored it and just did arena and I've had to play catch up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
been having a lot of fun playing this and the curse voice is seemless and easy to install


Molten Core Raider
Anyone watch NA Pro Kick-off? Was happy to see He Bo get some love since I normally main him. Not sure wtf Dig was doing.....

Geb proved to be a top notch support once again, that shield is so powerful.

Played some ranked tonight and went 6-1 w/ He Bo, which prior I wasn't doing so hot so that felt good. Even won my promo. Always looking for more people to play ranked with or even just low level games, feel free to hit me up on Turbofangz.


Molten Core Raider
Oh god, just had the biggest comeback of my smite career. We were down literally like 15 kills (I had like 8 of them) to 42 kills and they had a 2 phoenixs down and the titan half way and we came out and defended 4 times and 51 minutes later I bursted 4 down in one mass He Bo ult and we decided them and won. It sounded like we just won the world championship in cursed lol. I had like 70k damage haha.