
well He Bo is one of the strongest mages atm so not surprised :p

the only really difficult part of his kit is to place his knockup/knockback in such way that it will knock the enemy towards you and your team


Molten Core Raider
11-2 last 13 games ranked with He Bo, KD isn't super great but mainly because I play extremely aggressive and set up a lot of shit so my death count is abit up there
(and still learning obviously). And He Bo can get ass raped mighty fast so its not like its some cake wake. He snowballed in the first pro semi's today and then went 1-6 or some shit.

I like to rotate between he bo and isis but since I am on a hot streak might as well continue!


Molten Core Raider
11-2 last 13 games ranked with He Bo, KD isn't super great but mainly because I play extremely aggressive and set up a lot of shit so my death count is abit up there
(and still learning obviously). And He Bo can get ass raped mighty fast so its not like its some cake wake. He snowballed in the first pro semi's today and then went 1-6 or some shit.

I like to rotate between he bo and isis but since I am on a hot streak might as well continue!


Molten Core Raider
Looking for some people to do ranked with a bit more, in silver 3 at the moment and starting to play every night. Usually run mid 80% of the time but can do solo/acd if needed. Support outside of Geb is ugly unless I go Isis which is frowned apon.

Turbofangz ingame, also been doing some matches with a few low level guys from the board to continue to expand my god list so feel free to hit me up for normal games as well.


Vyemm Raider
So I just started playing this game the other day and am extremely impressed. I'm really surprised it isn't more popular than it is. I highly recommend giving it a shot.


Bronze Squire
I like everything but the towers in this game. Pretty much all towers/phoenix are useless 5 mins in to the game. That annoys the fuck out of me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They took out my favorite game mode, domination. I have not really played since it has been gone, so yeah haven't played in months.
They took out my favorite game mode, domination. I have not really played since it has been gone, so yeah haven't played in months.
you can still select the map in custom game mode and sometimes its also chosen for the match mode of the day, iirc one of them was a "egyptian gods only"-mode being played on domination


Vyemm Raider
I like everything but the towers in this game. Pretty much all towers/phoenix are useless 5 mins in to the game. That annoys the fuck out of me.
Definitely not even close to being useless 5 minutes in. Only tanky Gods stand a chance against towers early on. I generally play assassins and towers rip me up. Towers shouldn't really be get out of jail free cards anyways and as the game goes on you should be less and less reliant on your tower to save your sorry ass.


Bronze Squire
No seriously, about 5 mins in maybe 10 max if you are playing conquest the towers are absolutely useless. While I agree, but I also think all towers should be like league towers where it should be a choice. Right now it is hit 6, towers are irrelevant, lets go in.


No seriously, about 5 mins in maybe 10 max if you are playing conquest the towers are absolutely useless. While I agree, but I also think all towers should be like league towers where it should be a choice. Right now it is hit 6, towers are irrelevant, lets go in.
I'd love to know how you are achieving this feat.


Molten Core Raider
Its amazing how bad some ranked games can start yet somehow work out...

The leader on our team bans "anibus" followed by "tyr" possible the first 2 times they have banned in the last 3 months in fucking ranked. Oh did I mention not a single person but me has cursed? Then 3 people admit they just queued for ranked for free gems when I question why no one has cursed or thought it might be a good idea to ban someone else....luckily I had an on game with He Bo (13-4) and we won but not 1 fucking ward from anyone but me all game. I had to scream for literally 30 seconds to get them to come to FG after I solo'd half their team while they were "taking their buffs"......

One of the only flat out nightmare games ive had in a while to be honest. Always have a chance of 1-2 idiots but a full team of them not likely.



Molten Core Raider
PS: what fucking Meth head thought it would be a good idea for free gems to be given from ranked games on the first win. I had 3 people who had NEVER PLAYED A RANKED GAME. Match making how is this possible.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Looking for some people to do ranked with a bit more, in silver 3 at the moment and starting to play every night. Usually run mid 80% of the time but can do solo/acd if needed. Support outside of Geb is ugly unless I go Isis which is frowned apon.

Turbofangz ingame, also been doing some matches with a few low level guys from the board to continue to expand my god list so feel free to hit me up for normal games as well.
Yeah Ive gotten to play with Turbo a few times he is a wrecking ball with hebo, I think we won like 5 in a row with the last one being a thriller.

The game is very forgiving and is fun even if you are not very good like my buddy and myself are, we have been playing quite a lot lately so hit me up in game if you wanna play a few rounds name is pandergosk
My account was reset and i still didnt get a response from about 2 weeks ago so kind of gave up on this. Sad because i was way better at this then DOTA 2 because of how i dont need to worry about gear and just autobuy whatever they chose for the character. I could then focus on leveling up and it really made a difference on how good i do in games.


Molten Core Raider

I am still learning and far, far away from being "good" at smite or MOBA's but when I am hitting my premtive/blind water spouts on target sometimes I go fucking HAM! I need to learn to play more conservative as my death counts are typically way to high but my assists and player damage is usually extremely high compared to others...just need to find a better balance. Finally learning more about the "meta" as far as rotations/camps/buffs etc (my first MOBA really), the game attached was awesome back and forth game that came down to the last fight. Perfect time for me to go HAM!!! This was a ranked match, mainly high silver and gold players so obviously not the super studs but wasn't bronze 5 crap either. 23 kills wasn't bad but the 61k damage....I was just tearing them up. That Freya was a fucking beast ingame but I literally doubled her in damage and almost kills (she was jungler)

Sick of dumb asses saying He Bo this or that, he is only banned probably 10% of my games I play and there are 10-15 gods that are truly "OP" that are banned almost every game or first picked so if he truly was I think we would see more. Bottom line is you have to be extremely aggressive with him but still retain proper map awareness etc (still working abit on that even though I had 3 times I went full in on a 3v1 and managed to kill at least 1 and live, fuck map awareness!)

So close to my gold promo, hopefully will do this week before the season ends. I highly encourage anyone who is on the fence about the game to give it ago, a lot of fun with a wide variety of ways to play to master gods to used in ranked. Communicty isn't super but there are a decent amount of non toxic assholes. Also the integrated cursed voice chat is awesome; a lot of players use it and it auto connects everyone etc. Great tool and no game should ever be released on any platform without something similar. Spoiled for life.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I am on there as "stankwoo".

Fun game, but whoever thought not allowing 4 people to queue for Conquest was a great idea is a fucking idiot.