Snow White (2024)


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Yeah, he had a lot of other shit to do, like playing video games 24/7.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
my first theater movie was Star Wars. and i first saw the first two Rocky movies when i was 8 in 1980. i did wait a few years to go see Rocky 3.
Was I the only one that assumed Astro was like 43 in 1980? This is shocking news to me.


Millie's Staff Member
Was I the only one that assumed Astro was like 43 in 1980? This is shocking news to me.
because you people jack each other off over me and make up bullshit and start to believe your own bullshit. i was 27 when i started playing EQ. maybe old compared to you guys who started in your childhood and early teens, but i was young compared to most of the OG DikuMUD/pen and paper people the game was intended for.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Except he literally admitted it was true, moron. Go get pked with your shit-guild

"I had a lot of other shit to do besides watch movies. I never saw any of the Karate Kids either (until a few years ago), despite doing a ton of martial arts as a kid and being literally the target audience"

Wait, are you just like, a total retard? Me saying that I didn't see Rocky and a fair amount of other great movies isn't me saying I was sheltered, which is the point Tuco was making, that it's a dumb argument to say someone's sheltered just because they haven't seen the 200 great movies from pre-2002 and it's funny whenever that argument gets made. Then you're all like "No no but he ADMITTED TO IT THO"

Man, I didn't pay enough attention to you to realize it sooner but you're full-on retarded, the kind of retarded who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room and "gets it" but nobody else does.


Millie's Staff Member
Wait, are you just like, a total retard? Me saying that I didn't see Rocky and a fair amount of other great movies isn't me saying I was sheltered, which is the point Tuco was making, that it's a dumb argument to say someone's sheltered just because they haven't seen the 200 great movies from pre-2002 and it's funny whenever that argument gets made. Then you're all like "No no but he ADMITTED TO IT THO"

Man, I didn't pay enough attention to you to realize it sooner but you're full-on retarded, the kind of retarded who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room and "gets it" but nobody else does.
He's all of those things and so much more.
At least he didn't make a creeper thread dedicated to you. Yet.


Potato del Grande

Imagine how great a Snow White that's a 30s throwback would be, made with the old cameras, practical effects/set and era authentic costumes.

Cast unknowns and they'd have $100,000,000 to pull it off.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Wait, are you just like, a total retard? Me saying that I didn't see Rocky and a fair amount of other great movies isn't me saying I was sheltered, which is the point Tuco was making, that it's a dumb argument to say someone's sheltered

You literally admitted that you didn't have time for movies and missed all the 80s classics that the majority of this forum (e.g. Everyone but you) grew up with.

I can say "everyone but you" because I'm confident that 99.9% of this forum will have seen them.

The exact reasons why are irrelevant.

Man, I didn't pay enough attention to you to realize it sooner but you're full-on retarded, the kind of retarded who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room and "gets it" but nobody else does.

LMAO you really want to get into this considering your history of cringe posts on this forum like (from memory)

Soon to be incel status by scaring off women by making them watch you play video games all day, then asking why they left you.

Reminiscing over your favourite 90s porn star crush and buying old VHS on eBay then jerking off 8x in a row.

Making Cringe thread about old video games whilst constantly crying about old girlfriends instead of actually going out there to "try" to find a new one

Losing all your money on the stock market

And actually buying shit like "man cave" signs to accessorize your pit of loneliness
  • 1Worf
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Wait, are you just like, a total retard?
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
LMAO you really want to get into this considering your history of cringe posts on this forum like (from memory)

/sigh Don't know why I'm bothering but here we go.

Reminiscing over your favourite 90s porn star crush and buying old VHS on eBay then jerking off 8x in a row.

8x in a row happened when I was like 17, Madchen Amick wasn't a porn star, and hell if I could get anywhere near that now as an old-ass man.

Making Cringe thread about old video games whilst constantly crying about old girlfriends instead of actually going out there to "try" to find a new one

You're right.

Losing all your money on the stock market

I did lose quite a bit, after I gained quite a bit, for a net loss of...very little from what I can tell. Still sucks to see gains evaporate. At least I'm honest about it.

And actually buying shit like "man cave" signs to accessorize your pit of loneliness

A girl bought me that sign and I've been trying to get rid of it ever since, which is why I posted it as for sale.

Chukzombi Chukzombi My God, you were right, a thread dedicated to me probably is going to be a thing. This guy has detailed files, like the Terminator.

You literally admitted that you didn't have time for movies and missed all the 80s classics that the majority of this forum (e.g. Everyone but you) grew up with.

I never said I missed "all the 80's classics". I probably saw at least 60-70% of the big ones. Just not the Rockys, Karate Kids, and a few others that were basically made for me but I just never got around to them. Because back then I was way more social and played sports and so on, my not being sheltered was the very reason why I missed a lot of good movies.

This is like a non-controversy on the level of Trump getting a BJ from Stormy Daniels and you're a retard.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Why anyone responds to Ossoi is mindblowing. Dude literally only comes here to talk shit while wearing a mask.
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