Soccer 2014 - 2015

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Such bitterness.
Sorry, I'm not an Everton fan.




No Premier League team in quarter final of the Champions League... To add insult to injury: 2 french teams!

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
That game should have ended like 10-2 for Barca, just some pretty terrible finishing which off-set some really amazing team play by Barca. They can get away with some of the shithouse tactics because they at least play well. Meld A. Madrid's or Cheslki's overall cuntishnesh with shithouse tactics and it just gets nauseating.

As far as the lack of EPL teams, it would take another 2 years of terribleness for it to matter with regards to a CL spot. Like anything it's cyclical, sans maybe the rise of a Seria A again, and the EPL teams will figure out a better way to allocate their cash and be more competitive.


<Gold Donor>
Hey faille fuck off! We tried our hardest garble garble. Same shit - dominated game but that 3 rd home goal was killer, quelle surprise. Bad year for the engerlanders


As you say Brando, teams will have to spend more wisely. TV deals kicking in however will simply generate inflation in the PL market with wages inevitably going up so colour me skeptical on that front. Out of the top teams though, Chelsea should be doing far better than that... their squad is still top quality and compares to a lot of the European power houses. I know at least Utd will be busy in the transfers again could get a decent run in while LFC have been the best team in 2015 and if it continues (no thanks), you guys might not even need to change all that much and get a decent run next time.
City are regressing, they'll no doubt spend huge this summer and get knocked out again in the first round. Rarely could you ever rely on Arsenal for a European result either, so that's no change.


Gary Neville wrote an article on the issue and had an interesting point with foreign super agents dominating the transfer markets. There aren't any British super agents; the foreign ones are highly successful in what they do. They can feed their top talent to the top clubs, and feed lesser ones for still high premiums to the British market. We get the players Madrid & Barcelona don't want for more money than the players those clubs pay for their preferred targets!

Jesus Christ, the referee's making a name for themselves again within 1 minute of the City game...

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
No team really created much of anything, strange game. Credit to United as Mata should be the story as he basically won them the game but I'm sure it will fall to the background after Stevie's madness and the other shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hoping this now leads to some serious momentum. Liverpool vs Arsenal next week, more dropped points there whilst we play Villa.


Molten Core Raider
So close to a victory over the reigning world champions. Still, a draw away from home is a damn good effort, even if it was just a friendly.