Soccer 2014 - 2015


Asinine remark to compare squad price at this stage. Di Maria is known for being a bit of an inconsistent one back in Madrid, I think today was his first showing of it for United. I'll forgive him for his lack of match play and playing in an odd position however. The result was poor given that it was a home game fixture, going to get an evil swing on your nasty graphic! Thankfully the rival teams are still worse than this Utd team so far.


Dental Dammer
Don't mind him. He's one of those next year is our year faggot liverpool bitters. Even with those stats he's still better than the 150 mil worth of shit you paid for. Don't worry though few losses and he will disappear again like all the pool cockswallowers.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
What comparison did I make in regards to price? I can certainly link you the figures if you want but ManU currently has the most expensive squad in the history of the league, that's a fact. And for all that at this point you're no better than you were last year yet as you're noting ManU and every other top 4 chasing team is being helped by the poor form of those around them.

Now if you want to compare spending and results between the squads we can certainly do that but I didn't make any mention of it in my post.

Maul, didn't anybody ever love you? You're giving Evertonians a run for their money in the bitter category with that bile.


Using it as a justification to ridicule a lack of improvement from the Moyes team - to me - is asinine at this stage.

And what matters to me at this stage is how the team performs. The title race hasn't been on for a while despite the journalistic prods at United staff to suggest otherwise - so what matters is how they improve and continue to do so. Last season I would bemoan their style, their brand of football, the records being broken (81 crosses into Fulham last year February!), the continued downward spiral into the inevitable sacking. This season I am far more content, even in this match I found some good positives to take. The points might be the same but the actual teams performances are far better to me. Additionally, I only see this to improve due to the injury crisis appearing to end.

Ironically you should know this considering you post a graphic every week to illustrate that direct point comparisons mid season to another is fruitless. What matters is what you end up with after 38 games. Example: Moyes had 34 points after 19 games, and in the next 19 he took 30. To continue the fruitless comparison, in the next 4 weeks Utd would go on to a LWLDD form - I am fully confident this won't reoccur (oh look, easier fixture list coming up!).

Simply put, this more expensive team will have more than a pitiful 64 points return at the end of the season.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Using it as a justification to ridicule a lack of improvement from the Moyes team - to me - is asinine at this stage.

And what matters to me at this stage is how the team performs.The title race hasn't been on for a while despite the journalistic prods at United staff to suggest otherwise - so what matters is how they improve and continue to do so. Last season I would bemoan their style, their brand of football, the records being broken (81 crosses into Fulham last year February!), the continued downward spiral into the inevitable sacking. This season I am far more content, even in this match I found some good positives to take. The points might be the same but the actual teams performances are far better to me. Additionally, I only see this to improve due to the injury crisis appearing to end.

Ironically you should know this considering you post a graphic every week to illustrate that direct point comparisons mid season to another is fruitless. What matters is what you end up with after 38 games. Example: Moyes had 34 points after 19 games, and in the next 19 he took 30. To continue the fruitless comparison, in the next 4 weeks Utd would go on to a LWLDD form - I am fully confident this won't reoccur (oh look, easier fixture list coming up!).

Simply put, this more expensive team will have more than a pitiful 64 points return at the end of the season.
Really? I'd like to know then how you think your team is performing because from an outsider looking in most of the performances aren't good. Not even a single shot on goal today at home vs. Southampton, a fluke win vs. Arsenal with 1 shot on goal yet somehow 2 goals, then the Stoke performance, the 3-0 vs LFC was flattering to say the least and we can go on and on. LvG resorted to throwing on Elbows and lumping crosses into the box today, please tell me then how things have improved and will do so as the year goes on.


Compared to Moyes teams? Where United were breaking records left and right. He had inherited a team capable of attacking football and turned them into a mid table defensive pressing unit incapable of being able to string chances together. The only promising things were when he played Januzai out wide and he was able to take on a man. Moyes' teams would go on and not be able to create anything some games, that was far more frustrating than shots on goal stats.

The points difference isn't really an issue either because at least there are some big factors in why United dropped points earlier on in the season. Southampton home loss isn't something to be flippant about either, Southampton played fucking fantastic. You won't see many better defensive away displays than that, they have a genuine chance in remaining in the top 5. Even then, when United started playing directly in a 'Plan B' scenario Mata could have had a hattrick. Still, 0 shots on target but chances matter more.

United can't even use the preferred formation at the moment. It'll take a bit of explaining:
Earlier on, injuries really played their part at the back (with starting the league on a LDDWL). Even the new defensive signings got injured, so, its going to take a while before that back line has the experience to play solidly. One of the main complaints from fans is that LvG is continuing to use a 3-5-2 formation - but I see it as one of those necessary evils. They simply can't afford to have a weak centreback partnership who also lack cover of a full time right/left back. Rafael's out every month and Shaw is probably due another injury next week! At the moment, the 3-5-2 is a smart way to adapt for poor individual defencive players - a back 4 of Valencia/Smalling/McNair/Blackett might be one of the biggest jokes of the league. 3-5-2 adapts for players who trip over themselves with always an extra man to cover you, always a spare person to press on an opponent. Even then, they still managed to screw it up royally in one of the very few times Southampton attempted to get forward with more than 2 players, with 4 players being attracted to the ball and Blackett losing his man. They kept losing Sterling earlier on versus Liverpool as well, but hey at least United could have scored 5 goals going forward.

The next problem is that with your defenders in this system they need to be good passers of the ball. Or as my Dutch friend calls it bluntly, footballers. Possession is built from the back- you have 5 players and a goal keeper to utilize even if being pressed by the opponents forwards, there should still be spaces and passing angles open to use in this system. There isn't an extra man in the midfield to choose from, every midfielder will be marked. Players like Evans is completely inept in being able to pass the ball out of the defence: last week at Yeovil he completely struggled to do anything but put the ball out of touch if he saw someone running towards him after receiving the ball. It's no wonder to see he's dropped this week in favour of Danny Blind. And it's no surprise to see Koeman after the match state "You analyse your opponents. You know they have difficulties building up with three centre-backs."
Unfortunately, as I said in the previous paragraph, I don't think switching to a 4-2-2-2 would be the better solution until they buy better defenders or the current ones step up. Whilst it would allow the build up play to be done with better ball players (Carrick/Blind/Herrera), the risks of goals conceded might be too high. If they indeed buy a top footballing defender, maybe they'll even stick with 3-5-2 or go with wider players depending on what striker is available in a 3-4-3 or 4-3-3. We still don't know what LvG wants to achieve as his end goal strategy thanks to all these problems. He's just had to make do what what he's had.

And finally, the last 3rd & 4th attacking areas. Yesterday was strange with Di Maria up front as a choice over Falcao, something something 'tactical' LvG said- we'll never know. Rooney in the CM/CAM role is also quite troubling as he's pretty hit and miss; he attempted quite a few Scholes styled passes and none of them came off. Di Maria played where Rooney did earlier on in the season to good effect, whilst Rooney is naturally a striker. It's a strange situation, maybe one of the few times I'm a bit baffled to LvG's choices - alongside his continual omission of Herrera. I have to assume Di Maria is not just right physically yet or 'match fit'. So, in time, United will have him back in the middle and he'll wreak more havoc. United indeed lost a creative midfielder when he got injured and it's hurt the attacking chances, shots on goal etc.

tldr= Moyes teams performances were far worse last season. Utd suffer far too many injuries earlier on to explain some stupid points dropped (Leicester?). Now have a tighter defence than before thanks to a back 3, and hopefully buy actual footballers who can ramp up the possession/build up play. Di Maria will return to the middle and Rooney will be forced off to the front or replace Mata (etc all interchangeable), whilst other players have returned to fitness (Falcao, who we've only seen like 20% of his potential).

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Moyes's team last year actually had 1 more goal at this point scored than the current team though I don't have any figures to compare chance creation which you are relying on to say there has been a marked improvement. I get it, we're all fans and when things don't go your teams way you look for explanations and reasons why that happened and why it will improve. I could write a similarly long post about LFC this year in regards to tactics, injuries, etc on why we are where we are. But at the same time that doesn't waive away the truth that LFC has been shit this year and ManU not much better. Though aside from Chelsea you could really say that about any top 4 chasing team which I guess makes this year more interesting than most for any neutral observer or fans of the typically mid level clubs such as West Ham and Southampton.

ManU just took 6 points from a possible 15, you have in theory a pretty easy run of fixtures now though until it really toughens up in the last 10. I guess we'll see if what you're saying is true

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Hope you enjoyed the game Ossoi. The other results didn't go LFC's way but that's 13 from 15 now, we're starting to get some real form and with Sturridge coming back towards the end of the month we're getting some real form going. Good to see.


Tranny Chaser
I was sat with the Villa fans as the friend I went with is a Villa fan, good seats though, halfway lineish and front row of second tier. All the villa fans around me kept saying Coutinho was best player on pitch. The LFC fans were louder than the rest of the stadium for large parts of the game.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Is this the sign the 7th seal has been broken and the end is coming? Arsenal actually taking points from a top team though the penalty call was pretty tame to say the least.


Silver Knight of the Realm
That was a penalty 100%. Especially since Company stuck out his chest to intentionally try and block him.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I'm not arguing the rules of what is a pen, just saying you see that same play or ones similar in almost every game and the majority of the time it's never called. Though I think that speaks more to the quality of the refereeing than anything else.


The referees and linesmen have been absolutely shit this season. They even managed to call Vertonghen offside inside his own half.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Exactly, in my relatively short time in watching the Prem I'd say the quality of refereeing has been declining which seems odd with the amount of money flowing into the league. I don't understand why there isn't a more transparent review process on calls and a look to add more tech where possible. I understand that teams in Sky Bet 2 Conference can't afford to do much but the Prem isn't part of the FL anymore so it just seems stupid. The handball that Southampton got away with against Newcastle was more of a pen than Kompany's foul in my mind but you see that type of disparity from half to half let alone from game to game. Yeah, the Vertonghen call was terrible. That linesman should be demoted to the conference for a while but I'm sure nothing will happen. Anyway, updated table since today's game means nothing for it:

