SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown


Vyemm Raider
Matt Higby posted 20 minutes ago on the ps2 subreddit that he is stepping down as creative director of PS2 and leaving Daybreak of his own accord.


Matt Higby posted 20 minutes ago on the ps2 subreddit that he is stepping down as creative director of PS2 and leaving Daybreak of his own accord.
Which begs the question why the fuck he didn't leave a week ago so that his salary could be freed up for someone else that was laid off.


Vyemm Raider
Which begs the question why the fuck he didn't leave a week ago so that his salary could be freed up for someone else that was laid off.
Maybe that wouldn't have stopped the layoffs. Also, if I knew last week what I know today, I would have won that 400+ million powerball drawing last night. I'm sure there are revelations to many people that never would have emerged if the layoffs didn't happen.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I mean, obviously they're shutting down Planetside 2; I mean, Destiny exists and is the single best game ever so redundancy right?



> Than U
Don't think it was that involved. Think it played on his mind after it happened and he said this:
Matthew Higby @mhigby ? Feb 11
Big round of layoffs this morning. Losing a lot of talented, hard working, irreplaceable people. Very sad day.

If he felt the people he counted on to make things happen for PS2 were gone and had no desire to build up a team again, I don't blame him for leaving.
I used to say I never had a job I couldn't quit if I felt I wasn't able to be as productive as I could. Doesn't matter what industry or what you do, the principles apply equally.

TL;DR He didn't have the heart to go through this shit again.


> Than U
I was 13 when i first started playing EQ. Class of 05 here.
You are the lucky ones then.
Being in remodeling in the same town I grew up in, I have the pleasure into running into people from high school time to time.
Back in those days I was a freak to most being into gaming, rotc and such activities.
It wasn't "cool" to game and was considered anti social nerdy behavior. Never understood it since it was actually far more social than hanging around 2 other dudes at some roach joint all night but whatever.
Back to my point, those same people who thought I was crazy for gaming and rocking that ultima 1-6 or wizardry back in the 80's then are the ones sitting on the sofa now playing Destiny and shit while I charge high prices to tile/hardwood their floors.
Not to mention a gamer in the 80s had money. My 80286 pc with 40 meg hd/12 mhz cpu cost ~2200 or about $4600 today.


Well, it's friday... It will be interesting to see what happens today. Usually friday's the worst in a week with lay-offs. Some people are let go immediately others get the option to stay till the end of the week or month. And others leave of their own accord after they had a few days to digest. At least in my experience...