SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown


Elisha Dushku
Can confirm 100% now that Jeff Butler is out.
Good. He was an twit who let personal feelings fuck up his design decisions (to whit: killing off the trinity for EQN because of God knows what relationship tragedy).




Just look at the people fawning over Georgeson and saying his outing spells doom for the game (mostly on Reddit). Seemed to me like he was basically just the guy that peddled the hype to desperate MMO junkies.

Someone there even tried to claim he was the 'face' of EverQuest...despite not realizing that he had literally nothing to do with the success of EQ or (somewhat success of) EQ2 in their heydays. But he did a pretty good job marketing himself to the fans, I guess.
Keep in mind that the most vocal people who are widely perceived in the community as the visionaries are rarely the ones doing the actual work, or even contributing the ideas that actually stick. See: McQuaid, Brad.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Moorgard just said that Jeff is gone. so, yeah. if anyone wanted further confirmation.

Looks like Darrin McPherson is still there.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I agree with Flc. EQN was at the very, very early stages and the experimentation used with EQL could only help speed up later development. Using free designers was a good idea and EQL was truly the visionary aspect of this company. Too bad SOE just couldn't pull it off. There was a ton of potential and good ideas being pushed.

It is disappointing to see this genre fall off a cliff at this point. Blizzard gave up and SOE is getting gutted for the quick sell.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Keep in mind that the most vocal people who are widely perceived in the community as the visionaries are rarely the ones doing the actual work, or even contributing the ideas that actually stick. See: McQuaid, Brad.
Hence why when I posted a tweet by a Senior Programmer for EQNext that production was still on, it got shot down as being 'unreliable' because he was a 'nobody' and didn't have clout with the community like our boy Ponytail.


Trakanon Raider
Just look at the people fawning over Georgeson and saying his outing spells doom for the game (mostly on Reddit). Seemed to me like he was basically just the guy that peddled the hype to desperate MMO junkies.

Someone there even tried to claim he was the 'face' of EverQuest...despite not realizing that he had literally nothing to do with the success of EQ or (somewhat success of) EQ2 in their heydays. But he did a pretty good job marketing himself to the fans, I guess.
You should see the Youtube videos and comments about the layoffs today. I cannot believe how many delusional people there are in the world.


Only senior level people removed from EQN/LM are Dave, Jeff Butler, and Steve Danuser. All other designers/leads still in tact.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Jeff got all the credit for the idea. Weird seeing someone pushed out on their own idea


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I agree with Flc. EQN was at the very, very early stages and the experimentation used with EQL could only help speed up later development. Using free designers was a good idea and EQL was truly the visionary aspect of this company. Too bad SOE just couldn't pull it off. There was a ton of potential and good ideas being pushed.

It is disappointing to see this genre fall off a cliff at this point. Blizzard gave up and SOE is getting gutted for the quick sell.
They've been talking about EQN for years man. Eql being a prerequisite to EQN has not sped up the release of EQN. Maybe long term it might help add to the game but they could have just as easily switched order and built us a game first instead of going the route they did. You need people actually playing your game to help make actual content for your other game. Shits been in alpha forever. It very much has had the dev time as a regular mmo. Why is their flagship game waiting on a shelf for something that might not work? Just doesn't seem right. Seems scatterbrained to me but maybe I'm just being selfish. We've always been told we can't get EQN till Eql is ready, so in my eyes Eql is in the way and Its less in demand than EQN atm.