Songs to blow up a jukebox at a bar


what Suineg set it to
Technically I'm violating a court order by posting this. Back around 2002 when I was working in a restaurant, this song came up every hour or less on our MUSAK. So one day I stabbed a bunch of patrons and set the bar on fire, and when I showed up for my arraignment hearing I told the judge what happened and he let me go, on the condition that I avoid ever subjecting myself to this song ever again. I -think- I have the right version, I'm not sure - I had it scrubbed from my memory with shock therapy back in 04.

Oh my god, I hate that song. When I worked retail years ago they used to have that version AND 2-3 covers on rotation. One of them was on at least every half an hour.


Millie's Staff Member
during the 90s my ex used to tend bar at this biker joint and i was her pseudo bouncer because the bar was too cheap to employ one. personally i dont think they needed a bouncer because the bikers there were all friendly and even if they ran a mock i couldnt stop them, as big as i was these guys made me look like a toddler. anyway, they used to have a button behind the bar that controlled the jukebox and when some dipshit non biker type wanted to play something lame like dave matthews or sponge, the bar would literally roar with disapproval and my ex would just skip the song. if the person complained about losing their song, she usually gave them their cash back. pretty funny watching some hipster go from joy to disappointment in about a split second.