Spectre (2015)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Idris would make a great bond but it would take a hell of a writer to put him in places a black spy would work in. Then again he could just pose as a rich black guy (sports playing?) which tends to be popular everywhere and it's not like Bond was ever actually able to hide who he was to anyone.

Still even if Idris was an amazing Bond I don't think I'd want to be on the Internet for the 12 months of 1-up race wars until the film came out and he proved it.

"You know a black spy is fake when he walks past fried chicken without taking any! LolOlOloloL WTF!!!

You know how the black bond didn't get drugged with his wine? Because it was grape koolaid LOLZ WOWz so cool dude!

Black bond driving a $300,00 car? Well of course he stole it!

Black Bond Zimmermanend! Zing! He got Wilson'ed!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Idris would make a great bond but it would take a hell of a writer to put him in places a black spy would work in. Then again he could just pose as a rich black guy (sports playing?) which tends to be popular everywhere and it's not like Bond was ever actually able to hide who he was to anyone.

Still even if Idris was an amazing Bond I don't think I'd want to be on the Internet for the 12 months of 1-up race wars until the film came out and he proved it.
Why would you want to create a Bond movie but change pretty much everything about who Bond was? What is even the point?

Just create your own black spy franchise


Lord Nagafen Raider
Why would you want to create a Bond movie but change pretty much everything about who Bond was? What is even the point?
If you have ever read a Bond book you would know they already did that. And though historically the agents are known by their letter designations there is no reason the Bonds of the past couldn't be explained as part of a meta number/letter system. Though that starts to shift heavily into consistency from movie to movie which doesn't play well. Still this is thinking about it to hard. If Idris made a good Bond or spy it doesn't really matter if it's from a series or the start of a new one, imo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ian Flemming's Bond was pushing the limits on racism, sexism, anti-semitic and sadism. The man was born in a time where that was normal but let's be real the image we have of Bond is a quite a bit aways away from Ian Flemming's books

""I don't think I've ever heard of a great Negro criminal before . . . Chinamen, of course, the men behind the opium trade. There've been plenty of big-time Japs, mostly in pearls and drugs. Plenty of Negros mixed up in diamonds and gold in Africa, but always in a small way. They don't seem to take to big business.""
"Aside from the villains that are foreign mixtures of various kinds, there are the ones who are pretending to be British - which is almost as bad. Sir Hugo Drax in the literary Moonraker is actually half German, but he's passing himself off as a British war hero. Goldfinger is perhaps the most interesting case: he's Latvian, but a naturalized British subject. The surname Goldfinger is almost always German-Jewish, which has led to some speculation as to whether the character - who is obsessed with amassing great hordes of gold - is intended to be a kind of anti-Semitic caricature."

"In the novel, Bond encounters Goldfinger for the first time in his hotel in Miami (just as in the film). Goldfinger is cheating a wealthy older gentleman at gin rummy - a fellow by the name of Du Pont, who happens to be an old friend of Bond's. (Bond villains are not gentlemen: they tend to cheat at games. Goldfinger will cheat again at golf, Hugo Drax cheats at cards, Kamal Kahn cheats at backgammon in Octopussy, and Max Zorin cheats at horse racing in A View to a Kill.) Bond and Mr. Du Pont actually discuss whether or not Goldfinger might be Jewish. Du Pont says "You'd think he'd be a Jew from the name, but he doesn't look it." He then volunteers that were Goldfinger Jewish he would never have been admitted to the hotel (!)."

"Actually, the most iconic Bond villain of all may be Le Chiffre in the literary Casino Royale. "Le Chiffre" means "the cipher." The man in question adopted this name after the war, when he was liberated from Dachau. He claimed to be suffering from total amnesia, and at first was unable to speak. He could not remember his nationality. (M's dossier, however, states that he has "large [ear]lobes, indicating some Jewish blood"!) Nor could he even remember his own name. And so he adopted the name Le Chiffre, to express his complete lack of identity. Le Chiffre is the perfect modern villain - and a perfect villain for the first Bond adventure. He embodies everything that Bond is fighting against: he is a rootless cosmopolitan, a man without a country, and without any allegiances (other than to himself)."

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Soooo... you'rte trying to say that movies changed everything about Bond by eliminating the racism? Because Bond's entire character and raison d'etre was racism?

You should try reading about Bond's background and then his background as presented in Skyfall. Let me know just how different it is.

You're basically talking out of your ass.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hi there. Did you notice I also said anti-semetic, sexist and sadistic? I know we are all now American so we focus in on the word "racism" any time it's said but Bond was a combination of all of those not just one.


Trakanon Raider
Idris would make a great bond but it would take a hell of a writer to put him in places a black spy would work in. Then again he could just pose as a rich black guy (sports playing?) which tends to be popular everywhere and it's not like Bond was ever actually able to hide who he was to anyone.

Still even if Idris was an amazing Bond I don't think I'd want to be on the Internet for the 12 months of 1-up race wars until the film came out and he proved it.

"You know a black spy is fake when he walks past fried chicken without taking any! LolOlOloloL WTF!!!

You know how the black bond didn't get drugged with his wine? Because it was grape koolaid LOLZ WOWz so cool dude!

Black bond driving a $300,00 car? Well of course he stole it!

Black Bond Zimmermanend! Zing! He got Wilson'ed!
He could go undercover in Africa and fight the blood diamond mining warlords, or hunt for people like General Butt Naked.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not sure how they could make a movie sexy that is about fighting African Warlords.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Hi there. Did you notice I also said anti-semetic, sexist and sadistic? I know we are all now American so we focus in on the word "racism" any time it's said but Bond was a combination of all of those not just one.
There is nothing racist, anti-semitic, or sexist in any of your quotes.

And your claim that "everything" about Bond was changed while only citing the supposed anti-semitism, racism and sexism basically implies that is your entire conceptualization of Bond, just those 3 things.

Like I said, you're clueless about the character and are just talking out of your ass.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There is nothing racist, anti-semitic, or sexist in any of your quotes.

And your claim that "everything" about Bond was changed while only citing the supposed anti-semitism, racism and sexism basically implies that is your entire conceptualization of Bond, just those 3 things.

Like I said, you're clueless about the character and are just talking out of your ass.
Well I read the books quite a long time ago since I loved to read and Bond has been something I grew up with but you don't have to take my word for it you can just google it or go towiki. I forgot he was homophobic to. These things about Ian Flemming have been well written and discussed about for years.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Well I read the books quite a long time ago since I loved to read and Bond has been something I grew up with but you don't have to take my word for it you can just google it or go towiki. I forgot he was homophobic to. These things about Ian Flemming have been well written and discussed about for years.
Is your liberal guilt making you want a black Bond?

I'm serious. There is nothing in those quotes that implies Bond is racist or anti-semitic. Please show me where.


Trakanon Raider
Well they already have a back story waiting due to Le Chiffre stealing all that war lords money, and them being killed by bond. Plus I think Gen. Butt Naked and his fellow random warlords are more scary than some random henchman who will do the typical fuck up " I'm going to kill you but let me drag this out so you can get away" shit.

You tell me how this dude wouldn't sell in a movie.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Is your liberal guilt making you want a black Bond?

I'm serious. There is nothing in those quotes that implies Bond is racist or anti-semitic. Please show me where.
Since Google and Ian Flemming's wiki failed you and you didn't see the borderline racist, anti-semtic, sexism, or sadistic comments in the quotes I listed and apparently you don't remeber any of this stuff from just reading Ian Flemming's James Bond novels from the beginning let me ask you.

What was the original chapter title five of Live or Let Die?
In what book was the club where Jews weren't allowed?
In the same book what was the gay maitre'd described as?
And who was able to turn Lesbians straight because they finally met the right man?

5 Things I Learned About Women From The James Bond Books
A bunch more which you can confirm on your own should you remember how to use google.


Potato del Grande
He can't be black for the same reason he can't be ginger, fat or have curly hair. It breaks the suspension of disbelief that he is the same person. Craig and Moore pushed it with fucking blonde hair.

Why do we need to resort to this racist shit?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Since Google and Ian Flemming's wiki failed you and you didn't see the borderline racist, anti-semtic, sexism, or sadistic comments in the quotes I listed and apparently you don't remeber any of this stuff from just reading Ian Flemming's James Bond novels from the beginning let me ask you.

What was the original chapter title five of Live or Let Die?
In what book was the club where Jews weren't allowed?
In the same book what was the gay maitre'd described as?
And who was able to turn Lesbians straight because they finally met the right man?

5 Things I Learned About Women From The James Bond Books
A bunch more which you can confirm on your own should you remember how to use google.
You think just because he mentions race, that automatically makes him racist. Either you're a white guy suffering from white guilt, or a black guy with a chip on his shoulder. Either way, you pretty much imagined those things.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The author being anti-semitic/racist/homophobic whatever doesn't mean Bond is those things.

I love Idris Elba but have no interest in seeing him as Bond.