Sports Entertainment


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, sorry...not seeing it. I do think it's hyperbole and grading on a curve. I don't see how you can put that in the same category as Owens/Cena 1 and I'm not even sure it was the best NXT Divas match of the year (the Fatal 4-Way was really good). Yes, it had the emotions, but to be match of the need the story AND the in-ring execution, in my opinion. I don't see how you can put this in the same boat as the top men's matches of the year.

Not going to beat a dead horse, though. You all are free to disagree...I've said my piece and gave my reasons. If someone wants to explain why they think it was better than every other match in wrestling this year, I'd love to hear the reasoning. A bunch of people just saying it is without supporting that position really isn't going to change my views that it was a great women's match, but still well behind the top men's matches.


Mr. Poopybutthole
oh god I forgot about that. I think maybe ICP held the tag titles briefly? But giving your heavyweight title to a celeb is so stupid and completely cheapens the belt.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Might as well be.

"He tapped out but the ref had his head buried in the action checking Taker's shoulders, so the timekeeper ran the bell anyway"? And then the ref gives the timekeeper a lecture and restarts the match, conveniently missing the low blow with his back turned? Give me a break.

And yes, ICP held the tag titles briefly.


Silver Knight of the Realm
God, I love Big E dancing. It almost made up for bullshit finishes in the two biggest match-ups on the card.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sasha does all the little things. Stomping on Bayleys hand when she went for the ropes, all the trash talk and psychology. I fucking love her.
I said the same thing after I saw the match. Sasha Banks gets "it." The first time I saw her walk to the ring, I knew there was something different about her. She throws a better match than 95% of the male roster. Good on her.


Mr. Poopybutthole
See...when you start throwing around "Match of the Year" for something like that...that's when I can't take people like you seriously. It was was not THAT good.
Maybe it was the match of the year for the divas' division. The divas are getting much better for sure. When the divas used to wrestle, that would be when you go take a snack break. Not so much any more. They are actually entertaining to watch.

I'm not feeling Bayley so much. She tries to be so safe, that it doesn't seem like she's wrestling. She seems a little bit too tentative.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Wow. Stephen Amell put on a really decent show, didn't he? Wonder how much coaching he needed beforehand.


Sting vs Rollins feud? Wow.
Feud would be stretching it. Expect a couple of 2 minute appearances by sting in the next month, and rollins/triple H to carry this for the most part. Sting will win the belt at night of champions, but i wanna see how they get it off of him. I mean...i dunno I gave up on trying to figure out what WWE creative was going to do long ago, its all so random.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Damnit, I missed the Dudleys when I was skipping through shit I didn't care about.

Holy shit, I haven't heard a pop that loud in years.


<Prior Amod>
So I'm starting to get back into wrestling for the first time in about 6 years. I pay attention to it because my son likes talking about it but a friend gave me his login for WWE Network so I am now watching the PPV's and am going to start watching Raw.

I have to say, I was pretty impressed with the Divas match from Summer Slam. There were more "Oh shiiiit" moments in that then anything else I thought.

On a side note, Neville I think is my favorite wrestler to watch.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
yeah, neville really is amazing. i just recently starting watching wrestling again. Ironically, not since Sting left WCW. i was never into TNA so i missed all that. but yeah, right now i really think the mid carders are carrying WWE. KO, neville, cesaro, new day... they are just killing it every night.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Cesaro's getting better on the mic, at least. I bust a gut laughing every time he does his "on, and on, and on... and on, and on, and on, and on..." thing. Granted, half of the deal there is Seth Rollins' reaction.