Stalker / surveillance help


My girlfriend has an under the table cash deal for her "lease". The landlord has a weird bond with her ex boyfriend (both korean) who is stalkerish and physically and verbally abusive towards her. They used to live together at this house. The fear is that said landlord would give keys to the ex if he requested. Some odd things have been happening around here. He showed up at 2am a couple weeks ago without warning. Another day she found 5 fresh cigarette butts outside the door, same brand he smokes. She gets weird text messages such as "you were out late lastnight", and "don't forget to close your mailbox." Yesterday, she calls me and asks if I sent flowers to her house. The florist left a note of the missed delivery. She calls them and tells them she doesn't want them.

She works until midnight and one night she was running a little late. I ended up parked in her driveway waiting for her to get home. I'm sitting with the lights and car turned off. I look up and see someone through the glassed in patio that forms the corner of the house. The person has their cell phone out. They see me sitting in the car and bolt. I immediately turn my brights on and get out to pursue. The person is gone. I thought the timing of this "visit" was odd. It was about the same time she would have gotten home from work. I am suspicious of this person was waiting for her and snooping around the premises.

The most frightening thing I've seen was in her basement. I've never had chills like I did that night. I'm looking for any weird signs that someone has been in the house while we were out. It's about 1am. As I'm picking up fumigation cans in her basement that her landlord left out, she asks "what are those?" She's not asking about cans. She looks horrified. She is looking at the basement windows. There are two 1" wide metal pieces bolted across the basement windows. She said these were not here before as she had recently opened the windows. The windows are close to ground level outside, head level when in the basement. The thing is that someone could easily squeeze through the bars from the outside. It would take a ladder for someone to get out from the inside. So what good are they? What it looked like is that they were put there to prevent someone from getting out.

Please help


Gunnar Durden
My girlfriend has an under the table cash deal for her "lease". The landlord has a weird bond with her ex boyfriend (both korean) who is stalkerish and physically and verbally abusive towards her. They used to live together at this house. The fear is that said landlord would give keys to the ex if he requested. Some odd things have been happening around here. He showed up at 2am a couple weeks ago without warning. Another day she found 5 fresh cigarette butts outside the door, same brand he smokes. She gets weird text messages such as "you were out late lastnight", and "don't forget to close your mailbox." Yesterday, she calls me and asks if I sent flowers to her house. The florist left a note of the missed delivery. She calls them and tells them she doesn't want them.

She works until midnight and one night she was running a little late. I ended up parked in her driveway waiting for her to get home. I'm sitting with the lights and car turned off. I look up and see someone through the glassed in patio that forms the corner of the house. The person has their cell phone out. They see me sitting in the car and bolt. I immediately turn my brights on and get out to pursue. The person is gone. I thought the timing of this "visit" was odd. It was about the same time she would have gotten home from work. I am suspicious of this person was waiting for her and snooping around the premises.

The most frightening thing I've seen was in her basement. I've never had chills like I did that night. I'm looking for any weird signs that someone has been in the house while we were out. It's about 1am. As I'm picking up fumigation cans in her basement that her landlord left out, she asks "what are those?" She's not asking about cans. She looks horrified. She is looking at the basement windows. There are two 1" wide metal pieces bolted across the basement windows. She said these were not here before as she had recently opened the windows. The windows are close to ground level outside, head level when in the basement. The thing is that someone could easily squeeze through the bars from the outside. It would take a ladder for someone to get out from the inside. So what good are they? What it looked like is that they were put there to prevent someone from getting out.

Please help
Bitches be cheating


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Fuck surveillance. Your sister needs to get the fuck out of that house. If it's some sketchy under the table deal then she doesn't have to worry about breaking lease or anything right? She needs to bail, unless she values her place more than she values not ending up as a pile of post-rape limbs and organs out in the woods somewhere.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are you fucking retarded? You really need help in a situation like this?

Step 1: Call Police
Step 2: Leave house
Step 3: Call Lawyer
Step 4: If ex-boyfriend still bothers buy gun and shoot him next time you see him in the house.


<Gold Donor>
Well if the lease is under the table I believe she could move out at the end of the month.
Buy a gun. Go to range. Shoot at paper targets. Leave used targets on frame outside door. Creep will know it's a gun-owning home. Problem solved. If you live in an open carry state, just sit on the porch with your gun (preferably shotgun or rifle) for a few nights if you really want to send a message.

Although the police can't do anything yet you should still file a complaint so that if this dirt bag does take it to the next level you have some groundwork with the police to go from.


Just fucking move. There's 100% chance that this "under the table cash deal lease" isn't worth ending up dead.


Molten Core Raider
File a complaint with local PD and have all txt messages she's received transcribed in the report. Then leave, yesterday. Seriously GTFOutathere.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Two possibilities here: 1) troll 2) really stupid and have to ask on gaming website.


<Gold Donor>
I can't imagine why she would be staying there if she doesn't trust the landlord anyway, so yeah, get the fuck out now. If he's that big of a piece of shit he doesn't deserve notice that she's moving anyway.

Also, tell us what town you live in so that if you stop posting we can check for double murders. Because it is not a matter of if, but when. If you can somehow hide where she's moving to that would help a lot, but I'm going to guess this crazy fucker will notice she's moving and tail her/you, or find out through other means. If he's really that crazy you might never get rid of him though until he does something actually illegal.

Now that I think about it, if your conscience can handle the repercussions, file a report immediately with the cops, then sit in her apartment in the dark several nights with a baseball bat. Make sure your girlfriend texts you when she's about to enter, so that anyone else that does, you just break their fucking kneecaps or something. A little extreme maybe, but the way you laid it all out it sounds like this guy is not going to be deterred by anything less. Maybe you can shed a little more light and we can give better advice, but clearly you need to go to the cops immediately. And she needs to move out, immediately.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just rape and murder him first.

Both of you seem to be dancing around this issue. Take the initiative and go balls deep into him with your dick and then a knife.


She can move out and is trying to find another place. She's strapped right now since she's been paying the rent on her own for 7 months.

A lot of what is happening is very recent. I'm still wrapping my brain about likely possibilities.

I do own guns but always keep them at my house. This and other stories makes me want to get a c/c license more and more. These are issued in Missouri after a safety class.

I think she's still very threatened by this person and is afraid to the point of any reporting/threatening him on her makes her cower at the thought. Maybe I'm in too deep or maybe I need to take the bull by the dick and chop it off.


Gunnar Durden
How about the fuck up and confront this guy. If she's not worth it, end it and avoid drama. Plenty of fish in the sea.

I went on a few dates with a girl and found out her baby daddy stalks guys on Facebook to fight them and like shows up to her house all the time drunk. Called her and said no thanks....don't need this in my life. How long have you been together/how invested in this relationship are you?


Although the police can't do anything yet you should still file a complaint so that if this dirt bag does take it to the next level you have some groundwork with the police to go from.
Most times the cops will fill out a suspicious activity report, that's about it.
If he didn't most likely carry parasites and diseases, I would say use him to stretch your food budget.