Star Trek Beyond (2016)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The writing credits are all you need to see to know this is going to be a stinking pile of shit, never mind all the other evidence in this thread.
From the wikipedia page:

In 2013, Roberto Orci began writing the script with Patrick McKay and John D. Payne, but Orci's long-time collaborator Alex Kurtzman did not return as screenwriter, neither was Joe Cornish involved in the film, despite media reports.[18][19] In January 2015 after Orci's departure, Simon Pegg and Doug Jung were hired to rewrite the screenplay, and Pegg also plans to reprise his role of Scotty.[20] On the original draft by Orci, Pegg commented that Paramount "had a script for Star Trek that wasn't really working for them. I think the studio was worried that it might have been a little bit too Star Trek-y." For his role as the primary screenwriter, Pegg had been asked to make this new film "more inclusive", stating that the solution was to "make a western or a thriller or a heist movie, then populate that with Star Trek characters so it's more inclusive to an audience that might be a little bit reticent."[21] Pegg and Jung's screenplay is officially co-credited with Orci, Payne and McCay.
Star Trek Beyond - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yea, I may catch this on Netflix so I can skip through it. Definitely not in the movie theater.


Tranny Chaser
People who think Star Trek was never about action must have blocked all those double-fist punches out of their memory. Or identify ST more with TNG.

The most awkward change in the reboot is trying to shove Uhura into everything.
That's racist, dude. Snicker.


Avatar of War Slayer
I think the movies are going to do their own thing and the new TV series is going to be more "old" trek while the movies continue to be "new" trek - again I think the movies now are more about the characters, if they did anything it was that most of the old and new fanbase enjoy the characters and their interactions etc. But really most people would just like a Spock and McCoy show with little bits of Kirk, Chekov, Sulu and Scotty in smaller doses randomly.


Trakanon Raider
People who think Star Trek was never about action must have blocked all those double-fist punches out of their memory. Or identify ST more with TNG.
The double fist punch is probably my favorite thing in of all star trek. It is so hilarious and awesome



Molten Core Raider
C'mon. It's the double fisted ax handle. Or did none of you ever listen to Jesse Ventura do wwf commentary?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Oh....i thought you were making a joke about fast and furious and this movie. But now opened that wiki link and.....omg, now i know why the movie looks like shit


Murder Apologist
LOL no man, they literally had a dilemma: no more Paul Walker and Fast and Furious still sells tickets even after the 8th sequel.... and there was a whole fat sci-fi audience waiting to be plundered.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
LOL no man, they literally had a dilemma: no more Paul Walker and Fast and Furious still sells tickets even after the 8th sequel.... and there was a whole fat sci-fi audience waiting to be plundered.
The star trek "prequels" i see


Tranny Chaser
I get people not liking the trailer. I'm a life long fan of Star Trek and I don't like the trailer.

But Star Trek got really, really fucking shitty for a while there. I like Voyager and Voyager is shit. Enterprise died after four seasons and washated.Insurrection was terrible. Nemesis was terrible. After those years of Star Trek being as horrible as they were I'm fine with this new direction.


what Suineg set it to
Because it needs to be a TV show.

Here's what will happen: this movie will bomb because they will sink blockbuster money/expectations into a mediocre turnout reviled by fans. Then they will cancel or scale back the upcoming show and in order to 'prove it' will start releasing random episodes to try and get ratings/ad dollars and it will be gone after they introduce time travel in the second season to try and fix things.

Not like we ain't seen this before.


Musty Nester
They kinda need to stop making these. Star Trek hasn't had good writing in decades. TNG was good. DS9 was good. Voyager was plain awful. Enterprise had a few bright spot episodes but was mostly just plain awful.

It's dead, Jim.

It wouldn't be impossible to fix. But it is impossible with 3rd rate writers and the Star Trek Con mentality. They're imagining that their audience is Sheldon Cooper. When you start there it's no great surprise that the end product is insulting. They don't actually understand their audience or what their audience wants. Yes, the audience wants to see Uhura's titties. Yes, the audience wants you to never ever show them Uhura's titties. Some things are sacrosanct.


Mr. Poopybutthole
They kinda need to stop making these. Star Trek hasn't had good writing in decades. TNG was good. DS9 was good. Voyager was plain awful. Enterprise had a few bright spot episodes but was mostly just plain awful.

It's dead, Jim.

It wouldn't be impossible to fix. But it is impossible with 3rd rate writers and the Star Trek Con mentality. They're imagining that their audience is Sheldon Cooper. When you start there it's no great surprise that the end product is insulting. They don't actually understand their audience or what their audience wants. Yes, the audience wants to see Uhura's titties. Yes, the audience wants you to never ever show them Uhura's titties. Some things are sacrosanct.
You serious bro? Pretty sure Sheldon thinks the new trek movies are fucking awful too.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yes that's his point. They think that the Sheldon coopers of the world are the only trek fans. So they are not pandering to them because they are a small group of weirdos. But EVERY ONE LOVES CARS AND EXPLOSIONS WOOO


People who think Star Trek was never about action must have blocked all those double-fist punches out of their memory. Or identify ST more with TNG.

The most awkward change in the reboot is trying to shove Uhura into everything.
Seriously? No one tuned into that show for action sequences. It was the problems (and their resolutions) caused by contact with alien cultures and ideas that was memorable and garnered Star Trek it's fans, not any ground breaking 1960s tv choreography or camera shots.

The conflicts were played out of course, but the space battles could hardly be called action sequences. They were dramatic, suspenseful tests of will, chess matches, like the Romulan chase and battle with Khan. 60s Star Trek tv is a bit lacking on exploding star ships by today's standards. The staged fights had to have been choreographed by the same guy that did the Batman tv show. They were almost laughable; the only thing missing were the "Ka-pows" and the "Bams". An exception though was the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. That was wicked.

I enjoyed the reboot movies. Great popcorn fair. But they had little of Gene Rodenberry's spirit of curiosity and wonder.

And ya, I do hate that they resolved the dilemma of how to reconcile reason and emotion by having Spock becoming human like. Yuck. They did the same thing to Data too. As if being human somehow was the secret key to universal well being. I suppose that comforts audiences but it sure takes the stuffing out of Star Trek's original premise of showing the human race as just one valid but tiny possibility in a very large universe.


Musty Nester
You gotta be glad that Vulcans are pacifists. They could straight wreck your shit if they weren't.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
LOL no man, they literally had a dilemma: no more Paul Walker and Fast and Furious still sells tickets even after the 8th sequel.... and there was a whole fat sci-fi audience waiting to be plundered.
There's an obvious move there. Have The Enterprise find Vin Diesel stranded on some backwater world.