Star Trek - Into Darkness


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's a destroyed moon orbiting Kronos, which only has one moon, are you retarded?
My Trek level of knowledge is nowhere near on the level to know that Kronos has only one moon. My bad. Still, they were not shy about slapping you in the face with any other shout out/change to the original films, the fact there was zero mention of it makes me doubt whether it was intentional or not.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Perhaps we should discuss whether the BP oil spill would occur the exact same time or at some point sooner if a super advanced tanker ship time traveled back 25 years prior in revenge for the end of Twinkies and wiped out a fleet of seagulls.


Tranny Chaser
This. There weren't even other random moons that weren't in the original canon floating around. It was Praxis, kersploded, decades early, which means they put thought into it, but not ENOUGH thought to see why it makes no sense.
It does make sense.

Praxis blew up because the Klingons overmined the shit out of it in a scramble for more dilithium to fuel their war machine. In this timeline the Klingons have accelerated things to the point where they have already mined the shit out of Praxis and it blew up.


Because Nero took out a whole fleet of Klingon ships when he escaped prison and because of the other ripples that the presence of Borg enhanced romulan technology from the future has imparted on everything.

It was just another example out what massive effect Nero has had on the history of everything.


A Mod Real Quick
I went into this not ever watching Wrath of Khan and thought it was absolutely great. My only complaint was the movie felt a bit slower-paced, but I still liked it. Super Saiyan Spock definitely awesome.

Lens flare didn't bother me at all in this one. I know they said that they used it more, but honestly didn't notice it. In the first movie it was all lens flare all the time.


Fantastic flick imo. Just what I wanted after the crap that was IM3. My girlfriend even stayed awake through the whole thing which is a mark of high regard from her (absolutely not a nerd, her preferences are films with subtitles).


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Fantastic flick imo. Just what I wanted after the crap that was IM3. My girlfriend even stayed awake through the whole thing which is a mark of high regard from her (absolutely not a nerd, her preferences are films with subtitles).
Star Trek has subtitles. Also, foreign art films are way more nerdy than what is now a mainstream action movie genre film.


Trakanon Raider
It felt like two scripts that were merged somewhere in development: the Khan retelling, and the Section 31 thing. It moved way too fast in the beginning, racing past what could have been a whole movie worth of Khan's one man war vs. the Federation, setting up the second half as its own film. I think I would have liked that more.

I enjoyed this a bunch, but not as much as Wrath of Khan. It's a classic, so there's no comparison, but this was good anyway. I hope the fact that they refroze him is setting up a Botany Bay escape for a movie down the line, as this one almost felt like setup for the real Khan vs. Kirk story later on.


Vyemm Raider
Clean action flick. Original Wrath of Khan was way better, but it's not really a fair comparison. I'm satisfied, though it could have been better.



Clean action flick. Original Wrath of Khan was way better, but it's not really a fair comparison. I'm satisfied, though it could have been better.

yeah kinda how I feel. Action was superb though.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
great movie. it did not ease up. loved spock & his fight against Khan. And speaking of Khan, oh boy was he ever ruthless. Benedict Cumberbatch was just simply superb. his acting performance really made the movie come alive with burst of energy. Brilliant.


Vyemm Raider
The funny thing is they were far more fucked with Marcus at the helm than they were facing Khan, because at least with Khan they were already well aware of his weaknesses. Marcus only gave a shit about his position and career, Khan at least cared about the lives of his fellow freaks.

Kirk's response to the no-win scenario was to desperately and selflessly plead for the life of his crew. "Prayer, Mr Saavik - the Klingon's don't take prisoners" - not so smug are you now, eh Kirk? This Kirk saved Earth as a fucking cadet, so of course in this movie he had to get taken down a notch or ten by facing a true Kobayashi Maru where he was absolutely powerless. And until his final sacrifice he escaped each time by luck or the help of others just as Pike said - Khan bails him out on Kronos, Scotty saves them all from the Vengeance, Kirk is then forced to trade one enemy for another (giving Khan the most powerful ship in the fleet, good one Jim!), and ultimately his only option left to save anyone cost him his life. Not Kirk's best day.

Kirk had to choose Khan over Marcus though, and not just for the chance to save his crew. A war with the Klingons was a bigger threat than Khan and his buddies. It's unfortunate I guess that Khan was the lesser threat in the movie - but cool that Khan was the only one able to defeat that threat.

Did you catch that Spock's quip about the "enemy of my enemy" quote was dead on? Heh.

I'm glad they didn't try to come up with some roundabout way to make it about Kirk Vs Khan 20 years too early. Oddly, it was Spock who wound up being the one seeking personal vengeance.

Probably my only real gripe is it was way too obvious how Khan would go down. He had already figured out option B (blow up the ship, recover the popsicles) so why even take the risk? Well, shit, I guess its in character - because just blowing up the Enterprise would have been too easy. His ego doesn't let him just win that way as has been well established. But come on, he knew he couldn't just scan the torpedoes because he made the damn things.

Oh, and Khan vs the Klingons was fucking awesome and will probably be the highlight of the movie when I watch it again down the road.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There was a few things that were a bit iffy but on the whole it was very enjoyable. Khan was great, but then I always liked cumberbatch. Be nice to see him play the villan a bit more


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I really enjoyed the movie for the most part. It was a fun action film set in the Star Trek universe just like the first.

I felt it was better paced than the first film until the end. They had the big confrontation with Khan in the ships and then the crashing. I felt like that was the apex of the film. Then after a dramatic crashing /self sacrifice from Kirk we are back to having to fucking chase Khan. That felt really anti climactic to me, but I am probably alone in it. That was my only real gripe.


Tranny Chaser
I thought it interesting that at the end:

They just put Khan back on ice and put him in Warehouse 13. Quite smart of Starfleet because whatever other problems the Eugenic augmented humans have, Khan IS a bonafide badass and if things with the Klingons go bad you will want to unfreeze Khan rather than risk extermination.

I will admit that part of me wanted a somewhat reformed Khan at the end given control of Section 31 and staffed with his people...


<Bronze Donator>
I went into this not ever watching Wrath of Khan and thought it was absolutely great. My only complaint was the movie felt a bit slower-paced, but I still liked it. Super Saiyan Spock definitely awesome.

Lens flare didn't bother me at all in this one. I know they said that they used it more, but honestly didn't notice it. In the first movie it was all lens flare all the time.
Why would you be interested in this film without ever seeing Wrath of Khan?


Life's a Dream
Because it's completely different? I mean, Khan wasn't even the official bad guy until people told others that he was in it.

I can answer the question though. I've NEVER seen a previous Star Trek anything. Not a movie, not a TV show. It just wasn't my thing... seemed way too nerdy for my comic book and anime loving self.
So the trailer for the 1st new Star Trek made it actually look cool. Main stream even. So I went to see it and really enjoyed it. I understood some of the Trek references, only due to being an internet addict, but they didn't hit me in the heart the way it did Trekkies.

I enjoyed the hell out of this last movie. I also have never seen Wrath of Khan, and even after watching Darkness, I still won't watch WoK. They're a completely different story, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I thought it interesting that at the end:

They just put Khan back on ice and put him in Warehouse 13. Quite smart of Starfleet because whatever other problems the Eugenic augmented humans have, Khan IS a bonafide badass and if things with the Klingons go bad you will want to unfreeze Khan rather than risk extermination.

I will admit that part of me wanted a somewhat reformed Khan at the end given control of Section 31 and staffed with his people...
Actually, that was part of the movie that bugged me. Basically, Khan is this somewhat rational character out for revenge on Admiral Marcus. There's one throwaway line by Mccoy I think that mentions him having an 'exterminate all inferior life' kinda thing from his past, but otherwise you get no hint of what Khan's about. Then they just shoot him in the back and he goes murdery on everyone. Seems like they should have gone with a 'different' Khan this time around.


Tranny Chaser
Or hell just have Cumberbatch join the crew of the Enterprise as security chief / starfleet intelligence rep. That would end the danger of red shirts in a big way. Use Khan as a much more badass version of Worf / Counselor Troi.

Kirk Spock Khan McCoy banter would be fun as hell to write especially as Khan has a natural darkness about him