Star Trek - Into Darkness


action flick.
So the action was good? You mean the cg was good, like every other action movie? Awesome.

Gene Roddenberry_sl said:
Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms. [?] If we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.


<Bronze Donator>
Seemed way too nerdy for my comic book and anime loving self.
Did you forget your sarcasm tags?

I guess I never considered people JUST being fans of the new movies. I can understand someone getting hooked by the reboots. But why not go back and watch the wealth of entertaining series and movies? Wrath of Khan is good to this day. DS9's last three seasons are some of the best TV I've watched.


Life's a Dream
It was a joke, yes. But I didn't feel the need for a sarcasm tag. I assumed it pretty much read as it should have.

As for going back and re-watching the old show, I just don't have time anymore. I have difficulty keeping up with modern shows that are still on. And gaming? Forget that. I have a few PS3 titles that I've had for over a year now that I haven't even opened. Having a kid pretty much forces you to give up everything you used to love in favor of taking care of a new you, or something.


A Mod Real Quick
Did you forget your sarcasm tags?

I guess I never considered people JUST being fans of the new movies. I can understand someone getting hooked by the reboots. But why not go back and watch the wealth of entertaining series and movies? Wrath of Khan is good to this day. DS9's last three seasons are some of the best TV I've watched.
I am a fan, but like the poster above me no time really. Sometimes I catch TNG on TV and watch it, but haven't really watched all the movies and all of the series. I did see one of them in the theater back in like 1999 or something.


Still a Music Elitist
I guess I never considered people JUST being fans of the new movies. I can understand someone getting hooked by the reboots. But why not go back and watch the wealth of entertaining series and movies? Wrath of Khan is good to this day. DS9's last three seasons are some of the best TV I've watched.
You haven't considered probably most of the people that go see these movies then. We went had an all-day event to go see this on Saturday. Brunch, drinks and Star Trek. None of the nine people in our group had any Star Trek experience beyond the 2009 film.


I'm confused as to why people were falling all over the place in space when the anti-gravity failed. Sure, that's fine when they're in Earth's atmosphere but in space...


<Bronze Donator>
You haven't considered probably most of the people that go see these movies then. We went had an all-day event to go see this on Saturday. Brunch, drinks and Star Trek. None of the nine people in our group had any Star Trek experience beyond the 2009 film.
Were the previous films like this too?


Registered Hutt
I'm confused as to why people were falling all over the place in space when the anti-gravity failed. Sure, that's fine when they're in Earth's atmosphere but in space...
Yea, that got me too. They were pretty far from Earth, speed was constant, and acceleration was non-existent, so if anti-grav was kicking in and out they would just start floating, not falling. It looked more like the anti-grav was rotating, which really doesn't make much sense, but I don't know how the system allegedly works.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Actually, that was part of the movie that bugged me. Basically, Khan is this somewhat rational character out for revenge on Admiral Marcus. There's one throwaway line by Mccoy I think that mentions him having an 'exterminate all inferior life' kinda thing from his past, but otherwise you get no hint of what Khan's about. Then they just shoot him in the back and he goes murdery on everyone. Seems like they should have gone with a 'different' Khan this time around.
You seem to be forgetting the main reason why they went out and chased Kahn's ass. In his attempt to wreak vengeance upon Marcus, he killed a ton of Federation high ranking officers including Admiral Pike.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yea, that got me too. They were pretty far from Earth, speed was constant, and acceleration was non-existent, so if anti-grav was kicking in and out they would just start floating, not falling. It looked more like the anti-grav was rotating, which really doesn't make much sense, but I don't know how the system allegedly works.
remember though, that the ship itself was rotating and just because the ship is rotating, doesn't mean anything IN the ship would rotate with it if it wasn't nailed down. on top of that, i'm sure there's some psuedo-hollywood science that would prove why the gravity was sometimes pulling towards the ground, and sometimes pulling towards the side.


I really enjoyed this, and thought the links to the original series were great.

The tribbles made me lol thinking of The Trouble with Tribbles episode. The Spock Khan scream also was great, in a nice homage to the original Shatner one. I agree with Kreugen's post and thought the Admiral Marcus part was setup brilliantly, and added depth to the film. I am curious about the Praxus timeline and was thinking about that while watching them approach the Klingon homeworld.

The one thing that kept going through my head throughout this movie was how very well it was cast. Karl Urban does a perfect Bones. Quinto is great as Spock. The only guy that isn't spot on is Chris Pine, but he does a better Kirk than Shatner since Pine can actually act.

I love Simon Pegg as Scotty with his alien sidekick. His scenes were some of the best in the movie, especially the part where he was chatting with the rent a guard before opening the airlock.

I initially wasn't too happy with the Khan casting, but Benedict Cumberland pulled it off nicely. I don't think his character was a sinister or had the presence of Ricardo Montalban in the original, but it was the right mix for this movie with it's story in my opinion.


Vyemm Raider
So the action was good? You mean the cg was good, like every other action movie? Awesome.
Did you miss the first reboot? This franchise dropped philosophy and ethics for lens-glare shaky-cam action. I'm judging the movie on its merits for what it is, not what I wanted it to be.


Vyemm Raider
It opened with a whole bunch of babbling about The Prime Directive and Kirk's choice to ignore it to save lives, and then went on to show Kirk disobeying an order to murder a man for revenge. Let's not start lumping it in with Fast and Furious just because the movie wasn't 2 1/2 hours of Space Ethics.

You may recall that most of the old Trek movies weren't 12 Angry Men either. Oh yeah, Wrath of Khan was just LOADED with philosophy, right? You must be thinking of the TV show. And it should be pointed out that the more philosophical of the Trek movies were almost universally hated. Why does God need a ship? Indeed Kirk, indeed.

Re: The falling ship. Keep in mind that artificial gravity and inertia cancellation in Star Trek is every bit as magical as The Force. They may as well have stated that the Midichlorians were misaligned. That said, artificial gravity was working (but possibly malfunctioning) and the magical inertia cancellation was not. So you had fake gravity + real gravity - inertia from falling + the inertia from the ship spinning/rotating whatever. Even a slow spin would cause a pretty severe centrifugal effect the farther you were from the center of gravity. But asking Star Trek to have realistic physics is asking too much. Trek is hardly above SW in that regard.


Still a Music Elitist
I initially wasn't too happy with the Khan casting, but Benedict Cumberland pulled it off nicely. I don't think his character was a sinister or had the presence of Ricardo Montalban in the original, but it was the right mix for this movie with it's story in my opinion.
That's one of the gripes I had with the movie as well.

I thought Khan wasn't nearly sinister or evil enough. I guess it's hard for any villain to match Nero from the first one. Sure, Khan blew some shit up on Earth, but he wasn't even the worst villain in the movie.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
That's one of the gripes I had with the movie as well.

I thought Khan wasn't nearly sinister or evil enough. I guess it's hard for any villain to match Nero from the first one. Sure, Khan blew some shit up on Earth, but he wasn't even the worst villain in the movie.
He wasn't really trying to be evil. He was a very powerful, very rational man with a very specific set of goals. Khan was only extremely evil in Wrath of Khan because Kirk had stranded him for 15 years.


Vyemm Raider
To me the main difference was the few times Khan had a chance to gloat, he was pretty dispassionate about it wheras Ricardo was practically jizzing himself with glee. But hell, Ricardo always seems to be having a great time, he can't help it.

Remember though, Kirk and the Enterprise weren't his focus by any means. They were just ants to him.

Also, was the head-crush move something from Space Seed? It seemed familiar.


While I though Cumberbatch did a great job, did it bother anyone else that they cast a blue-eyed white boy to play an Indian character? Maybe it was some sort of homage to the original script that had Khan written as a Nordic superman? Yeah, good movie, but they aren't Star Trek.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I think it had just enough dialogue, traditional trek philosophy and homage to the past for me to be intrigued with this new timeline. Without spoiling anything I did think it was interesting how with the altered timeline things change but stay the same. Classic scene with reversed roles. I dug it! I wonder how many more movies will be done now that abrams will be focusing on Star Wars..