Star Wars: Battlefront, as told by Dice on Frostbite 3 (PS4?/XBone?/PC?)


Trump's Staff
I bought a PS4 and this game. My PSN thing isTortugaMang. Could be me or one of my brothers if they're here or even my awful nephews playing though. We're all pretty bad except the one brother.
Did the same thing. Got a PS4 bundle with this last week for $287. Does that even count as me "paying" for Battlefront??? :p Will add you on PSN, my tag is BrikkerLive (and we have a Rerolled community group thing too for PSN).

I'm pretty bad, just under a 1.0 KD. Slowly getting better though.


Molten Core Raider
...A bunch of inane bullshit....

And if I am wrong and this thing sold past ten million, I honestly fucking fear for the state of the industry more now than ever, and you should to.
Like I told you before, there were nearly half a million people playing the day after Christmas. I know you're too stupid to understand what that means, but it basically means that you can toss out all the simultaneous numbers from here to the end of the world out and it won't make a fuck bit of difference. Those copies were sold, whether people are playing it now or not. If tomorrow not a single person is playing that doesn't change anything. There are 70k people playing Fallout 4 right now, omg it must have bombed!

And you should get checked for early onset dementia (I'm assuming you're a 30 something manbaby based on your posts) because you're the fucking moron who told me you posted on SA, multiple times, when you kept telling me to go back there and how you got banned, both in this thread and in your mouth breather neg comments. I was later, as I fucking already posted and which you are apparently can't comprehend, directed to a thread over there where you make a total tin foil hat asshat of yourself until they'd had enough and sent you on a vacation. The red tag was already there before I even read the few pages where you had your meltdown. I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, much less spend money to post on SA and then spend more money to have your account tagged. You're the fool who does shit like that. As for fearing for the state of the industry, I have better shit to do. People like you have been crying about the state of the industry since the internet was a thing and it just keeps dragging you along kicking and screaming. It's not worth my time or effort to get worked up over.

In the world of internet tough guys, your world is about as lame as any I've encountered. Maybe it's because you've become complacent with being the lovable retard around here, maybe you just aren't used to anyone calling you on your shit, who knows, but I don't think I've ever seen someone go bunker mode who is as consistently wrong as you have been in this thread. Even the biggest idiots usually know when they've gone full retard and eventually slink away, but you wear that that shit like a badge...good for you!

Did the same thing. Got a PS4 bundle with this last week for $287.Does that even count as me "paying" for Battlefront???:p Will add you on PSN, my tag is BrikkerLive (and we have a Rerolled community group thing too for PSN).

I'm pretty bad, just under a 1.0 KD. Slowly getting better though.
Bundles are not counted in NPD sales.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Like I told you before, there were nearly half a million people playing the day after Christmas. I know you're too stupid to understand what that means, but it basically means that you can toss out all the simultaneous numbers from here to the end of the world out and it won't make a fuck bit of difference. Those copies were sold, whether people are playing it now or not. If tomorrow not a single person is playing that doesn't change anything. There are 70k people playing Fallout 4 right now, omg it must have bombed!
Well wait a minute. How did I miss this glorious little post of yours. Please show me where it was at 500k simultaneous when we were all laughing at the fact that the first week of launch, Battlefield 4 had more simultaneous players over peak than Battlefront on launch week.

I'm assuming you're a 30 something manbaby based on your posts
You're no Daisy. You're no Daisy at all

I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire
Man, this is over 10 years old.

My boss is a real asshole. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

by Studly Hungwell October 19, 2006
I think it may have been created way before that though. Are you using a book of insults? From 2006? It's ok I mean that would explain it all. That or you just don't have a lot of practice at this whole making fun of people on the internet thing.

As for fearing for the state of the industry, I have better shit to do. People like you have been crying about the state of the industry since the internet was a thing and it just keeps dragging you along kicking and screaming.
You have been following me since the beginning of the internet? I didn't even have an Utnayan handle until 1999.

In the world of internet tough guys, your world is about as lame as any I've encountered.
What's an internet tough guy? Wait, let me go check a book from 2006 so we can be on the same wavelength here.

Internet Tough Guys should be regarded as the lowest form of life on Earth who will make completely bogus claims of being 7 feet tall, 400 pounds of pure muscle, and bench 700.
Well, it appears your accusation just isn't true. I am 6'2 240 Bench 405 and played a year in the NFL.

but I don't think I've ever seen someone go bunker mode who is as consistently wrong as you have been in this thread.
Well, so far, they have not announced the actual numbers. Bunker mode... Bunker mode... Ok wait I have to ask an honest question.

Did you just get out of jail and the last time you had access to the internet it was

Even the biggest idiots usually know when they've gone full retard and eventually slink away,
So that's why you were gone for a week.

You are going to have to do a lot better than what you have thrown out if you want to make this thread even the least bit entertaining. I feel like I am reading a script for 2006 an Internet Odyssey. I am not even wasting my time until I see some potential out of you, and right now, you remind me of Duppin in 2006. And I played that kid like a fiddle for years. You need to come at me with some new material.

Speaking of SA, can I pay someone 10 bucks to add 2006 to Rafterman's user ID?


Trump's Staff
Anyone know what the yellow box around a person's name means when joining a game? Usually it's someone on the opposite team.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Anyone know what the yellow box around a person's name means when joining a game? Usually it's someone on the opposite team.
It's who you're "partner'd" with. You can spawn on them, etc. If it's yellow, they're your team.


Trump's Staff
It's always someone on the other team. I'm only referring to player list when joining a new match.


I got this game before Christmas in my PS4 bundle. Haven't played it yet because I played Witcher first and I have Last of Us and The Order to also play. I also have not subscribed to PS Plus yet since I am playing those single player games and don't need it yet.

So what is the legit beef with this game? Did people just have extremely high expectations for it? The lack of a solo campaign was a disappointment for me. I'm new to the entire console genre and have never played a FPS shooter so not exactly keen on the idea of jumping into FPS PVP competition and getting wrecked.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I got this game before Christmas in my PS4 bundle. Haven't played it yet because I played Witcher first and I have Last of Us and The Order to also play. I also have not subscribed to PS Plus yet since I am playing those single player games and don't need it yet.

So what is the legit beef with this game? Did people just have extremely high expectations for it? The lack of a solo campaign was a disappointment for me. I'm new to the entire console genre and have never played a FPS shooter so not exactly keen on the idea of jumping into FPS PVP competition and getting wrecked.
It's a shallow shooter with a ton of ridiculous cut features and content from even the most basic of FPS shooters from 2001 Era.

* Lack of team re-balancing
* Lack of weapon balance
* Lack of game modes
* Lack of maps attributed to game modes
* Lack of any character customization besides skins and a very limited card deck set (No classes)
* Lack of Galactic Conquest
* Lack of Space Battles
* Lack of Matchmaking based on skill levels
* Lack of dedicated servers
* As you noted, lack of single player campaign.

It wasn't high expectations. Everyone knew going in after beta it was going to be a shit show of epic let down from a content perspective. Basically you are paying $110 to get even 70% of what is considered a full launch from any other FPS in the market aside from the above feature list which have been stripped as well.

It's a brand new low for anything launched, since Destiny, from a content perspective. It should have launched at $19.99, or hell, even Free to Play. Free to Play games (If you download a few on PS Store) have more content than this, and more features.


Trump's Staff
DLC plans released, DLC 1 will have a map inside Jabba's Palace, DLC2 Bespin, DLC3 the Death Star
Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass Details Released - IGN

a free update going live tomorrow will add hero costumes, some survival map change, Private Matches, challenges, and weapon balance changes (RIP DL-44)
Two days after I grinded out the DL 44 too. Oh well, shit needed nerfing badly. Especially with the P2W aspect. I kind of like that burst/3 shot rifle more anyhow.

They also nerfed: Boba fett and Han solo damage, homing shot, increased CD on many cards, bounty hunter trait, bowcaster damage, and a lot of other shit I rarely see used.

Actually DL44 only got its heat and fire rate nerfed it seems. Can still 2 shot people making it the best gun for small maps still.


Trump's Staff
Could be "jboots feel slower" but they seemed to have changed some things. Either health got lowered or some weapons got upgraded (without Stat screen showing it) cause I am dying near instantaneously to things like DH17 at long ranges. Bowcaster is also still a one shot kill even with the nerf.


FPS noob
i switched from jump pack/homing/DL-44 to jump pack/pulse cannon/EE-3 and I like it a lot. The EE-3 feels better than the DL-44, three burst shots and longer range. Pulse isn't as good as homing used to be, but it takes way to long now to lock in and 9/10 times you will be killed waiting to lock.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So here we are my friendly little Rafterasshat!

EA decided not to announce how many copies actually sold THROUGH to customers. If they were even close to their goal, they would be fucking making that announcement pure and simple. If I had to guess, about 7-8 million copies sold through to customers (If that, based on concurrent users over the lifespan of the game to date cross platform) Obviously they are not releasing that for a reason. It is no where fucking near those analyst predictions. Hey Rafterman, does your virtual ass hurt?

Obviously there are reasons for the shady marketing shit - the same garbage Microsoft pulled with the Xbox One by changing sold through to shipped. As we also just found out that Xbox has sold 19 million compared to Sony's 36 million through that same earnings call lifespan on consoles to date.

Rafterman, here are my tips of the day since you seem to be the new internet dumbass of the forum.

1) Analysts are in the back pocket of EA press to increase stock futures.
2) You are a moron for believing ANY analyst of any industry much less the games industry.
3) You have the game industry intelligence of my Jack Russel Terrier.
4) Go wipe your ass.


Useless lazy bastard.
I think I put in 4 hours into this game before giving up. Has the rediculous "spawn camping vehicles-etc." been adressed?


FPS noob
nope, afaik all the vehicle (including AT AT gunner seats) are all fixed spawns still. can avoid it just by playing blast and other modes without vehicles ofc. The Heroes game modes are fun

awesome that the new Alliance hero is Lando Calrissian, lol at the imperial hero being some random bounty hunter (?) with a towel on his head


Blackwing Lair Raider
It is dengar! Still not one of the more impressive of the bounty hunters seen should have been bosk or IG-88. That said the first DLC did not do anything for me but bespin actually looks like it could be interesting enough to pick up. Walker assault on the surface of a cloud city looks pretty crazy.


FPS noob
Bespin DLC is out, played a few games tonight. New maps are absolutely BEAUTIFUL, so far I've played on Cloud City surface which is very cool, lots of buildings you can run into and nice little details like museums and bars and stuff. Map is quite large and all seem to be 2-3 levels, 40 player Walker Assault on Cloud City is the tits. The processing chamber where Solo gets frozen is also a map and crazy with the new game mode (3 point attack then extraction defend for 5 mins), just absolute mayhem. No clue whats a good loadout so I feel kinda gimped still playing with the shit I had at launch, but so far really enjoying it.

Death Star is the next DLC in the fall, I can just imagine some great levels in there too and maybe they'll finally bring in Chewie as a hero.

Pretty disappointed though on the first game page there is a "get the ultimate pack for $19.99", which I guess unlocks a bunch of weapons and cards without having to grind them out. Expected from EA, but disappointing.