Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Which of JJ Abrams' movies have met your expectations?
Super 8.


But I also grew up with a friend that made amateur films throughout elementary/middle/high school.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Unless you're a Trekkie I don't see how another Abrams movie would have really had "expectations" like there are for this. As a non Trekkie I thought that first ST movie was good enough that I'm not terrified of what he's going to do with SW. Didn't see the second one.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Both of the newest 'Trek movies were garbage. Non Trekkie here.
I'll probably see this opening day. But having a failed director lead the helm has me nervous and I usually don't like going into a movie in a bad mood.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I'm willing to go with "very good" at least as my expectations. Would not be surprised one bit if this becomes a close second to Empire from what I have heard from people close to the movie (admittedly, not super close to it...)


Musty Nester
It's gonna be better than the prequels. Not because it has to be, it -could- be just as bad as the prequels. Judging on the trailers it will be better.

It could be better than New Hope. New Hope is a good movie obviously and an iconic one, but if you watch it -- it could be better. Compare that to Raiders or Last Crusade, also iconic movies. I don't think Raiders or Crusade could be better. It might approach Empire, but that's a tall order.

I expect somewhere around New Hope (minus the iconic character) in quality. It has to be at least that good. If it is, I believe it will be a success by any artistic metric. That's the bar though. Strip away all the legend from New Hope -- watch it as if it were just another sci-fi movie... it has to be at least that good. Good acting, good sets, approachable characters, good effects, an engaging yet somewhat simplistic story... that shouldn't be too hard for Disney to pull off.

New Hope wasn't bad, either.


Trakanon Raider
It will be hard to top Empire's emotional impact simply because the characters are new, unless we end up seeing one of them die. From a story point of view, Prequels suck, and only the emperor storyline in ROTJ was of interest, the rest was rehashed and no ground battle will beat Hoth.

I think it will be very good but I will have to make sure my star wars fandom doesnt blind me like the first time I saw TPM.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm seeing it here in Hollywood at El Capitan, on their beautiful screen. My only concern is that it will lack depth and/or heart. I'm not worried about it being bad. I'm just thinking about how JJ did the most recent Trek movies. I am a Trekkie, and while I liked the movies for what they were, they were not Trek movies. They were action/sci-fi flicks. As much as you could say that fits perfectly for Star Wars, there is a lot of richness there too. It might not have the same family vibe that the different Trek series attain with their crews, but it's still there. The recent Trek movies had none of that, and that's what I'm worried this could be. All flash, no substance. I need the philosophical/explorer side too.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
My only concern is that it will lack depth and/or heart.
you've got to be fucking kidding me dude. Every single trailer has emphasized that this movie is all heart. If you haven't teared up during 50% of the full trailers then you haven't been paying attention. JJ gets this.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Ya, every line Han has delivered did nothing. Needs more Jar Jar probably right?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thread needs a poll to guess if the movie will be great, meh, or a total piece of shit.
I really really REALLY want the movie to be fucking great but i am a very skeptical person.....better than the prequels of course (not very hard i must say).
Even if it disappoints, it will never be at the same level as TPM.

Oh and i have seen the despecialized edition and noticed a kinda odd thing: in the first movie, they all pronounce carrie fisher's character as Leea, but in ESB and ROTJ, they say Laya (like i always say). Wtf?!!!

As non trekkie, i find star trek so fucking boring. JJ movies are way better but the 2nd was like.....meh

Zignor 3_sl

I think Abrams is much better suited to Star Wars than to Star Trek. I liked his first Star Trek movie well enough, but the second one, not so much. It would have been better if they didn't attempt to use a villain that was done 100x better in 1982. In any case, neither were great Star Trek movies.

He admitted that he was not a Star Trek fan before he began working on the movies, and knew almost nothing about it, which translated into the spirit of what Star Trek is being almost completely absent from the films. Conversely, he grew up with Star Wars, and his style of direction is certainly better suited to it.

I expect that the movie will be mostly great. It'll almost certainly cleanse away some of the prequel filth from the overall franchise, but I'm not expecting it to be the completely mind-blowing return to form for Star Wars that some are expecting. I'll be happy to be wrong on that count. If I'm worried about anything, it's that I'm so far unconvinced about Rey being an adequately compelling protagonist, and I'm a bit concerned that they went overboard with the goofy roller droid beeping and squawking and clanking around all over the place lol how funny let's sell more toys! You're not going to out-R2 R2, so why bother? I hope JJ learned his lesson from Khan. Not even Benedict Crumblersnatch could save that character.