Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Going to go see it 4 or 5 more times. Shit was awesome.

Feel bad for the dude who sat next time because I came all over him after Satele shan 2.0 picked up the Sabre.


<Silver Donator>
Saw it in imax this morning. I really liked it. It wasn't mind-blowing or anything, but I was entertained for the entire movie. My biggest complaint is that I was expecting the musical score to be much better than it was. I give it an 8.5/10. I'll probably go see it a couple more times.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Coming from an avid EU reader, I give it a 7/10.

Overall I though the movie was great, besides the end light saber battle. It's absolutely stupid that you can give someone a light saber with minutes worth of training on it and put him toe to toe against someone who has years of training on it and come out as the victor. DUMB DUMB DUMB, simple as that. Forget the fact that the girl is probably going to be some Jedi bad ass Skywalker daughter, even dumb ass Fin held his own for a few minutes. Then on top of all that, you just made the villain look like a total bitch. You can't take him seriously anymore, and they essentially killed him as anything meaningful. He's like Anakin 2.0, whining bitch who can't handle himself and throws temper tantrums, and now he even looks like a bitch.

I also felt like there was a bit forced comedy that we could do without.

Then finally, the trailers made this movie so predictable.

Perhaps Snoke is an ancient sith lord, he reminds me a lot of Naga Sadow. He was a master of illusion, projecting himself in different places, much like this guy does, and he also used a weapon that sucked the energy from star and used it as a weapon.

Hopefully some good novels will fill in a lot of information until VIII is released.


It's not a TV show, it's not even a multiple movie shot at a single time and released every year like LOTR/Hobbit/Matrix. At a certain point it has to stand on it's own. They'll probably explain it in the next movie 2 years from now doesn't excuse the problems it has now.

Not that I think it doesn't stand on it's own, I think it does a decent job of that. I just think using the excuse that next movies will make this one better is crap.

Kylo, Rey and Finn stuff.
It's easily explainable. Kylo is a terrible Sith/Jedi, he's conflicted, he's confused, he's not at all one with the force. Him being hurt let Finn survive longer than he would have normally, and Rey probably had training and seems to just be better than him at everything. The explanations make sense, they just don't make the final scenes any better. They neutered their bad guy and it ruined the big final fight of the movie.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Oh another good thing :
finally, no more of that "you're bad, you must have darth on your id" crap.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Just came back from a 4D showing. Really added to the movie, caused my friend to spill his popcorn all over the floor at one point during a space battle.

Overall I came out feeling kinda eh about it. Going to agree with good characters, bad/safe plot. Also Ren needs to keep his god damn helmet on in the next episode.


All this 5 minutes of training bitching will be interesting to look at after Ep. 8 when it is revealed she was training under Luke and had her memories repressed


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Not to mention they practically beat you over the head with her being already fairly capable of defending herself physically because of her time surviving on Jakku by herself. Two guys grab her to take the droid and she beats the piss out of them with her bare hands basically. And if you think storm troopers don't have some basic melee combat training, well, that's dumb too. If anything, Kylo Ren was the least experienced in actual surviving and fighting


Trakanon Raider
Just came back from a 4D showing. Really added to the movie, caused my friend to spill his popcorn all over the floor at one point during a space battle.

Overall I came out feeling kinda eh about it. Going to agree with good characters, bad/safe plot. Also Ren needs to keep his god damn helmet on in the next episode.
Yeah, don't get that at all. Why the fuck is he wearing a helmet at all if he doesn't need to? Is he Daft Punk?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Saw it this morning, thought it was OK. Strangely enough I felt like it had too much action if that makes sense, made the movie feel rushed as others have said. It really just didn't blow me away and I even went in with muted expectations I felt like.

Regarding Rey being trained and then sent away, I don't really buy that theory... in her flashback/memory scene it looked like she was about 5 years old. I'm not holding out hope that her and Kylo are brother/sister either because Leia and Han were so open about Kylo being their son, why would they keep hiding the fact that she is their daughter if it's the case?

Agree about the forced comedy, but it makes sense since Fin is going to basically be Han 2.0 now. I was really hoping that Luke was going to show up and save Rey but... whatever. If she ends up being the Jedi Messiah, aka Luke 2.0, then it makes some sense that she has this natural ability... especially if Kylo is just a glorified Apprentice Level 3 or whatever and not Darth Vader 2.0 (yet). When you look at it that way I thought the character was played perfectly...


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not to mention they practically beat you over the head with her being already fairly capable of defending herself physically because of her time surviving on Jakku by herself. Two guys grab her to take the droid and she beats the piss out of them with her bare hands basically. And if you think storm troopers don't have some basic melee combat training, well, that's dumb too. If anything, Kylo Ren was the least experienced in actual surviving and fighting
she had some "combat" experience. Kylo just went full berserk without thinking what the hell was he going to there


Silver Squire
4/10 for me. Big P, you have a very similar opinion of the movie as I do. I think there is a 'problem' in Hollywood in that they reshoot the same spaghetti Western 6-8 times a year whether its James Bond, Star Wars or Marvel comic movies. They all just blend together like top 40 pop.

Kylo Ren better turn into Darth Maul in the second. Honestly, how he kills Solo, fuck, that was so heavy handed and flat. You could have set Ren up with a choice, kill Solo or capture Luke's kid, but noooo. Also, the actor that plays Ren looks like Max Landis.


The Big Mod
You're looking at it like this is a one-and-done movie dude. Read what I just posted.
You're looking at it like this is a one-and-done movie dude. Read what I just posted.
read it, it's bullshit. like i said, there is no explanation to justify it. if Kylo was that weak, then why the fuck is the head of the empire? why would Snoke have any interest in him? retarded. even if the bitch is Luke's son, they are both the grandchildren of Vader, they should both be supremely powerful, and the fact that Kylo is much more in touch with his powers and much more practiced with a light saber at that point he should have killed both scrubs with no trouble at all. it's a fucking joke.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm actually ok with Ren being a bit of a bitch in this one, fits the character, he is untrained and other than whatever he did to the other jedi students probably hasn't had to face another force user so has an inflated sense of his power. It leaves him open to grow and compete with rey. Also I think it is a bit off to call him the villan, at this point he seems more a pawn who based on the mythology could go either way and snores is the villan.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
In regards to power levels
Clone troopers > 7 stormtroopers > 4-6 troopers and Vader > experienced Clone War padawans > Kylo > Rebels inquisitors. There's no way Kylo was anywhere close to Anakin/Vader level so a naturally talented apprentice with training (which we expect Rey to be) should be able to match him, especially given his injury.


<Bronze Donator>
Regarding Kylo:

Have a feeling that Kylo won't be the "end all be all" of villains throughout the trilogy. A main character, sure, obviously. But the absolute avatar of evil, no. Obviously I look forward to Episode VIII going further into detail about what maybe has happened with the Sith & on Luke's front. Where the real badass-ness lives in the universe. I also have no issue with Finn standing ground with Kylo, I mean they are clearly giving power to the "everyday man" character. It still ended poorly for him in some fashion.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Regarding Kylo:

Have a feeling that Kylo won't be the "end all be all" of villains throughout the trilogy. A main character, sure, obviously. But the absolute avatar of evil, no. Obviously I look forward to Episode VIII going further into detail about what maybe has happened with the Sith & on Luke's front. Where the real badass-ness lives in the universe. I also have no issue with Finn standing ground with Kylo, I mean they are clearly giving power to the "everyday man" character. It still ended poorly for him in some fashion.
They are setting it up for him to turn back to the light side sooner rather than later I feel like... and by that I mean before the last 15 minutes of his life


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Hypothetical on Episode 8/9 based on prior movies.. 8 will feature ground based action with walkers, troops, and another stalemate lightsaber fight while 9 will have the big space battle swapping back and forth to Jedi vs Sith going all-in.


Molten Core Raider
Saw it this morning and loved it. It made me feel like a kid again. Already booked to go see it again on Sunday with some friends.

I actually thought they did a good job of painting Kylo Ren as a weak/untrained guy who isn't fully in charge of his powers. He frequently lost control of his temper and he didn't seem to I still fear in the leaders of the first order like Vader did. I liked the way his light sabre seemed so unpolished when clashing with Reys/Luke's - Rey's was pure and smooth while his seemed unfinished and rough round the edges, similar to its owner. The mention at the end by Snoke that Ren needed to come in and complete the next stage of his training helped me process him as a character too. After being nervous about 'the guy from Girls' in Star Wars I walked out feeling like he did a great job at portraying an anxious, emotional, conflicted young villain. If only Anakin had been that good.


Potato del Grande
Saw it. Yes, you can nitpick at details, but it was a great Star Wars movie. I went in spoiler free, and enjoyed it. Looking forward to seeing how it develops.