Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


The Big Mod
Why do we think Kylo is super mega powerful? He stopped a blaster bolt. Thats all. Maybe that's all he's good at. Maybe that's why his turn to the Dark side was easy. He wants to intimidate and impress because maybe he's weak in combat. Clearly he wants to be his Grandfather but wouldn't even make the rank of Knight if he was a Jedi. Hux isn't scared by him. In fact he throws Kylo under the bus standing right next to him while talking to Snoke. Phasma doesn't seem too worried about him. Just the trooper level soldiers are scared.
because he's Vader's grandson and if he wasn't the new Sith Daddy would have no use for him.


Murder Apologist
That's IF Rey is Luke's daughter instead of just an extraordinarily gifted youngling. The fact that Kylo saves her (and kills a knight of ren while saving her) does tend to suggest a closer link between them than just compassion for a gifted padawan.

Thing is, if Rey is Luke's daughter then her mother is a really convenient hinge forEVERYTHINGthat goes wrong with Luke's New Jedi. This is something that has come up a lot earlier in the thread---that whole line of thinking would wrap it all up way too simply.

If Luke's lover/Rey's mom turns out to be a Mara-Jade-type force-sensitive woman that Luke trains---then her betrayal or death or some kind of frailty on her part that forces Luke to an impossible choice would be too predictable.


Vyemm Raider
I felt Rey had a connection with Han that seemed a little more prominent than just adventure buddies. I would not mind the Han/leia twin thing they did in the EU, but how would Han and Leia not know about a 2nd kid? Would not mind if they introduce Mara-jade (or that type) and Han knocks her up and now Rey and Kylo are half bother and sister.

The whole job offering on the MF thing reeks of something more, perhaps it was just foreshadowing that she will now be the Captain of the MF?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You mean it would wrap it all up too well in a way that makes sense and isn't a stupid twist?

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Another odd thing; why did Han freak out on Finn for calling him Solo, when every thug in Star Wars since... ever.. calls him Solo?


Avatar of War Slayer
So there are tons of news stories etc about the movie and they are using random pics etc.... did I miss the snow trooper and kylo parts or something lol


Tranny Chaser
I didn't notice it during the movie but it looks like Luke was standing at a headstone during the closing scene.

He's taking a piss. Half in the bag!

Zignor 3_sl

Another odd thing; why did Han freak out on Finn for calling him Solo, when every thug in Star Wars since... ever.. calls him Solo?
Perhaps because he likes Finn and doesn't consider him a thug? All his friends call him Han in the films.

This shit isn't difficult to figure out. Fuck.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hope episode 8 is most about finn and poe vs phasma. I want more character development and screen time from them.
In the meantime, we see rey being trained by luke, and in the end, just kylo fucking everything up, killing Leia for example so that his training to the dark side is complete.


Vyemm Raider
Hope episode 8 is most about finn and poe vs phasma. I want more character development and screen time from them.
In the meantime, we see rey being trained by luke, and in the end, maybe a rey vs kylo fight or just kylo fucking everything up, killing Leia for example.
I don't disagree with this, however we both know you will still hate it if done this way.


Rofl, I knew the blackies would find something to complain about. Droid, Please... ;}

There was something said in "Star Wars 7" that I was actually offended by as a Black male. And hopefully you have come to know me as someone who doesn't holler "RACISM!" and run to play the "race card" every ten minutes.
The line that was said by no means could even come close to being a spoiler as it's only two simple words--but if you chose not to see those words, don't read further.
The words spoken by the young Black actor in the movie were -- "Droid please!". And, yes, he was speaking to a droid.
Typically when the word "please" is following a proper noun--and spoken by a member of the Black race in an urban slang manner, that proper noun is very often "Wakandan". Actually, with the exception of "bitch", I don't think I've heard it said any other way.


Vyemm Raider
And by "blackies" you mean the one specific author of the quote you did not source ?

How is this terribly different than most of the white nerds on this forum nitpicking and getting all rustled over other small things that do not matter.

Man I am starting to feel like moonbat today...


Murder Apologist
You should get that looked at. It seems like it's impairing your enjoyment of this thread.


Murder Apologist
Not you. Lando is patriot and a hero.

Although Lando is apparently "problematic" because he's a bootstrapping capitalist entrepreneur with assimilationist tendencies.

As we speak they're prolly rounding up hundreds of alien women that they can convince into coming forward with fabricated stories along the lines of"General Calrissian DRUGGED AND RAPED me on Bespin".